Tuesday Tales – Noisy {Hybrid}

candleThe prompt this week was Noisy.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

“Why did you wait so long?” I leaned my cheek against his arm as I had when I was young. “I might have been able to help you smooth things over.”

“I wanted you as far as possible while Alatus made trouble. As the first hybrid to ever exist, you have been in the most danger.”

“Because the other hybrids are not natural born…”

“And therefore nothing more than noisy little humans with a bit of magic.” Jdyne’s nose wrinkled, a huff of smoke erupting with his snort. “At least according to the most stubborn and elderly of the Assembly. They never have seen the value of humans.”

“Whereas you have a great affection and weakness for them.” I frowned. “What made the situation split our people so decisively?”

“Alatus captured a hybrid in the attack on Kryztalia. He forced the lad to show what he was capable of in front of the Assembly. Unfortunately, luck was with Alatus as the hybrid he captured was one of those more dragon than human.”

I stretched out my elegantly patterned hand, to see the now red nails grown to resemble talons. “Does he have the same capability as I do?”

“Alatus tortured the boy until he was half transformed, half human. It was a grotesque display.” My father took a deep breath before he stopped avoiding my question. “And yes, he learned of the unique skill you have, and a handful of the hybrids have. It incensed the assembly that any hybrid should have more power than a true dragon. Like I said, you have been in great danger.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I responded in a dry tone. “So why risk bringing me before the Assembly now?”

“You are skilled at making them see reason. They need to hear the other side without the rhetoric of Alatus in their ear.”

“Where is he now?”

“The Other World.”

“Getting reinforcements.”


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Tuesday Tales – Funny {Hybrid}

candleThe prompt this week was Funny. Of course, considering the MC’s in this piece are in the midst of a dramatic reveal…Funny was an interesting challenge to fit in, but I did it 😉

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

“This had better not be a joke. Because if it is, it’s not in the least bit funny.” Hot prickles of anger rushed up my chest to my cheeks. If my face wasn’t red before, it sure was now. “Tell me the truth, Father. What happened?”

“As the last natural born dragon, you already know the answer to that.” Jdyn sat on the ground near my feet. Fingers twined together, he flipped his hands and stretched his back, his entire form growing several inches with the action. More scales began to appear beneath his thinning human flesh.

“But I’m not dragon. Not entirely.”

“No. You’re unique.”

“You mean I was.”

“You still are.” He frowned. “They didn’t clone you. You are still the only natural born of your kind, you are still the only one just like you. For the others they…”

“What, father?”

His nose twitched, his lip curled. “Understand that I am paraphrasing, Jyoti. As Laewyn put it – they perfected the mix with the help of you. Griffin blood only helped make it all hold together, as a natural hybrid itself.”

My stomach churned and I wrinkled my nose. “Laewyn always had the greatest contempt for what I am. For what you created with the help of my weak mother.”

“You mother lay with dragons. She was far from weak.”

I joined his chuckle and dropped next to him with a heavy sigh. “And this is why Alatus fights now. How he has gathered so many close. The hybrids can’t properly transform. How old is the oldest?”

“Two hundred years.”

“When a dragon doesn’t return to form for that long, it looks suspicious. I would say I’m surprised Alatus hadn’t noticed sooner, but he as always rather self-centered.” I studied the lines on my hand. “So he has raised the ire of the masses. For the flock of hybrids you brought to our people.”

“I believe all will see in time that there was no choice. It was this, or we die off completely. The last born true dragon is almost a thousand years old now.” He sighed, a hand that now revealed claws folded over hers. “I wanted our race to live. Even if it meant by carrying on our line through hybrids. Many agreed, they were the sires.”

“Kryztalia sheltered them, didn’t they?”

“Not all of them. But it was a better location to live. The weather and land was more vibrant and green than most of our other cities. At the time of the attack, there were five hybrids restoring their energy there.”

I curled my hand over his. “Alatus will attack the Terran plane, because that it where most of the hybrids live and thrive.”


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Tuesday Tales – Tight {Hybrid}

candleThe prompt this week was Tight. I finally managed to name this bad-boy…and she will be henceforth called Hybrid (at least until I decide to hate it and change it).

There will be no Tuesday Tales next week (~whimper~), so this is it for two weeks…hope I didn’t leave you hanging too badly. 😉

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

An arid breeze stirred along my skin. The familiar scent of phlox blooming in the dusk relaxed even my worst nerves at being home. Distant peaks jutted against the deep purple and red of the setting suns.

