Sunday Snippets 24 – Deep-Fried Sweethearts

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


While I’m sad to leave behind Changing Tracks for my Sunday 8’s…I’m happy to be bringing you bits of another story. This is from my contemporary Holiday’s in Lake Point series.  This book is, clearly, my Valentine’s Day story.

Michaela, 31, runs a fair-themed restaurant called The Midway. In over her head, she’s put out an ad for an assistant manager. Who shows up to apply for the position is not who she expected:

Another knock disrupted her train of thought. A familiar, “Excuse me, Miss O’Keefe?” came from the doorway. Of course, if her business thoughts had to be disrupted there could be no better way than with Owen Montague, better known simply as Tag. Ten years her junior, he’d grown up into quite a looker.

She could remember joking with her friend, Eve, five years ago about Tag being jail bait for women like them. Now he was lethally legal at the age of twenty-one, and even better looking with azure eyes, mussed blond hair, and a crooked smile that she bet had melted the panties off of many girls in his class. Just when she realized she’d been staring at him and jolted out of her reverie, he rewarded her with that signature grin, and she swore her heart skipped a beat.


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Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway.  Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.

Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.

Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.

Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!

Tuesday Tales Picture Prompt – Witch Way

libraryTTWelcome back to Tuesday Tales!  This weeks prompt is this picture.

As much as I love my Historical Paranormal, I couldn’t fit it in with this picture prompt…so I’ve written a partial scene from my Halloween Lake Point story (due to release in October), Witch Way.  As a reminder, my characters are Felicity and Craig, you met them one months ago on another picture prompt (where I forgot the word count limit ~ahem~).  So here we are just a few days after they “met”…and fell in lust at first sight…which is fine with Felicity…:

Felicity smiled when she was handed the key. “Thanks, Katie.”

When the librarian snuck back into the office to play on the internet, Felicity grabbed her laptop bag. She strolled through the opening between the cases under the elegant clock.

On the other side, Craig leaned against a shelf waiting. At her wink, he slipped into step behind her. “Where are we going?” Even his hushed voice seemed loud in the empty, quiet library.

“Shhh.” She led him through the stacks. She turned right and headed to the room under one of the high domed windows. There were four such rooms in the library, but this was her favorite.

Craig bumped into her when she stopped to unlock the door. “Oh, sorry.”

“No problem. Why are you looking around like you’re in awe? The library hasn’t changed at all since we were kids, except there are computers now.”

“I’ve never actually been inside.”

She held the door open and stared at him. “Excuse me?”

“Wasn’t much of a reader.”

“Right. You were more of a doer. Now get in here quick.” She dragged him inside and shut the door, locking it behind her. “Will you shut the blinds?”

The room was a square with windows into and out of the library. She loved this room for the nice view of the town, but today the view didn’t matter.

As he shut the blinds, she set her bag in the corner and pulled off her jacket. She hopped onto the table and grinned when he turned. “This room’s soundproof, did I mention that?”

“You’re serious? Here?”

“You bet your sweet ass I’m serious. I’ve wanted you since I saw you save that dog the other night. What about you?”

He gripped her thighs and yanked her close, his lips crashing against hers with intense passion.


Hope you enjoyed it!  Click on the Tuesday Tales badge to see more excellent entries!!


Sunday Snippets 23 – Changing Tracks

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


This is the last week I’ll be posting excerpts from Changing Tracks!  I’m at the end of the story and this is the last I can do without revealing the end…and I’d love to leave you hooked 🙂

So hopefully I’ll leave you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link]. You know, my amnesiac with the eidetic memory, Jane Doe…and the brothel-owner, anti-hero…Cole Mitchell.

This snippet is actually just before the one I posted last week. Mike is about to reveal the wanted poster to Jane…and yes, for those that guessed, it did have a likeness similar to Jane on it:

“Syrus says ‘the remedy for wrongs is to forget them’. Well, I’ve forgotten them – too bad no one else has.”

Michael chuckled, “Yes, the forgetting is supposed to be done by those that were wronged. Not the other way around.”

She wiped at an errant tear and focused on the passing scenery. “I’m not getting out of this, am I?”

“Probably not with your neck the length it is now.”

The corner of her lip twitched, “What a pleasant way to put it.”

