2016 Writing Forecast – June Update

2016June has been up and down for me. I made some major progress, but then crashed and burned when once again real life took a bite out of me.

The Wolf was released and is picking up in sales for it and The Tribe. I’m a hair away from finishing Red Zone, and made myself a list of all planned books (totaling 40, for the record).

So, when the real world stops getting its rocks off by kicking me in the teeth, I’m doing pretty well. I just wish I had a lot more time for writing. This second job is going to kill me…but the bills must be paid. ~sigh~

Onto the update!

First, my overall goals for the year…

  1. I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2016. (at 229,644 as of 6/16/16. Not a huge leap from last check-in, but it’s only been 2 weeks, so I’m not disappointed.)
  2. I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. (This is going GREAT. Been talking with my publicist guru and she’s gotten me many new reviews, and given me great ideas on how to build. My sales are slowly starting to be impacting by the efforts.)
  3. I will regain my focus. (Getting better. Kids out of school and here all the time is throwing me off. Still, doing my best.)
  4. I will face my demon/salvation – the one story I’m afraid of. (Nope, not even a little bit yet)
  5. I will decide by July if I will return to Lake Point in 2017. (Still not a clue)
  6. I will prep all the things for print. ALL. The. Things. (Tribe and Wolf are in print. The Chief is next. I’m working on a few other things on the side when I can.)
  7. I will update my author website. (Just started. It’ll be slow going, but I have pages up for The Tribe series, which are my front runners right now. As I go, I’ll be adding all the books again).

And next is my list of projects. The list seems small without all the Lake Point books of the past on it, but I’m sure it will change and grow over the year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress. The books in BLUE are new to the game.

  1. Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
  2. Dust Raiser (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k (Title Change!!)
  3. Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
  4. Red Zone (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 40k (~32.5k done)
  5. The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (DONE 5/15/16)
  6. The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
  7. Auld Lang Syne (Lake Point 12.5 ~ Revisiting Old Stories)
  8. Untitled Project (Hand Delivered Book 1) ~ 40k
  9. Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (60k done)
  10. Masked Hearts – Create new cover and re-release this one last SCP book (Plan to work on this in July)
  11. Fall (Hidden Senses #1) ~30k


Definitely still a big struggle this year. By making a list of all my books really has helped me find some more focus. Now if, like I said, real life would stop kicking me in the teeth I might get more accomplished. I have two more Tribe books scheduled for release in the coming months. I have more planned, and I have plans to release the re-vamped Dominion Falls series as well as getting some new books in that series on the way, and another series planned, not to mention the Lake Point series.

Many plans, but still struggling to find the time to get it all done. But I will. One way or another.

2016 Writing Forecast – May Update

2016How is it that it’s already May?  My last update was in February…and then March was the month of sheer, utter hell around these parts. The bad sh*t kept happening. So there was little-no writing of any kind. By April I was working two jobs, and working too many hours at them…

Around Mid-April I started to get my ducks in a row finally. Then this week I set about really putting my big girl panties on and getting back down to business.

Through all of the chaos of my home life…I still managed to accomplish some good things like an ebook/print release in March (one sure shining spot), a few book tours that got me a bunch of lovely reviews, and another release coming up in about two weeks. Plus, this week I’ve actually gotten some words on the page again!

So, let’s see where I am in the goals I’d set. I hardly remember what I said, so this is going to be a journey to get through these for me. 🙂

First, my overall goals for the year…

  1. I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2016. (at 212,324 as of 5/24/16. Running behind, but catching up.)
  2. I will build my audience and work harder at promotion. (This is going GREAT. Been talking with my publicist guru and she’s gotten me many new reviews, and given me great ideas on how to build. My sales are slowly starting to be impacting by the efforts.)
  3. I will regain my focus. (Struggling here. I lost my mojo–and the practices I’d put in place to keep on track. I’m re-establishing several of them now and trying to get back into the game.)
  4. I will face my demon/salvation – the one story I’m afraid of. (Nope, not even a little bit yet)
  5. I will decide by July if I will return to Lake Point in 2017. (Still not a clue)
  6. I will prep all the things for print. ALL. The. Things. (Tribe is done, I have The Wolf all set, and it’s onto the next. This is going on! I have a LOT of books to get through yet, but I have my print-formatting basis down. Loving it.)

