Raising Adult Kids – It’s A Whole New World

Feb 13, 2019 | All About Denver, All About Erik, All About Family, All About Me, All of Us, Redefining Perfect

Everyone warns you how tough the teen years are.

They were. They are. They sucked. They are just starting in the girls.

No one warned me about this nonsense.

I mean – they’re grown up, legal, and all of that…

But sooo not grown up.

Smart as can be.

Naïve about how the world works.

You can counsel, but you can’t discipline (not that they listen either way).

They still think they’re invincible.

But they have to call for help on some of the most basic tasks.

They still avoid talking about certain aspects of their life.

Then bombard you with inappropriate adult humor that you’re not prepared to hear from their mouths.

They impress us with his financial acuity and maturity.

Then they’re utterly careless with the maintenance and care of the vehicle still in our name – including it being impounded.

You still stress and worry over them daily.

They get so annoyed with your concern and see it as you not believing they’ll succeed.

You’re walking a fine line because technically they’re adults…

But they’re BABY adults…with their own minds and own passions and own beliefs….but still so oblivious to so many things.

No one warned me about this shit.

All I ever heard about was the terrible twos.

Terrible teens.

How much I’d miss them when I was gone.

To appreciate the now.

No one warned me that it would be a really weird place to be when they got into that ‘adult’ stage.

Some days I think it’s worse than those painfully awful teen years.

Some days, though…

No, most days…

Most days it’s infinitely more awesome.




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