Tuesday Tales – Bite

starThe prompt this week was Bite.

This time I’m sticking with my story from last week. This section is actually the beginning of the story, where last weeks was probably around Chapter 2.

The story is still unnamed, but a few ideas are being batted around for a good Independence Day themed title 🙂  (Suggestions are welcome, though…I’m stumped)

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

“No, not here.” Amanda whined. The car sputtered and spurted. It barely made it to the shoulder before dying. She hit the steering wheel hard, like that would do her any good, and dropped her forehead to the wheel.

Tears she’d managed to keep at bay since Pennsylvania welled up again. She had no idea where she was, other than New York.  The last few signs had said something about Rochester, but she’d left the city behind.

She lifted her head, wiping the tears from her eyes so she could see.  The road sign ahead read ‘Lake Point. 1 mile’.  A groan escaped and she dropped her head to the steering wheel. A solid thump resonated through her already pounding head, taking the decibel level of her headache to near migraine levels.  “What am I going to do?”

There was nowhere left to go. She’d had no destination in mind, and should’ve been grateful the car had taken her this far from Illinois.

A shuddering breath racked her lungs and a sob tore from her gut.  For three days she’d driven all over the place. She didn’t want to follow a straight line, and half the time had felt lost.

Who was she kidding, all she felt was lost. Her location no longer mattered.

A sharp knock on the window startled a shriek out of her.

“Ma’am? Y’all right in there? Do you need a hand?” Another tap on her window drew her toward the window and the—the fricking cowboy standing outside.

A cowboy? Her hands shook too hard to move, and she imagined she looked frightful. The way his eyes widened didn’t lessen that belief. She pressed down her lock and nodded. “I’m fine. Go away. I’ll call someone.”

“Sorry I startled you, miss.” A smile broke on the disturbingly handsome face. “Name’s Clay. It’s right smart of you not to open up. You got someone to call?”

No she didn’t. Worse, the pay-as-you-go phone she’d bought was dead after her last call to Grace.  At this point in time she had no one to call. No one but the man outside her window, but she wasn’t about to get out and hitch a ride with a perfect stranger.

“How about I call Calvin? He’s a sheriff. And I’ll call for a tow and have the car taken to my garage.” Clay apparently took her silence for an acknowledgement that she didn’t know what to do.  He turned on his phone and started dialing.

All she could do was nod rapidly, even after he’d turned away. She had no idea what else would work. Her voice didn’t want to work, the world had crashed in when the car died.  The reality of what she’d done, and how alone she was now dug at the dark hole in her soul until her lip trembled again.

Thankfully the cowboy backed off and went back to his truck. It left her free to try to gather herself together. She turned the rear view mirror toward herself and let out a bitter laugh. Red splotched her face, the damn dark circles under her eyes a deep purple now that the makeup had been cried and wiped away.

She sniffled and wiped at her cheeks to remove the last salty vestiges of the ‘hysterical woman’ she’d so often been accused of being. At this point maybe she should have felt relief, but she felt more scared than ever.

Flashing lights came into view at the edge of her mirror and she shifted it back to get a better view. A cop car had pulled up behind Clay and the sheriff now stood shaking the cowboy’s hand. So he wasn’t a homicidal maniac, or if he was he was a damn good one.

A strangled laugh choked out and she cleared her throat. After a long exhale and a shake to remove the last of her nerves, she unlocked the door again.  By the time the cop got to her car she felt somewhat composed, even if she looked like hell.

“Everything all right, miss?” The short man stood at the ready, one hand on his holster just in case she was the homicidal maniac. Not that she blamed him after the show she’d just put on. No wonder Tony always said she was too emotional.

The mere thought brought up a whimper so fast she couldn’t stop it. Luckily it wasn’t a full on sob, and she was able to nod. “My car broke down. I’ve got no one to call. I’m just

“It’s okay. Clay’s already called a tow for you.  If anyone can fix this, he can.” The man reeked of doubt when he took in the car. It was a heap of junk, and she knew it. “How about I give you a ride to the garage? You can wait for it there.”

There wasn’t anything else to do. Short of finding another heap of junk that would wipe her out of the last bit of money she had. If there was a higher power, it was telling her to stop where she was. With a long sigh she shrugged. “I suppose. So he’s okay?”

