by Sarah | Jun 10, 2014 | 500k, Books, Challenge, Changing Tracks, Dark Territory, Derailed, Escaping Humanity, Goals, Holiday, The Tribe, Writing
It’s been a while since I checked in on the 2014 forecast for me and my writing. I meant this as a monthly check-in type of deal and thought maybe I should get back on that. So, months after my last update, let’s see where I am.
So first, the overall goals I’d set – with where I am now.
- I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2014. (258,159 C as of 6/8/14 9:53PM)
- I will finish books 4 & 5 of the Dominion Falls series and submit by February 8th – I did submit on 2/17/14 & both books were accepted/contracted. Releases in August’14 and January’15.
- I will fine-tune and perfect Leap (Hidden Senses #.5) for publication. It goes to my editor on July 1st, then to the proofreader.
- I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. I am not doing enough with this. Need to get out more.
- I will find focus (see below), and figure out how to USE it. I am working on this. Some days I do great, others not so much. Call me a work in progress.
And for my list of projects. Items in RED are done. Items in ORANGE are in progress (or progress notes). Items in BLUE are new. Some of the new items are in blue with the progress I’ve made in orange.
- Runaway Train (Dominion Falls 5) – 113k
- Stalled Independence (Lake Point #3) – 35k
- Katherine’s Story (Dominion Falls Prequel) – 48k – Named finally. Independent Brake
- Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
- Witch Way (Lake Point #4) – 30k (1k done)
- A Thorough Thanksgiving (Lake Point #5) – 30k
- The Tribe (The Tribe #1) – 85k
- The Wolf (The Tribe #2) – 85k (24395 done)
- Natural Selection – 40k (6921 done)
- Hybrid – unknown…going to do as “Chapters” not full length novel.
- The Dead Past (Dominion Falls 6-temporary name) – 100k
- The Chief (The Tribe #3) – 85k
- The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k
- Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (22k done)
I’m quite certain at this point that I’m forgetting something. I do know that not on the list, but completed is setting an editing schedule with my editor. I’ve also come up with an idea for a new series, but it has to go on hold while I work my way through that crazy list up there.
Overall, I’m happy with my progress. Despite some crazy real life stuff and my typical propensity for distraction, I’ve almost reached the halfway point on my insane 600k goal. I have plenty of stories that are in progress or just need editing. I have ideas ready for next years holidays series, and my brain has not imploded yet. So yay me. 🙂
Seriously, though. I expect items to be added to my list now that I’ve managed to check a few off. First, I need to finish Witch Way, The Wolf, & The Chief before I can seriously contemplate what to add to the list. Once I read the “There’s more red than black/orange” point, I know I have to start thinking toward the future.
So one last goal right now is to adjust and add to all my goals next month, and get The Wolf and Witch Way completed.
(P.S. Having that editing schedule set means a crap ton of books this year, people…seriously, it’s cah-razy).
by Sarah | Jun 8, 2014 | Books, Tuesday Tales, Writing
Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This weeks prompt is to be inspired by this picture. The hardest part about picture prompts is always the 300 word limit. I did have another post all ready to go, but it was 1200 words and that would have gotten me in trouble 😉
This week I return to that historical paranormal I was working on a while back, Natural Selection. In our last segment some months back, Leilyn told Dell he’d better figure out what she meant after she’d berated him for allowing is father to use her as a pawn to draw in her pack–especially when Dell has a way to wipe away her old pack’s claim.
Now we join them again…and let’s see how Dell is coping with this:
Leilyn lay in the field behind Olive’s home. In twelve hours her ‘uncle’ would be there with the pack, no doubt ready for attack. The field around her sat oddly silent, not filled with children playing as it had been in the days since she’d arrived.
In the sky above her the first curling mass of storm clouds began to twist and turn in chaotic, senseless dips and turns. The sensation was oddly similar to her current emotional state.
While her head and perhaps a base instinct told her she was where she belonged, the itching burn on her ankle tugged her in another direction. Plus, she hadn’t been treated poorly all her life, she’d been treated with care and almost esteem. It wasn’t until her uncle tried to force an unnatural mating that she’d run.
Now, there was Dell.
He stirred within her a base instinct. One she’d been kept from acting on. One that drew her to him. One that told her he approached.
She smiled and closed her eyes, wondering what he’d attempt this time. For the past day he’d been attempting to woo her like a school girl. Flowers and treats, small tokens meant to show affection.