*Creative punctuation was used. Wish it wasn’t, but there it is.


Did you like this sample, too?  You can pick up the whole series now!!



Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!

Tuesday Tales – Meat – Natural Selection

Leilyn2Welcome back to Tuesday Tales!  This weeks prompt is Meat.

After being scared out of her wits by Jasper, Leilyn was left in the friendly, and funny, company of Byron.  The young man presents her with some revelations, but none so stunning as when Dell returns.:

Leilyn found it hard to believe that two hours before she’d been so fraught with tension Miss Olive had needed to pick her up off the floor.  Mostly because at the moment she was laughing so hard, tears streaked down her cheeks.

Across the table, Byron had laughed so hard at his own joke he’d fallen out of his chair. One large foot on the table, the rest of him sprawled across Olive’s smooth-cut floor, he showed no signs of letting up.

Olive herself couldn’t cover her own smile, even as she attempted a disparaging scolding of the young man. “Byron. That was terribly inappropriate.”

“Why?” Byron hiked himself onto his elbows, even though he didn’t remove his foot from the table. His laughter still shook his shoulders, although he tried to contain it. “She don’t seem to mind, she’s laughing.”

Leilyn wiped the tears from her cheeks and shook her head. “I’ve heard worse, believe it or not. It’s difficult to shock me.” To be honest, she was just glad to feel at ease, however brief it might be. When Dell and his father had left, she’d been wound tighter than a drum.

Byron showed up shortly after, she suspected he was sent to keep watch over her. While she had no idea what she was being accused of, the accusation had been clear in her last encounter with Jasper. Her stomach still twisted in knots at the memory.

“Get your foot off my table, boy.” Olive slapped Byron’s foot off the table and stepped over him. “I won’t have you acting the animal in my house.”

“Yes ma’am.” Bryon hopped to his feet and nodded to the older woman. He winked at Leilyn. “Don’t ever dare to cross Miss Olive. She’ll tan both your hides and wear you as a fur stole.”

Leilyn sucked her lips between her teeth to try to keep the laughter at bay, but an undignified snort slipped out.

Olive clucked her disapproval, but only shook her head. She disappeared outside, where Leilyn could see her approaching the line of frozen clothes with her basket.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Leilyn smiled. When he sat across from her again, she again had the odd sensation of familiarity, a bond of sorts. Byron was comfortable, almost like family.

While he carried a sense of power about him, he seemed more prone to a Beta role than an Alpha. Although, she imagined he would be a perfectly capable Alpha should the need arise.

Unlike Jasper and Dell, there wasn’t an all-consuming power about him. An all-consuming power that was buzzing in the nape of her neck. One of the men was returning, getting closer by the second. While they’d never left her consciousness, when he started to move closer, every inch of her became aware of it. Leilyn’s stomach did a flip and her fingers twitched before she could stop them.

Byron’s brow quirked up under his curly mop of hair. “He’s at least thirty miles out, you sense that?”

“Well, you do.” Leilyn didn’t know what made her so defensive.

“I’m slated to be his Beta when he takes over the pack. We are close as brothers, closer. As his Beta, I have to know where he is at all times.” He hooked his arm over the back of the chair. “Most of the pack only knows they are out there, it isn’t until they’re within five miles, or specifically targeted that they sense them.”

Leilyn tried to not furrow her brows, but it was unavoidable. None of this made sense. Never had she been so affected by another pack member, even her own Alpha. “I don’t understand. I never knew where my uncle was until he was really close unless I was in wolf form.”

For a moment Byron appeared uncomfortable, and he shook his head. “Doesn’t seem right. Even Olive senses them, and she’s human. Then again, our pack is…”

Leilyn frowned. “Untainted?”

“No. That’s not what I was saying.” Bryon scrambled to correct himself.

Leilyn wasn’t sure it would matter. The closer the Alpha came, the more tense she felt. She shook her head. “It’s all right. Really. If you knew why I left—you probably aren’t too far off.”

“Sorry. We’ve seen the side effects of refusing to mix with humans.” Byron’s cheeks darkened and he slipped his fingers through his hair. “It’s risky either way.”

“I know.” She chewed on her lip as she thought of her own pack. Sickness and disease were rampant among them. Every generation had been getting either weaker, or more feral in their change.

