More Than a Name ~ #MFRWHooks

SantaMaybe_MEDReady for another Book Hook?

Last week Alan had met Justina’s daughter, and jumped to a conclusion about here. Today Ivy clears things up a little, and chastises him for making such an awful assumption about her:

“How could you?”

He really thought she’d keep his own child from him? Really? She slapped him hard. “Get your head out of your ass. I’m not a total bitch. How dare you accuse me of keeping a child from you! Did you not hear her name? Justina. As in Justin—the man I was dating last time we saw each other.”

“She’s seven.”

“She isn’t yours.”


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Alan Richards returns to Lake Point for the holidays, counting the minutes until he can accomplish the dreaded goal of dealing with his aging parents and get back to the city. Finding his former soul mate living in the town they left together and swore they’d never return to tosses his ordered plans right on their head.

Ivy Nowell has never looked back since she left the city and her ballet career to raise her daughter in Lake Point. Alan’s homecoming dredges up old hurts and the love she never quite let go, but he hasn’t changed, with his relentless commitment to goals that differ completely from hers.

The attraction and instant understanding between them lingers, but neither are who they used to be. Alan wants to give it a chance, but Ivy is worried he’ll change his mind and won’t risk hurting her daughter.

It’ll take Santa and all his magic to keep them from walking away from each other again, maybe for forever this time.


MFRW Book Hooks are a chance for authors to share their work and get you intrigued. See more great hooks here:

MFRW Authors Blog


Tuesday Tales – Into a Mirror Darkly

mirrorWelcome back to Tuesday Tales!  This weeks prompt is to be inspired by  that picture.

I interpreted the image as a mirror…and although it doesn’t match the mirror I have in my head for my Urban Fantasy/Fractured Fairy Tale/Steampunk story “Into a Mirror Darkly”, I used it for that anyhow.

Red (aka Red Riding Hood/Rose Red) is my badass bounty hunter.  Solange is not the fairy tale character you’d expect her to be…she is Beauty, i.e. Solange LaBelle. And this moment happens…oh, mid-story. This is a tale I have been working on on-and-off for a little over a year. I want it to be right & have my full attention so I’ve not been able to focus on it yet. I have two (smaller) stories to finish and send off for edits, then this baby is coming out to shine again:

It couldn’t be. The Crone had seen to the destruction of nearly all the mirrors in Morgana years ago. So far as Red knew only bits and shards still existed across the lands. While she herself had shards on her person, she’d not seen a full, true mirror in many years. Not since Morgana became a virtual wasteland.

“I found it in the dungeons.” Solange spoke in a hushed voice, and in an eerie tableau the scarred half of her body lingered in shadow. Light from her lantern shimmered and reflected off the mirror. In the half-light her good eye glowed almost as white as her dead eye. “I don’t know what the beast used it for, but in the few glimpses I’ve got it almost seems like you could spy on others with it.”

“It carries a lot of power.” Red drew closer, but avoided touching the reflective pane. Gran had taught her well enough to know to avoid strange mirrors. The magic was untrustworthy if it hadn’t your energy within. Red circled to face the mirror dead on.

In the reflection she noticed Cassandra, Solange’s golden clockwork cat. The infernal creation affected a false purr, the rolling links of its tail curling back in forth in a steady motion along the dirt floor of the dungeon.

Red hazarded a glance toward Solange. Unease rippled through Red’s belly and she set a hand on the dagger at her side. A movement in the mirror drew her eyes back. A shadow passed just on the other side of the glass, she was certain of it.

Solange flicked her hand.

The cat leaped, and while Red reacted quick enough to defend herself, Cassandra managed to throw her off-balance. Red tumbled toward the mirror, and the world swirled around her as she fell down, down, down …


Hope you enjoyed it!  Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!


Sunday Snippets 27 – Deep-Fried Sweethearts

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


Tag is still discussing his possible job at The Midway with his aunt Myrtle. He admits that Michaela seemed skeptical about giving him the job. Myrtle teases him and says all he has to do is charm her, he’s good at that.:

“I’d rather get hired because I can do the job, not because I can charm someone.” Although he didn’t imagine with Michaela it would take much-he could still picture her deep red blush that had so easily filled her cheeks and seeped down her elegant neck.