“Afternoon, Dell.” She opened her eyes.
He quirked a brow, but said nothing.
“What have you brought me this time?”
“Nothing.” Perhaps he was finally getting the point. Still, though she waited several minutes, he didn’t move an inch.
With a sigh, she propped herself on her elbows and turned her gaze away. Right when she was ready to tease his lack of imagination, he dropped to his knees behind her and grabbed her shoulders.
His nose brushed along her bare neck, and he sighed out a growl. “Duty keeps me from claiming you. Not ineptitude.”
“Duty is overrated.”
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!

by Sarah | Jun 7, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

This will be my last week with Michaela and Tag. I adore them, and clearly you all do as well…but it’s time to share other stories with you…such a shame because we’re just at the meat of the story…but you know what they say – leave ’em wanting more, right?
In this 8, Michaela finally let her new assistant manager run the store for a night. He did really well, and she’d just admitted as much, adding in a hint of praise. This is his reaction:
With every word he’d brightened more, until a beaming smile warmed over half the doubts right out of her cold heart, “So do I get a passing grade?”
She chuckled and shook her head, “This isn’t school.”
“Too bad.”
“What? Why?”
“Because then I could start singing ‘Hot for Teacher’.”
“Oh my God,” She buried her face in her hands, the tingling burn of a blush creeping up from head to toe. “Owen!”
*A little creative editing involved to make the 8.
If you want more of these wonderful two…pick up a copy! It doesn’t have to be Valentine’s Day to enjoy this May/December romance…It’s plenty hot enough for summer. 😀
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Jun 1, 2014 | Books, The Tribe, Tuesday Tales, Writing
Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This weeks prompt is to be inspired by the word Bottom.
I had intended on returning to Natural Selection for this week, but then as I was writing the next installment of The Tribe series – The Wolf, bottom naturally appeared. I figured I might as well get it down while the getting was good. 🙂
To set the scene, it’s been six very long years since Kane and Velli have seen each other. Torturous in many ways for both of them, but Kane finally found her. She fought him tooth and nail the night before, causing many bruises when Kane tried to keep her still, but there are others that were not by his hand. When she finally slept, Kane relaxed, hoping he might break through her resistance to help.
Kane’s offer to help is in more ways than one. He is a Shifter, and he has Healing magic. His own body heals easily…but he can also heal minor injuries in others, and he wants to heal her wounds…both the obvious ones, and the ones in her soul. She is his mate, although she has yet to believe him when he says so:
Velli stirred in his arms, her soft whimper as she sat up drew his attention away from his dark musings. In an effort to keep her calm, Kane shut his eyes as if he slept to allow her to do what she felt she needed to. He’d only react if she tried to attack or escape.
Once she’d stood and crossed the room, he opened his eyes a crack to keep an eye on her. There were bruises on her wrists from their struggle the night before, and his Healing magic told him there were more.
She had fought tooth and nail against him, but knowing her fight had caused them didn’t lessen his guilt over the injuries. He would make amends and Heal them. Then maybe, just maybe, she’d be calm enough to let him talk.
Once she disappeared behind the bathroom door, he sat. He exhaled a long breath and scrubbed his hand over his face. This would not be an easy day, and to make matters worse he’d found her the day before a full moon. The fates were conspiring against him, for the full moon meant pain for them both, and would add to Velli’s crankiness.
The shower turned on, the drumming of droplets on the tub’s bottom thumped in his ears. A few seconds later he knew she stepped in by the change in sound. Maybe he’d make coffee, have it ready for her when she got out. Perhaps over neutral territory like coffee they could get everything started.
A deep sob broke through the steady patter of water. Kane flew to his feet. Maybe he’d imagined it. No, there was another one. She was crying now, he knew it, and trying to hide behind the sounds of the shower.
His heart wrenched. For far too long he’d been away from her, unable to aid her suffering. He wouldn’t let her grieve alone when he was right there. Even if he might be the cause of her tears, or because he probably was the reason. No matter the why’s, he wouldn’t stand by.
On the way to the bathroom, he stripped down with an easy grace. Modern belief held that Native’s were modest about their bodies, and most were. That was a behavior and belief system instilled in the known tribes when they broke off from the core magical Tribe they’d been created out of, and became mostly human. The core Tribe held the balance of Shifters.