Sheriff Calvin glanced back to the truck and snorted. “Clay? He’s harmless. Don’t bit or nothing. Damn good with cars, too. Don’t let the cowboy thing freak you out. We try not to.”

She allowed an uneasy laugh and grabbed her purse.  Once she stepped out, she took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

“No problem. I’m Sheriff Calvin, most people just call me Calvin. And this here is Clay Ryley.” Calvin gestured to the cowboy.

Clay tipped his hat. “Sorry again about startling you, Miss.  I saw you stall out and thought I’d try to help.”

“I appreciate it. Sorry for, well, this.” She gestured to her face. “It’s been a long drive.”

“No problem. You go on with Calvin, I’ll wait for the truck.”

She nodded and let the sheriff lead her toward his car. Before she got in, she chanced another glance at the cowboy. Figures on the one day in her life she met a hot cowboy she was a total wreck. Death warmed over probably looked better.

With a sigh, she slid into the car and pulled her purse tight against her chest.

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Tuesday Tales – Picture Prompt

smalltownThe prompt this week is the picture to the left.

For the second week in a row I’m changing stories.  This one is one of my new contemporary romance series’.  The first one, Santa, Maybe, may or may not have a contract…and I wrote it as a stand-alone short story for a submission call, but I loved the town so much, I now have about 6 other stories plotted, all around holidays.

This particular short is as yet unnamed, but is to be set around Independence Day. This blurb won’t be the start of the story, but a chapter or two in…

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

Amanda could hardly stand it.  From where she sat at a table outside a small corner restaurant, the view was—eerie.  A row of businesses lined up like old fashioned America, flags flying proudly.

A few people littered the streets, each greeting one-another by name.

By name? Who’d heard of that? Who lived like that? What town was really that small.

It was too good to be true.  This whole damn thing was, not to mention that sexy mechanic that kept glancing her way.  Clay’s clichĂ©d good-ol’-boy attitude coupled with that southern accent was just too much.

When she thought he wouldn’t catch her, she’d take the opportunity to admire his long legs wrapped up tight in his Wranglers. The strong arms that his t-shirt revealed made her want to curl up in them and hear him tell her she was safe now. She’d almost believe it if he said in his cheesy, stupid accent.

He was probably just like Tony, anyway. If he wasn’t, then he was too good for her.

The wink Clay threw her way made her realize she’d been staring again. Heat flooded her cheeks and she turned deliberately away to take in the town again.

Lake Point.

Pffft.  She hadn’t wanted to stop here, certainly had no intentions to stay long.  According to Clay’s assessment of the crap car she’d managed to buy, she was quite stuck.  It took her days of nursing the clunker along halfway across country.

It had to give up outside of what she could only deduce was Pleasantville.

Was that it?  Had she ended up in an old TV show?

If only. Her luck couldn’t be that good. It never had been before.

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Tuesday Tales – Laughter {Spontaneous Combustion}

ChangingTracks_MEDThe prompt this week was Laughter.

Oh, sorry. I hope you weren’t coming for another episode of Hybrid. I’m afraid it’s been set aside so I can work with it the way I wanted to. This week’s prompt inspired me to start the prequel to my novel, Changing Tracks. Back before Jane was Jane…she was Clara. A young school teacher in Heber City, Utah (about 1864)…

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

Clara wound her way through the empty desks. One by one she set clean slates at each seat, and under each she left a note.

The scavenger hunt she had planned would take the whole class down by the creek, to the bottom of the crag hidden in the foothills.  There she hoped they would make the same discoveries she had, if they followed her clues properly.

Outside trips like this were the reason she had so many students, not just in her district, but from the surrounding districts. The children learned a lot, and very few parents complained, however the school superintendent did.

She shuddered at the thought of him and the ‘compromise’ he’d agreed to.  One she despised more with each and every visit.  If Tommy ever got wind of it and what she went through, the superintendent would face a fate worse than death—and she’d be out of a job again, just like in New York.

Thankfully the war, and Tommy’s duty to the President, kept him away most of the time. Having a Pinkerton brother didn’t have many perks, but his near-constant absence was one of them.

Laughter shook her out of her reverie, the children’s rambunctious approach pulled her out of the thought process.  She rushed to get the rest of the notes and slates in their places and back to the front of the room before the door opened.

While most of the children played outside until she rang the bell, a few came in early to finish work if they had it, or sometimes just to chat.  She hoped none of them ventured a look under their slates before everyone could come in for the surprise.