His aunt was right; he was in a heap of trouble.

The doors to the kitchen swung open with a bang when Myrtle walked back into the kitchen. “Just remember to dress right and shave that scruff off your face,” she yelled over her shoulder.

“I like my scruff.”

“Fine, be a ragamuffin,” she hollered from the back.

He laughed and finished off his drink-after a moment he brushed his fingers along his chin and wondered if Michaela liked the scruff, “Yeah, I’m in a heap of trouble.”

*Creative editing used to fit this into the 8


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Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway.  Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.

Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.

Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.

Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!

How Dare He? ~ #MFRWHooks

SantaMaybe_MEDReady for another Book Hook?

Since you all enjoyed my reunion/Christmas story intro last week, I’m going to stick with it. Remember as you read, Ivy and Alan last saw each other (and slept together) 8 years ago. There is more to this scene, to be shown in the coming weeks…but I’m sure you can guess what conclusions are being leapt to here:

“So you let me be the bad guy all these years when I didn’t even know?” He stepped into her path with a frown. “Real convenient for you.”

“Real presumptuous of you, don’t you think?” Even if she understood the assumption, she didn’t like to think that he, of all people, would think her capable of such a thing. “You’ve known me for years and you just assume I would do that?”

“We haven’t known each other for years. You just said so yourself.”

She bristled and straightened her spine. “Assume whatever you want, you jackass.”

“How could you?”

He really thought she’d keep his own child from him? Really? She slapped him hard. “Get your head out of your ass. I’m not a total bitch. How dare you accuse me of keeping a child from you! Did you not hear her name? Justina. As in Justin—the man I was dating last time we saw each other.”


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Alan Richards returns to Lake Point for the holidays, counting the minutes until he can accomplish the dreaded goal of dealing with his aging parents and get back to the city. Finding his former soul mate living in the town they left together and swore they’d never return to tosses his ordered plans right on their head.

Ivy Nowell has never looked back since she left the city and her ballet career to raise her daughter in Lake Point. Alan’s homecoming dredges up old hurts and the love she never quite let go, but he hasn’t changed, with his relentless commitment to goals that differ completely from hers.

The attraction and instant understanding between them lingers, but neither are who they used to be. Alan wants to give it a chance, but Ivy is worried he’ll change his mind and won’t risk hurting her daughter.

It’ll take Santa and all his magic to keep them from walking away from each other again, maybe for forever this time.


MFRW Book Hooks are a chance for authors to share their work and get you intrigued. See more great hooks here:

MFRW Authors Blog


Tuesday Tales – Nudge

KatWelcome back to Tuesday Tales!  This weeks prompt is Nudge.

Oops. I had every single intention of continuing Natural Selection for you folks, but I sort of unintentionally wrote the prompt somewhere else first. Rather than interrupt my forward progress on what will be a (lowcost/freebie) story starter, I figured I’d roll with it.

So this is part of Kat’s as-yet untitled story.  Kat is a character from my Dominion Falls series with an interesting back story of her own.  This section is the beginning of Part 2 of her story. Part was was titled “Runaway” – Part 2 is titled “Awakening. In this part, Katherine ran away three years ago, but after her runaway did nothing intentionally to draw attention to herself. She went from one life of propriety into another. Fear and guilt kept her initial rebellion quelled.

Until her eighteenth birthday, where the fire inside is reawakened when she’s forced by contract to find her own way. She begins to plot a way to find her own way, and who to use to do just that:

Katherine leaned on her hand and sighed. Rather than run the numbers she’d been handed, she stared at the door as if it would make something happen.

“Psst.” Melanie nudged Katherine in the side. “There he is again. Like clockwork.”

Katherine straightened in her seat as the gentleman Melanie pointed at removed his hat and scanned the bay of windows. The particular bank Katherine worked in employed all women to handle the everyday transactions, while the men handled the larger business of the bank.

All rumor indicated that Mr. Patrick Warner came to this bank religiously for that reason alone. Rumor also said he’d wooed, corrupted, and then broke the heart of every woman that dared to catch his eye.