To protect what they were, the Tribe made sure all descendant natives became modest, so the Shifters that couldn’t afford to be modest would be safer. It is hard to believe a culture that is naturally modest would so easily shed clothes to Shift, after all.
At the bathroom door Kane hesitated. He took a moment to brace himself against whatever attack she’d launch before he entered.
When the door opened there was no reaction from the shower. Her soft sobs echoed out from behind the curtain. He pushed aside the barrier between them, doing his best to not flinch when her shriek echoed through the enclosed space.
“Vels.” His heart ached to have her shrink back from him. Still, he didn’t hesitate to step into the shower. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Go away.” She turned her back on him, but didn’t run away or attack. Was that really good, or terrible? What was it Lily had once said about her? Velli is volatile.
She certainly was. Kane stepped closer, the water hit his feet in rapid beats now. “Let me help you. Just this once.”
“Why? So you can betray me again? Go away.”
He touched her shoulder before pulling on it gently. Once she’d turned to face him, he brushed some tears from her cheek. With a sigh, he pulled her close and relaxed when she didn’t fight him. He closed his eyes and rested his cheek on the top of her head when she rested her forehead on his chest and let out another gut-wrenching sob.
“It’s not your fault,” she spoke through hiccups. “I was marked for this long before you. You just made it worse.”
“Well I’m here to make it better.”
“You can’t. Nobody can.”
“I’m a Healer. I can make anything better.”
“It’s too late for me.”
“It’s never too late.”
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!

by Sarah | May 31, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

So Michaela and the young Tag have found common ground. Is that enough for the two of them?
In this 8, Tag is working on the Nova he spoke of…when Michaela shows up:
“You’ll never manage it that way.” Michaela’s voice shocked both men into jumping.
Tools clanged against cement, and Tag jumped so high, he hit his forehead on the bolt, in the exact spot the wrench had clocked him minutes ago. “Ow, damn it. Son of a—”
Michaela giggled, a foreign sound to Tag’s ears, but so welcome it almost overrode his pain. Almost. “Didn’t mean to scare you guys, I thought you heard me walking in.”
*No creative editing for a change this week.
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | May 19, 2014 | Books, Changing Tracks, Tuesday Tales, Writing
Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This weeks prompt is to be inspired by this picture.
Goodness I’m running behind this week, and I’m sorry. Life was rather up and down and all around…and a sick kid at home today wasn’t very inspirational to writing. Anyhow…my prompt is rather inspired by this picture as I’m still in Kat’s story and a historical western would not have a mailbox or an electric lightbulb…I’m sort of bare-bones on the details…but anyhow. After a couple of months back in Dominion Falls, Kat has spent her time having fun with Cole, but as that devolves from pure sex into friendship, she has rather upped her pursuit of the older Norman…but today he has a surprise for her:
They hadn’t gone quite a quarter of a mile before the small homestead came into view. She remembered the homestead being half-finished, devoid of life, before she’d left Dominion Falls. She couldn’t even remember who’d been building it, but she had noticed when she moved back that it had come to life, although it still seemed to be without an occupant.
Someone had finished the home finally, and painted it a cheery yellow. Though the homestead was empty, chairs perched on the small porch, just waiting for occupants.
Much to Kat’s surprise, Norman slowed to a stop in front of the small home.
“I was buildin’ it for Betsy, then she up and died.”
She gasped and eyed the house. “I’d forgotten it was yours. You left it to rot after she passed. When I left there was no porch or windows. Did someone buy it?”
“Nah. Lots of promises I didn’t keep. Few years ago I figured I’d finish one promise and fixed it up real nice. Thought I might sell it, but ain’t been able to let it go.”
“Understandable. I’m sure Elizabeth would have loved it. I remember she wore yellow all the time.”
“Was her favorite color. But she’s gone now. It’s time to let go, I s’pose.”
“Only you can know if it’s time.”
“Thought maybe you’d wanna live here so’s you can get outta Cora’s place, I mean.”
“What?” Kat dropped her hand from his arm and took a step back.
“I’d rent it to ya, if ya want. If not, I’ll probably sell it.”
“I couldn’t live in Betsy’s house. It’s a lovely gesture, and I appreciate the kindness, but it wouldn’t be right, me living there what with you ready to move on…”
“I reckon I am. Been nine years, after all.”
Hope you enjoyed it! Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!
