by Sarah | Apr 19, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!
After Tag caught her sleeping at her desk last week, Michaela’s usual perusal of his strong arms (she really does admire them often) leads to a discovery
(Due to length of scene, this will be continued next week):
“So what were you up to this morning? You’re filthy.” She’d returned her gaze to his arms; that’s how she’d noticed the dark smudges near his elbow and wrist, “Grease?”
“Oil-I thought I got it all.” He lifted his arm, his forehead puckering into an adorable hint of a frown. “Damn, don’t worry. I’ll get good and cleaned up before I touch food-maybe I should have you check me thoroughly.”
A task she sure wouldn’t mind for a minute.
*Tiniest bit of creative editing in place, just a wee bit to fit it into the 8
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Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Apr 12, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

Skipping forward. Tag just caught Michaela napping at her desk. Unbeknownst to him, she was having naughty dreams of him. However, he still has something to laugh about:
He covered his mouth with a hand while leaning against the file cabinets lining the wall.
“I’m awake,” she defended before he could even speak. “It was just a cat nap.”
“Of course you are.” His snort burst from behind his hand and he let out a good loud bark of a laugh. “You have a really cute snore.”
“I wasn’t—I…” Unfortunately, his laughter was contagious and she found herself joining him before she could form a good argument.
*No creative editing used this week.
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Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Apr 5, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

Continuing the conversation between Michaela and her friend, Eve. Still talking about Tag, of course…this is just a few lines later in the conversation.
Once again, Eve speaks first:
“He’ll work out-the boy’s good. He’s going to knock your socks clean off. Maybe the rest of your clothes too.”
Michaela laughed until she snorted. She clapped her hand over her nose and tried to settle down. “You’re terrible.”
“I know, but a girl’s gotta dream, you know. Without my imagination and my box of toys I’d have very little in the way of a sex life.”
*Tiniest bit of creative editing in place, just a wee bit to fit it into the 8
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Mar 29, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

Skipping forward. Michaela went ahead and hired Tag (as we knew she would–his references were impeccable…;) ). After her first day on the job, she’s talking to her good friend, Eve (who will have her own story later in the year) about her first day working with Tag.
Eve speaks first:
“I just wanted to see how the first day with Tag went, you lucky dog. Side by side with Tag, must have been lovely.”
“It was distracting, not lovely.”
“We are in a mood,” Eve chuckled. “So you still like him?”
“No, I lust after him. Hard to like a child I hardly know.”
“He’s no child.”
*Tiniest bit of creative editing in place, just a wee bit to fit it into the 8
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Mar 22, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

Tag is still discussing his possible job at The Midway with his aunt Myrtle. He admits that Michaela seemed skeptical about giving him the job. Myrtle teases him and says all he has to do is charm her, he’s good at that.:
“I’d rather get hired because I can do the job, not because I can charm someone.” Although he didn’t imagine with Michaela it would take much-he could still picture her deep red blush that had so easily filled her cheeks and seeped down her elegant neck.
His aunt was right; he was in a heap of trouble.
The doors to the kitchen swung open with a bang when Myrtle walked back into the kitchen. “Just remember to dress right and shave that scruff off your face,” she yelled over her shoulder.
“I like my scruff.”
“Fine, be a ragamuffin,” she hollered from the back.
He laughed and finished off his drink-after a moment he brushed his fingers along his chin and wondered if Michaela liked the scruff, “Yeah, I’m in a heap of trouble.”
*Creative editing used to fit this into the 8
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!
by Sarah | Mar 15, 2014 | Books, Holiday, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!

This week we switch to Tag’s point of view. After all, we already know Michaela is lusting after the former jail-bait-turned-21 year old. What does he think about Michaela?
Here he is with his aunt Myrtle, who runs The Diner. He’s just told her he turned in his application at The Midway. Myrtle speaks first:
“What did Mikey have to say?”
“Ugh. I hate that nickname.” He wrinkled his nose and sat at the counter. “She looks nothing like someone named Mikey. She’s sure not a tomboy; she’s all elegant and womanly.”
“That so?” Her brow arched and her lips twitched. “Are you crushing on an older woman?”
| Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe |
Michaela O’Keefe is in over her head with her restaurant, The Midway. Her ad for an assistant manager brings Owen “Tag” Montague to her doorstep. With an impeccable resume and dozens of letters of recommendation, she has little choice but to give him a chance. Ten years her junior, Tag sets her long-dead libido humming, but she gave up on love and her instincts on men years ago.
Tag has had a crush on his new boss since his youth, but he’s determined to prove he can do the job. Still, he can’t resist the urge to make her blush down to her toes as often as possible. He knows her rough past in life and love makes it hard to trust, and he’s wary of crossing the line he so desperately wants to.
Just when they manage to figure out how to work and play together, Michaela’s ex does all he can to destroy their budding love. When push comes to shove Michaela’s inability to give Tag the benefit of the doubt might destroy everything.
Learning to trust herself again is the hardest lesson Michaela will ever have to learn – and by the time she does, it may be too late for love.
Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!