I stepped onto the ledge just yards from the door we’d entered through and soaked in the familiarity. Where I stood now would be, to a human on the Terran plane, Liberty Island. The peaks and pits of the mountains were city buildings, skyscrapers. Millions of people occupying a land that in our world was desolate save for loners and wildlife.

Beside me, my father’s human veneer, which moments ago had sagged with regret, grew tight against his true form.  Silver scales gleamed through the thinning human flesh, his eyes sparkling silver.

My own flesh became taut, pulling and stretching against my body’s instinct to grow taller and larger. Red lines etched along my arms, adding to the pattern of flowers and scale-like arches.

“I will have to break my arm to cover the signs with a cast at this rate. We shouldn’t remain long.” Even through my words I didn’t move, compelled to stay where I was as I reacclimated to the plane. The songs of dragons began to carry on the breeze, welcoming their king home, and me as well.

Our conversation weighed heavy on my mind, and my father’s quick agreement to my accessment the war wouldn’t be fight here on the Wyvern plane. Instinct clawed its way through my belly and twisted it into knots.

“You’re right, Father.”

“About what, Jyoti?”

“I am a very good tactician.  You knew what I would say, that I would return and fight for the plane.  You knew what was happening, there was nothing in that box and that’s why you didn’t force my hand.”

My accusations didn’t draw anger, but a smile creased his lips. “And why do you say such things, child? Accusing your father like that is dangerous.”

“How many are there?”

The smile faded and he clasped his arms behind his back. Lines returned to his face, etched deep along his forehead and around his mouth.  “Jyoti.”

“You said I was the only one. The only one! Father, what have you done?”  My heart pounded in my chest, bile rising in my thorat.  “You said the experiments ended because none other would work.  No hybrids survived but me because of the griffin…”

“Griffin blood gave you an edge that any other natural born hybrid did not and could not mimic. Our greatest minds attempted to find a solution. They did.” His silver eyes bore into mine, almost black in the depth of pain he tried to convey. “Our race would have died without the hybrids.”

“You let them use me? My blood?”

“The only pure, natural hybrid alive.”

My heart ceased its incessant pounding, in fact it stilled completely. Where heat had burned my veins and flesh now felt chilled and dead. “How many?”

“Approximately one hundred.”





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Tuesday Tales – The Door


The prompt this week is a picture prompt and it was author’s choice.  Soon as I saw this image I knew how to end the first chapter of this story. Hard to believe just a few weeks of Tuesday Tales has brought me almost 3000 words and one full chapter into a story that as yet remains untitled.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

Jdyne remained quiet. The thin human veneer he wore sagged into tired lines.  Silver-streaked gray hair quivered in the breeze as he leaned his hand on his knee.

I didn’t know what else to say. My responsibility was clear, but to leave the life I’d formed, the family I’d grown attached to still weighed on me.  “Who will protect them?”

“Hm?” My father shook out of his reverie. “The humans? It won’t get that far, if we handle it well.”

“Alatus will not play by the rules.”

“Very true.”  A screech broke through the hum of wind, the phoenix appearing in a flash, bright red against the purple sky. It glided down to rest on Jdyne’s shoulder. “What are you suggesting?”

“I don’t know that I’m suggesting anything specific.  However, the elders should face that Alatus is likely to involve humans.” When the phoenix bowed to me, I lifted a finger to run it along his forehead.  Licks of flame traveled along the lines of my hand like a caress.

“You will come with me to speak with them.  You are one of the best warriors and the best tactician we have. They will listen to your ideas.”

I pursed my lips and dropped my hand, “What of Darren and the children?”

“They won’t even know you’re gone.”  He turned his now bright silver eyes on me. “Come, child.”

With a sigh, I set my hand on his and walked down the dune toward what had been the center of town. A wave of his arm brought a strong enough wind to sweep away the sand. Behind the dune sat a stone door frame, the door itself wrought like iron, but out of liquid silver. The doors already hung open, revealing the mountains of home.

I nodded and together we stepped through the gates home.



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Tuesday Tales – Sand

candleAnother Tuesday Tales, the same story – still without a title.

The prompt this week is sand – and I knew immediately what I would do.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :

With a heavy heart and a heap of trepidation I opened my eyes. The devastation before me wrenched my heart down to my stomach. Ancient stone buildings lay in ruin.  Sand swept across them, drifting up until most of the destruction was little more than tall dunes in a vast desert.

“Kryztalia. It couldn’t be.” Even through my denial I knew it was true. I recognized the destroyed town on instinct alone, for nothing of familiarity could be seen.