And next is my list of projects. The list seems small without all the Lake Point books of the past on it, but I’m sure it will change and grow over the year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress. The books in BLUE are new to the game.

  1. Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
  2. Switchback (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k
  3. Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
  4. Red Zone (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 40k (~18k done)
  5. The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (DONE 5/15/16)
  6. The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
  7. Auld Lang Syne (Lake Point 12.5 ~ Revisiting Old Stories)
  8. Untitled Project (Hand Delivered Book 1) ~ 40k
  9. Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (60k done)
  10. Masked Hearts – Create new cover and re-release this one last SCP book (Plan to work on this this week)
  11. Fall (Hidden Senses #1) ~30k

Clearly this year has been a struggle for me. I’m really determined to make sure the worst has passed. There will be days I don’t write, depending on editing, formatting, and the slew of other tasks I have to complete, but if I stay on target and write some every day, and keep my editing deadlines instead of pushing them back–I could see everything on my lists accomplished.

Now if only I could find those elusive EXTRA hours to add to my day. Any clue where to find those?


2016 Writing Forecast – February Update

2016We are already almost two full months into 2016.  How is that possible? I mean, it just can’t be, can it?

Of course, I was sick for over 2 weeks recently and so much of my actual writing progress was stunted.

In good news, I wasn’t completely useless. I got the paper-editing of 2 out of the 3 existing The Tribe series completely done. Unfortunately, that’s not on my list of goals, but it is a massive step toward publication for this series. My projected release is April, so I’m very excited.  But, it’s time for check-in! Let’s see where I’m at!

First, my overall goals for the year…

  1. I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2016. (at 57,216, running behind, but running as of 2/18/16)
  2. I will build my audience and work harder at promotion.
  3. I will regain my focus.
  4. I will face my demon/salvation – the one story I’m afraid of.
  5. I will decide by July if I will return to Lake Point in 2017.
  6. I will prep all the things for print. ALL. The. Things. (Working on The Tribe now)

And next is my list of projects. The list seems small without all the Lake Point books of the past on it, but I’m sure it will change and grow over the year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress.

  1. Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
  2. Switchback (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k
  3. Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
  4. Red Zone (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 40k (~12k done)
  5. The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (~50k done)
  6. The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
  7. Auld Lang Syne (Lake Point 12.5 ~ Revisiting Old Stories)
  8. Secret Project 1 (Series Name Withheld) ~ 40k
  9. Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (60k done)
  10. Masked Hearts – Create new cover and re-release this one last SCP book

I haven’t really progressed on much since last month, but I’m getting back into my groove now, so hopefully soon these numbers and projects will all start creeping up! That is end game for sure 🙂


2015 Writing Goals – July Update

2015Whoosh, this year is flying by! I can’t believe it is officially half over.

My goals for this year were crazy lofty, and I have slacked off on so very many of them. In the past month I’ve really pushed to getting back into the game again. Words and ideas are flowing wonderfully now. Only thing I’m lacking is the time to put them into motion.

So without further ado or ramblings from my overworked brain…here’s the update!

First, the overall goals to set the tone for the year…

  1. I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2015. (really slacking. Only 198k as of 7/2/15)
  2. I will build my audience and work harder at promotion – including tours for my three series during the year. (Improving my numbers all the time. Have a great PR company getting my books out there. Had good numbers for a couple of months. The upcoming months will get even better.)
  3. I will regain my focus. (Finally making ground. Not perfect, but as my day job hours ease up again, and the craziness of my life eases a teeny bit, this will improve)
  4. I will detail at least one of the new series I have listed to play with. (Still nada. Maybe soon)
  5. I will decide by July if I’ll continue in Lake Point through 2016. (I did, I did!  I am moving into 2016.)
  6. I will plan the 2016 books and have my proposal into the publisher by August 1st (one month? Yikes!)