“Good morning, Miss Young.” Annalee skipped in and set her books under her desk. The peppy little eight year old with a shock of bright red hair set her hands on her hips and scowled. “Christopher says we ain’t going to—”

“Aren’t going to.”

“Aren’t going to do our trips no more. Said the new superintendent don’t want them. Is he right?”

The chalk in Clara’s hands clattered to the floor, shattering into several pieces. She blinked and spun around. “New superintendent?”

“Yuh-huh. Papa says he’s coming today. Something about Mr. Clayton being transferred suddenly.”

Clara clenched her jaw and tilted her head. “Oh, he was, was he? Where to?”

“Somewhere far.” Annalee shrugged. “But is it true?”

“Well, we can certainly hope not. I hope our new Superintendent is just as—forgiving—of my teaching methods as Mr. Clayton was.” Clara swallowed down the bile rising in her throat and forced a smile. “Why don’t you go outside and play? We have a few minutes left before I ring the bell.”

Once Annalee raced outside, Clara sighed and leaned back against the blackboard. The whole thing reeked of Tommy and his manipulations. How had he known? She’d been very careful on his last visit to leave no clues of the ‘arrangement’ or her displeasure with it.  That brother of hers could smell a lie from miles away.

If he’d done this, he’d better have found her a far more easy-going Superintendent to deal with her unique teaching style or all of his sneaky, slimy, dirty tricks would have been for naught.

Well, if the new superintendent was visiting today, she’d best get to work. No better way to meet him than teaching the children her way.

For she’d have it no other way.

No matter what she had to do to keep her school how it worked best.

She’d already proven that once, and she was prepared to prove it again if need be.

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Tuesday Tales – Yellow {Hybrid}

Hybrid_MEDThe prompt this week was Yellow.

This week Jy and Jdyne make it to the Assembly finally…

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

Movement across the planes as a phoenix traveled always reduced us to ash. I could sense my father’s discomfort with dissolving into ash, but it was required and he was a king so he didn’t complain.

The great hall of the Assembly was magically protected. None could enter but the assembly, and up to two companions they must bring on their own fire. Our entrance would not be on my father’s fire, but my own power.

That alone would shock them.

The downpour of ash in the middle of the circular room wouldn’t hurt with our hope for dramatic impact, either.

I felt my father lose consciousness once we had scattered across the void, and I let my energy gather him close. Just for fun Spark and I let our energy fly around the room, ruffling their crest’s before we zoomed up into the dome.

While the dragons below us eyed the room suspiciously I drew my father’s ashes in with my own and nudged him to consciousness. The first murmurs below let me know it was time to show ourselves.

Our ashes drifted down slow at first, like flakes of dust catching in the light. As they grew thicker, the dragons around us began to take notice. Green, blue, yellow and red eyes turned toward the growing pile of ash.

A whisper of energy separated my father’s ashes from our own and in a whirl of power and my own red fire he came back into human form. His cheeks flushed, eyes still bright silver, he radiated a new sense of strength like he’d been as revitalized by the experience as I always was.

I grinned and let the fire overtake me to stand tall beside him, Spark perched on my shoulder. “Good morrow, my lords.” I bowed down to one knee, my right hand curled before my forehead in a sign of respect. My inability to fully transform into a dragon had led to a compromise since I had no crest lower in respect to my elders.

“Rise, Child.  You are not their inferior.” My father spoke with warmth and pride I hadn’t heard in years. “They are yours. I hadn’t quite realized what you’re capable of.”

Pride and a bit of embarrassment probably colored my cheeks, but I did as he commanded. “My lords, I have come in hopes of staying your desire to begin a war again. To tell you the truth of what I am, of what the hybrids are. Our kind cannot afford another war, and the human race does not deserve the wrath of Alatus.”

“The truth of what you are is an abomination.” Gardolden, a particularly old and stuffy dragon with bright yellow eyes signifying his ties to the northern lands bristled. His forefeet curled over the edge of his ledge and he crouched as if to pounce. “You came in without the aid of your father. That shows how dangerous you are.”

“I, and my father’s phoenixes are the only beings capable of breaching your magical protection, because we are the only ones descended of a race older than your precious dying dragon magic.” I smiled, and hoped the malice and intent behind my words had their impact. “If I was a threat you’d already be dead. Did you not feel me ruffle your crest before we showed ourselves?”