Katherine didn’t pull her gaze away when he glanced her direction, as she had for the past two weeks. “Perhaps he’ll visit my window today. I heard tell he’s left Marjorie bereft, so he’ll be looking for a new woman.”

“Katherine Marie, you can’t be serious.” Melanie gasped and set about rearranging the stamps on her desk. “He’s broken the heart of every woman he’s approached.”

“That’s because they were hoping for love and marriage to be taken away from this so-called horrible life as a worker. I, however, have no designs for the life of a wife.” Granted, Katherine had yet to achieve the freedom she’d left Dominion Falls to find three years ago. While Cole’s guidance had taken her to a home and a steady job, for which she was grateful, she’d yet to really find the freedom she’d sought. She’d never been left wanting for food or shelter, but she wanted more. Travel, excitement, and maybe even men.

Just a month ago she’d turned eighteen and, as per her agreement with the woman that had taken her in, Katherine had needed to find a job of her own and living arrangements. She’d managed to find room in a woman’s boarding house and the job at this bank.

Still, she was doing everything she was supposed to, as she was supposed to. With her coming of age, she wanted more. Before she turned spinster, she was curious as to what lay beyond propriety, and she hungered for life beyond her job and the city of Chicago. If she had to start anywhere, why not with learning about sex with a man skilled enough to corrupt numerous proper young ladies as Mr. Warner had?

“Katherine.” Melanie set her hand on Katherine’s arm. “He’s a rake.”

“I know full well what he is.” Kat smiled at the man whose eye she planned to catch, as he spoke with one of the men in the lobby. “Perhaps if he knows what I’m after, we can come to an agreement. After all, the only thing I wish is what he’s rumored to be quite skilled at.”

Deep red hues flooded Melanie’s features, and she shook her head. “It isn’t decent.”

“I’ve been decent for too long.” Katherine had kept her head down and done what she should out of fear her parents would locate her and drag her home if she drew too much attention. At eighteen, the fear was subsiding and the burning need for more that had first flamed to light in Dominion Falls now burned bright again.

Before Melanie could protest further, Patrick approached Katherine’s window. His smile broadened with every step closer he took.

Katherine brushed an unruly curl back into place and returned his smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Warner.”

“Good afternoon. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, and I don’t know yours.” He slid his transaction across the desk.

“I’m Katherine.” She didn’t bother with a last name, though it would be the proper thing to do. “And it wasn’t a disadvantage. I believe you enjoy allowing your reputation to precede you, Mr. Warner.”

“I believe you’re right, Kat.”

She smiled at the nickname, one no one had dared to call her before. Once his transaction was complete, she quirked at brow at his continued presence at her window. “Was there anything else, Mr. Warner?”

“You’re new here.”

“I’ve been employed here for three weeks. Long enough.”

“Long enough for what?”

Katherine shrugged. “To have learned some things.”

“Perhaps we could discuss those things outside of the bank?” He leaned on the counter and flashed a charming smile. “Over supper?”

“No, supper won’t do.” She grinned when he straightened in surprise. “I wouldn’t mind a walk. I have a proposition for you, and it is best discussed discreetly.”

His surprise melted into a wicked grin. “I’m intrigued. For that alone, I’ll take you up on the offer. When shall we have this stroll?”

“Are you free this evening?”

“I can be for one so bold.”

“Then at five, right outside.”

“I look forward to it, Kat.”

“Me too, Mr. Warner.”



Hope you enjoyed it!  Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!


Sunday Snippets 26 – Deep-Fried Sweethearts

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


This week we switch to Tag’s point of view. After all, we already know Michaela is lusting after the former jail-bait-turned-21 year old. What does he think about Michaela?  

Here he is with his aunt Myrtle, who runs The Diner. He’s just told her he turned in his application at The Midway. Myrtle speaks first:

“What did Mikey have to say?”

“Ugh. I hate that nickname.” He wrinkled his nose and sat at the counter. “She looks nothing like someone named Mikey. She’s sure not a tomboy; she’s all elegant and womanly.”

“That so?” Her brow arched and her lips twitched. “Are you crushing on an older woman?”


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Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway.  Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.

Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.

Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.

Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!