“How close is he now?”

She knew it was a test, but whether by his urging, or her own instinct, she was compelled to answer. “Five miles. He’s moving fast. In Were form?”

“Impressive for non-pack, unless you were his mate.”

Leilyn laughed to cover the sudden leap of her stomach into her throat. “What?”

“I haven’t met my mate yet. I’ve heard the draw and instincts are just as strong in humans as it is in Were’s. At least that’s what Olive says. She always knew where her mate was.”

“Olive was mate to a Were?” Leilyn peeked out the window at the woman with children rallying around her, interrupting her attempts to take the clothes from the line.

“Never had any kids, not for lack of trying. Her mate died in the attack of sixty-three. Ripped to shreds by the feral bastards that tried to take us kids.”

Sixty-three. Same year her parents died in the war. Leilyn frowned and focused on her hands.

“I lost my Ma that day, too. So did Dell. They both went down fighting. My pa survived. Fought hard as any Were in the battle.”

“I lost my parents too. In the war. I don’t even remember them. My uncle, he wouldn’t tell me anything about them.” She twirled her mug on the table. “I imagine sometimes I remember them, what they look like. I’m sure it’s just fantasy.”

A low growl at the door pulled their attention away from the serious discussion. A huge gray wolf with a white face and black paws stood in the doorway. The legs of a deer lay on the floor beside him, their meat for supper she imagined.

The growing tension in her body ratcheted into nervous energy as she recognized, without a doubt, this was Dell and not his father. Her hands trembled as an unfamiliar sensation took over when he growled again, a purely possessive sound.

The change initiated before she could stop it, and she stumbled from the chair to hit the floor. She heard Byron whoop, and an exclamation from Olive before everything went dim around her, the change taking over.

No change was quick for any Werewolf, each would take anywhere from three to ten minutes. Leilyn had been blessed with a shorter transition time, and so it was only three minutes later when her senses returned to her, in canine form.

She opened her eyes to find Dell’s wolf hovering over her, the scent of his fresh kill still lingering on his fur.

Byron’s words lingered in her mind, unless you were his mate.

She knew Dell hadn’t compelled her to shift, no one had intentionally. This was instinct, no pressure.

Dell nudged his nose against hers, and she responded with a lick to his muzzle.

He pressed his forehead to hers. Can you hear me?

She yelped in shock and scrambled away against the wall. What was that?

He dropped to his haunches and stared her down.

A shudder shook her out to her fur. What was that?

You are pack. Our pack.



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Sunday Snippets 22 – Changing Tracks

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


Wow, it’s been two weeks since I participated!!  I’ve missed WeWriWa so much, but February left me with editing brain as I tried to edit both books 4 & 5 of The Dominion Falls Series for submission. It’s finally done, now I’m working on the synopses, or I will be next week (taking a few days off.).

In the meantime, I’m back and I’m still keeping you all intrigued with the beginning of the series [amazon_link id=”B00BEMN5SC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Changing Tracks (The Dominion Falls Series book 1)[/amazon_link]. You know, my amnesiac with the eidetic memory, Jane Doe…and the brothel-owner, anti-hero…Cole Mitchell.

When I last left you, Jane had her ankle set by her (or rather, Clara’s) ex. She’d managed to rescue the boys that had been kidnapped…

This is a short while later. Jane is on the train back to Dominion Falls talking with her brother, Mike, about a wanted poster he spotted in the Denver depot. Mike speaks first:


“Of a Mr. Jake Querney. I see-I can read.”

Michael moved next to her, “It happened here in Colorado.”

“She was sent to an asylum.” The blood drained from her face, “Where she escaped. Wanted for murder, fraud; it would seem you’re right. Hanging would be the sentence for either crime.”


*Creative punctuation was used. Wish it wasn’t, but there it is.


Did you like this sample, too?  You can pick up the whole series now!!



Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!

Tuesday Tales – Field – Natural Selection

Leilyn2Welcome back to Tuesday Tales!  This weeks prompt is Field.

It’s Dell’s turn. His father arrived only to send Leilyn to her knees with a forceful push of alpha power meant to incapacitate. Dell wants answers–but he already knows some of them. Memories can be tricky things.:

Dell paced the length of the small lean-to outside Olive’s. The field behind where just minutes ago their pack and the pack’s human families had been playing now sat empty. His father’s rush of power had sent everyone scattering to shelter.