“Is that a threat?”

“Not yet. Just a point of fact.” I turned my back on the blustering Gardolden, and scanned the dragons behind me. The twelve men along with my father represented the greatest powers on the Wyvern plane. Thirteen total. It stood to reason they were scared.

“The time for secrets is over.” Jdyne’s voice carried through the room without effort and stilled all protest. “I have attempted to protect the princess, your future queen, mind you, for too long. It’s time you learned the truth.”

“A Terran can never be our queen. We told you that years ago, Jdyne.” Sigda, a green-eyed dragon with opalescent scales called from my left. His eastern lands were vast, and he’d always been kind and indulgent of her in her youth. Good to know allegiances were so weak.

“I am more than Terran. More than Wyvern. Perhaps you are just scared, Sigda. Perhaps you all are. Change has never been welcome to the dragons, after all. It took you millennia to give up the Terran plane and let them be.” I lifted my chin, and turned to face the man that once told me stories alongside his son. A son now dead.

“And look what they’ve done with it.” Sigda refused to look at me.

“Your son, and my best friend, Tamyr was lost in our last war, Sigda. At one time you wanted us mated. Now you question my role in our world?”

Sigda’s crest sank flat to his head and his wings fluttered, a huff of steam curling from his nostrils.

“So many of you know me, and you have known Alatus. Will you truly let the inflammatory words of an ill-tempered and jealous one determine our futures? Will you let us battle and destroy what’s left of our world, and let him destroy another plane and its inhabitants because he is power-hungry?”

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Tuesday Tales – Travel {Hybrid}

Hybrid_MEDThe prompt this week was Travel.

Nothing like making it last minute. This is hot off the press as I took the weekend off from writing. Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies…some days I have no idea where this stuff comes from.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

I dropped onto the parapet easily. Rather than mess with trying to brush out my hair from my travels, I let the fire course along it and smooth it out. When my father dropped down beside me, his own blue fire crept along his silver scales until he stood tall and regal in human form again.

“There are a few curious questions being thrown my direction.” A sly smile teased the corner of my father’s mouth.  “They are wondering how my phoenix grew so large in just a short time.”

My laughter bounced off the stone walls as we began our descent down the stairwell. A screech followed my laughter and the very bird most any dragon that had seen me thought I’d been landed on my father’s shoulder. “Hello, Pyre.”

Pyre bowed his head in my direction and offered another shriek of hello. I wouldn’t swear to it, but I thought the phoenix got sick pleasure from making my human eardrums tingle in distress at his calls.

No one knew the reason Pyre was so close to my father. No one, of course, but myself. It was an unknown fact to the wyvern world that my mother hadn’t been as human as she seemed. Somewhere along the line her family had dabbled in magic enough to acquire phoenix blood. The rare genetic quirk that had spent unknown generations hidden until the added touch of my father’s dragon and gryphon blood brought it to life.

That meant I was related to the nasty bugger on his shoulder, not that we held any great love for each other. It probably didn’t help that as a youngling I’d attempted to see how many ways you could accelerate a phoenix’s combustion to ash.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few.

A smile I should have hidden tugged at my lips.

“I know that look. What wicked deeds are you up to child?” Diane, my human stepmother (the fiftieth one my father had taken) wagged her finger. “I heard talk of your father’s phoenix growing exponentially, but based on your appearance I’d say rumors are false. Hello, dear.”

Jdyne bent to kiss his wife and chuckled. “Apparently Jyoti has decided the time for lies and secrets has passed. I wasn’t aware she’d become so skilled at spreading her fire-wings. You should see her, Diane.”

Rumored descendant of the Goddess Diana herself, Diane had been one of the first humans my father had become enamored with to take his true self in stride. Unlike all others but my mother, she’d insisted on coming to his home. It endeared me to the woman that reminded me much of my own mother. “I can see her now. That’s quite a gown, Jy. I’d be envious if it wouldn’t leave me with ugly scars.  Our greetings can wait until you’ve returned from the Assembly and put on human clothes again.”

“The fire would never touch you, D.” I laughed and reached out to squeeze her hand.

“I fear there isn’t much time. It’s unclear how long Alatus will be in the Other World, and Jyoti should report to the Assembly.” Jdyne lifted Pyre from his shoulder and sent the bird into the rafters with the other phoenix gathered above.