And next is my list of projects. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress. Books in RED are completed. Books in BLUE are new adds!

  1. Free Falling (Holidays in Lake Point 10) – 30k (done 2/28)
  2. Love for Hire (Holidays in Lake Point 11) – 30k (done 3/31)
  3. Haunted Hearts (Holidays in Lake Point 12) – 30k (2000 words)
  4. Mistletoe Mixup (Holidays in Lake Point 13) – 30k
  5. Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
  6. Switchback (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k
  7. Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
  8. The Virgin Madam (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 20k (This one is possible, but not definite)
  9. The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k (40,131 words)
  10. The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
  11. The Town (The Tribe #6) – 85k
  12. Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 80k (54k done)
  13. Changing Tracks (revamping/updating) – 100k
  14. Derailed (revamping/updating) – 100k
  15. Dark Territory (revamping/updating) – 100k


It feels good to be working again. I really hope that by next month I’ve got some good changes to my numbers. I do have to write Haunted Hearts ASAP as it’s due to the publisher in a month. At least I have the cover done. Now just to get the words on the page!

Speaking of which, time to get back to writing.

2015 Forecast – A Little Late, But Still Lofty

2015Last year I set some pretty lofty goals for myself, and I’m really happy with where I ended up.  I wrote around 535,000 words, published 8 books, and received a contract for 7 more books this year. So while I didn’t reach my 600k goal for 2014, I’m very pleased with how my year went.

2015 has gotten off to a slow, yet super fast start for me. I’ve already had 2 books published with another due in a month (and 5 more at least expected this year, I’m hoping for 8 again, maybe 9). I’ve got some promo events coming up online, and plans to do more promo this year. Yet, I’ve written only 35,000 words so far.

So, I knew it was time to write out my goals and my plans for books to be written this year again. Writing everything down and keeping decent track last year really helped me move forward with my goals in 2014. Here’s hoping doing the same will let me really push off and get moving with 2015!

First, some overall goals to set the tone for the year…

  1. I’ve challenged myself to write 600,000 words in 2015.
  2. I will build my audience and work harder at promotion – including tours for my three series during the year.
  3. I will regain my focus.
  4. I will detail at least one of the new series I have listed to play with.
  5. I will decide by July if I’ll continue in Lake Point through 2016.

And next is my list of projects. Right now the list is “small” compared to last year. The list will grow once I work on figuring out what other series I will work on/develop this year. The books in ORANGE are current works-in-progress.

  1. Free Falling (Holidays in Lake Point 10) – 30k (2,108 done)
  2. Love for Hire (Holidays in Lake Point 11) – 30k
  3. Haunted Hearts (Holidays in Lake Point 12) – 30k
  4. Mistletoe Mixup (Holidays in Lake Point 13) – 30k
  5. Into a Mirror Darkly (Morgana Chronicles 1) – 100k (~10k done)
  6. Natural Selection – 40k (27,103 done)
  7. Switchback (Dominion Falls 6) – 100k
  8. Dead Man’s Switch (Dominion Falls 7) – 100k
  9. The Virgin Madam (Dominion Falls 5.5) – 20k (This one is possible, but not definite)
  10. The Raven (The Tribe #4) – 85k
  11. The Child (The Tribe #5) – 85k
  12. Escaping Humanity (Co-authoring w/ Mary Terrani) – 100k (22k done)

I’m not taking it easy on myself this year. I am working on getting more promo out and working the lines, but I still want to get my words.  My current goal is to get all of my Lake Point books done early in the year so I can work on everything else without deadlines looming over my head. I’d really like to get the first two books on this list done before the end of February, and the last two by March. Fingers crossed!