
Aug 19, 2007 | Autism

Today was a twelve hour long meltdown. Starting at 8AM, out of the blue, Donna started crying. Moaning, whining, crying. It was normally something I would let slide, but I knew without even letting it go for a few that this was different. It was the start of a full blown meltdown. So, I dragged myself out of bed, made bottles and got the girls up. The bottle didn’t soothe her, a dry diaper didn’t soothe her. She clung to Daddy, then clung to me…and it wasn’t enough for me to hold her. We were up and walking for an hour. I finally managed to sit down and she was asleep on my shoulder. The meltdown remained through to naptime. We put her down and she slept for a while, and woke up the same way she had this morning. She spent the entire afternoong clinging to either daddy or me. She remained so until 8PM. At which point she climbed out of Daddy’s lap and within half an hour was a happy chatty girl. We have no idea what triggered it, or what ended it. It was a long, worrying day. The worst part is not knowing what caused it…and that there was nothing we could do to help…



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