All of them eyed me, until the lone female gracefully hopped from her perch and floated down onto my shoulder. Unlike Pyre, Sparkle didn’t shriek, but cooed akin to a dove.  I could sense her flames merging with those in my dress.

“Thank you, Sparkle. I’d appreciate the company.” I glanced at my father. His brief nod answered my unasked question. He expected me to help us travel to the next plane to meet with the Assembly. “Shall we, Father?”

“We shall. Diane, we will return for supper. Jyoti will join us.” His tone broached no argument, but Diane cackled.

“Shouldn’t you ask her that?” Diane shook her head. “Jy, my dear. Would you join us for supper? I’ll have Nash make your favorites.”

“I will. Father has assured me my human family won’t notice my absence, so I’d be happy to spend some time before my return.” I set my hand on father’s arm and closed my eyes.

It was time to travel on the power of the phoenix.

The Assembly would certainly be shocked to hell by our entrance.

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Tuesday Tales – Chocolate {Hybrid}

Hybrid_MEDThe prompt this week was Chocolate.

I have created a cover for it…see?  I have my reasons for the cover, and for saying that I’m unsure how long this story will continue through Tuesday Tales. Thoughts and plans are brewing, but until I’m set in what I want to do, Hybrid and Jyoti and Jdyne will stick around for a couple more weeks.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

“If I’m to speak before the assembly I should change. These human clothes are already too small.” I held out my arms to demonstrate the way the sleeves now only hit three-quarter length when they’d hit my wrists earlier. Of course, I wouldn’t mention the chocolate kiss melting in the pocket of my jeans in this heat.

“We’ll return to the castle so you might change. Will you be dressed as a warrior?”

“Testing me, Father? Of course I won’t dress as a warrior. They’ll think me hostile and side with Alatus more firmly before I ever open my mouth.” I set my hands on my hips and frowned. “What about the family? My appearance is already altering, if I go back to them.”

“You forget what powers I have, child.  You’ll be restored if that’s what you wish. If you think it’s safe for them.”

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” With a sigh, I lifted my arms and gave a great stretch. I grew taller, but more impressively, flames travelled along my arms to add to the decorations. I could feel the same sensation crawl along the flesh of my face.

Jdyne diverted his eyes as the transformation took place and the human clothes burned away. “I wasn’t aware that’s what you meant by change, child.”

My eyes closed and I let the fire take over until it had replaced my clothes in the form of an almost living dress. It ebbed and flowed when I walked, draped to cover what humans found indecent, and slipped along my flesh like a second skin, which it was. “Did you not tell them the truth, father?”

“They don’t know about it. No one but Addrannyn knew of the phoenix. Only five other hybrids had the birds influence before he figured out how to create eggs without the birds influence and brought in enough helpers to make more hybrids, so I didn’t think it was necessary.” Jdyne shook his head and the last of the human illusion shivered away to reveal his fully scaled self.  Now on all fours, his head swung to face me. The voice carried the same, but rang through my head instead of my ears. “Some secrets were meant to keep you safe.”

“All the secrets in the world failed to keep m safe. They did the opposite. It’s time for truth, Father.” I slipped my hand along his nose, then through he comb atop his head. The rough scales scratched my flesh, but by the time I lifted my hand, they wounds had healed. “Shall we fly?”

The long elegant head dipped in a bow. After a momentary crouch, he took off into the air. Long silver wings unfurled and he offered a long call to the heavens. It echoed around the countryside and calls of all kinds were returned.

I couldn’t stop my grin as the king took his place in the sky, his scales and wings reflecting the glory of our two suns in an almost blinding display.

After several minutes of enjoying the sight, I spread my arms.  The flames spread to reflect my arms and formed into long elegant wings.  For the first time in fifteen years I crouched and took off into the air, letting the wind almost blind me as I raced higher than my father.

I let out a call like his, more high pitched, similar to the bird, while still all dragon. Familiar calls of welcome were returned and I chuckled, dropping down to fly next to Jdyne.

His silver eye blinked at me before he flew toward our castle. Once again his voice entered my head. “You have never flown these skies with the wings of a phoenix. You’ve always clung to the dragon. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“The time for lies and secrets is over.” I repeated. “I am all of these things, and will not hide it any longer. Alatus will have his war if he is determined enough. I prefer he do it with the full knowledge in the open.”

“You’ll test the limits of the Assembly’s tolerance.”

“I always have, Father.”

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