As for himself, Dell’s stomach still twisted into knots. He didn’t understand why he’d physically felt Leilyn’s pain at the forceful blast sent her direction, but Dell’d been sure he was going to throw up. He had to give the girl credit for holding it together.

Although, she hadn’t held completely together. When Olive had snapped herself out of the impact as quick as she always did, she’d been the one helping Leilyn to her feet, while simultaneously scolding Jasper.

“Care to tell me why you withheld information?” Jasper closed the door behind him and walked away from the building.

Dell had the temporary urge to stick close and make sure Leilyn was all right. In the end, he was more compelled to keep their conversation safe from her sensitive ears and trust Olive’s care. Dell hop-stepped after his father and matched pace with him. “Would you care to tell my why you accosted her?”

“Olive says you forced your hand a bit, too. Don’t sass me, boy.” Jasper slowed when they topped the rise across the field where just half an hour ago Bryon had taken his tumble. He turned on Dell. “You failed to tell me she was pack.”

“I wasn’t entirely sure.” Dell clenched his jaw and turned back toward the house.

“You knew.”

“I suspected—and not as furiously as you. What was that? Why did you do that to her?”

“Because she’s supposed to be dead.”

Dell’s stomach flipped, then dropped to the ground. Cold seeped into his fingers, and he clenched and unclenched them to get the blood flowing again. “Excuse me?”

“I saw her die. So did you, I’m surprised you don’t remember.” Jasper shook his head and set his hand on Dell’s shoulder. “You were only four.”

Dell didn’t know what to say or do. His gut said one thing, but he didn’t know how to broach it.

“It was during the war. We were tasked with guarding the southern borders.” Jasper’s eye twitched. “We got word in June of 1863 that Confederates would be crossing round near Derby. We let them.”

Dell frowned. “If our orders were to protect, why?”

“Because instinct told me to stay and protect my pack. My instinct was right. Information doesn’t come so easily as it did about Hines’ raid. Another pack wanted the men away so they could attack our pack and have our young.”

A rush of memory flew forward so fast, Dell had to close his eyes. He could picture the scruffy, patchy fur of the Werewolves that had attacked. Screams from families that couldn’t shift fast enough.

“I’ve only seen eyes as green as that girls on two people. Her, and her mother.”

“Her name is Leilyn.”

“It was Mohegan, we called her Megan. Her mother was pack, her father was an Indian. They both died in the attack with her.”

“She is…” The words trailed off and Dell struggled to finish.

“I know.” Jasper squeezed Dell’s shoulder. “It’s no wonder you thought you were confused by other feelings. You knew when she was born, even though you were young. Our families were close. You were devastated when your mate was killed in front of you, and there you were too young to change. I wasn’t sure you’d ever recover, son.”

“Who was it that attacked? And if she died.” Dell shrugged his father’s hand off his shoulder. “Then how is she here?”

“That’s what I wanted to know. I handled it poorly, and that was the shock. The battle was bloody, we lost many pack and human’s that day.” Jasper crouched down, peering off toward the tree line. “Several bodies were lost in the chaos. We figured they took some of ours, unsure whose pack was whose. Some bodies I needed to bring in a witch to identify.”

Dell flopped down to the snowy ground beside his father. With a heavy sigh, he pressed the heel of his hands against his eyes. Now his need to care for her made sense, his need to be present when she woke. “But she was a baby. They’d notice taking an infant. They didn’t have children with them.”

“I know. I thought…”

“Wildlife.” Dell wrinkled his nose. “You’ve let the local wolves have enough food to continue surviving despite our presence.”

“They did as they always do to kills left behind. The battle went on for three days, Mohegan and her parents died early in the battle.”

“A baby makes easy pickings.” Dell exhaled his frustration. “She doesn’t know. When I tried to compel her to tell me where she’s from she seemed shocked she had no choice but to start talking.”

“She wouldn’t remember.” Jasper sighed. “And she wouldn’t know what it was like to be compelled by a true Alpha. If another pack leader tried, he wouldn’t be able to exert the sort of power over her we can.”

“Are you sure it’s her?”

“Are you?”

Dell growled low. “She is my mate.”


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