“It is, Jyoti.  All of the citizens were killed in the blink of an eye.” My father trudged forward through the sand, climbing a dune to the evidence of stone peeking out from the top of it.  “Kryztalia gone.”

“Who would have done such a thing?” Before he could respond the answer sank into my consciousness.  “The Vanggars?”

“Very astute, Jyoti.”

“But they were our allies throughout the wars.” I followed his path up the dune, pausing beside him to survey the land. Far as the eye could see was sand and ruin, where once vegetation and even a river had flowed. Hot wind ruffled my human hair, and soothed the sting of my hand. “Why attack now?”

“The new prince was unhappy with my answer to his request.”

“That is why you require me? What was his request…me?”

“It is Alatus Vanggar.  What do you think?”

“I think that he is a selfish brat that acts as though he’s a one-hundred year old youngling.” I lifted my chin. “You cannot believe that I would return for this.  For him. A match made in fiery hell just to appease a spoiled child-man.”

“Not at all. I believed you would return to help us fight. The spoiled youngling, as you call him, has a vast appeal and charm.”

“Snake oil salesman.”

My father chuckled, “You always did like the old west, Jyoti.  You date even yourself using that term.”

“I don’t care.  So what you’re telling me is that he has used charm to gain followers.”

“Those who have forgotten what happened eons ago, or are itching for a new fight, and then there are the younglings eager to rush to his promises.”

“Which has made him capable of great devastation in little time.”


I inhaled the hot air, letting it fill my lungs.  They pulsed within my chest at the heated boost before I blew out the air.  “Are you really wanting to fight again?”

“I’ve tried politics, I’ve tried reason. That’s why I’ve waited so long to tell you.”

“Good King Jdyne. So tired of battle, he chooses words.”

“We were all tired of battle.”

“I remember.  I was rather enjoying peace.”



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Tuesday Tales – Spider

candleAnother Tuesday Tales, the same story – still without a title.

The prompt this week is spider, and I used it REALLY early on because I had no idea how to fit it into the story.

Remember, this is a meme with many contributing authors, so make sure to click the link at the bottom of the image to take you to see more!

Anyhow, as always this is un-edited mostly, so forgive any errors. :


“You want me to die. Simple as that. No explanation required?” I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest.  “And what’s in the box? What plague have you brought me?”

“I’m not quite sure. It could be as simple as a spider or as complex as a simulated virus. I only asked that it not be painful for you.” My father continued to hold the box in front of me, I could feel the smoldering power of his will pressing on me.

“Impossible. I have settled in here. I’m attached to this family. The children.”

“They are not yours. It should be of little consequence.”

“Do you think me completely heartless?” My pulse started to race. The ambient temperature rising further, my hand once again burning. I stepped back from the offending red box. “Unlike you I care about them.”

“You’ve been known to be plenty heartless when the need called for it. I’ve seen you slay young ones weaker than those two.” He pointed at the family portrait on the wall. “When the need called for it.”

Tears welled up behind my ears, dousing some of the rising heat of my soul.  I shook my head, “Never on purpose. They were casualties of war. A war I fought and survived just as you did, Father.”

“And now we must do everything in our power to maintain that peace. If war erupts again those two children and this entire world could be at risk of another annihilation.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.  That hasn’t happened since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Millions of years, Father.”

“Jyoti. Have you ever known me to exaggerate?” His silver hair gleamed in a stray beam of sunlight as wind picked up outside. The planes of his human features shimmered with hints of silver under the flesh. His disguise had been hastily and not quite thoroughly formed.  Even the gray eyes gleamed with hidden fire.

Concern lodged a lump of emotion thick in my throat. My father was many things, melodramatic was not one of them.  “What has happened?”

“I’ll show you.”

I jerked my hand back from his reach. “I will maintain this form.”

He sighed and nodded. “Fine. For now you will.”  The red box disappeared in a burst of fire.

Still hesitant, I set my hand into his and stepped close to him.

In another burst of fire my living room faded to black and all I could feel was the burn of fire and wind as we moved fast. I closed my eyes, soaking in the heat in a way I hadn’t enjoyed for fifteen years.

“You miss it.” His voice was warm and kind again. “Why do you fight?”

“Of course I miss it. It is where I am from, what I am. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the life I have now. My home, my family, my friends. Being human is not as tedious as you make it to me.”  I still refused to open my eyes, even as the fire faded and the world around us came into reality again.

“Look, Jyoti.”

Opening my eyes might mean being swayed to his point of view. My nails dug into his flesh until the thin layer cracked under the pressure and scales resisted the same fate.

“You must, child.”


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