Well, we are attempting to dip into DH’s 401K now. If we get approval for the withdrawal, there will be positives and negatives to it.
Positive: We can take the car to CarMax and sell it, and have the money to cover the difference. I.E. We don’t have to turn it in as a voluntary repo (which we have been considering)
Negative: We’re taking money out of the 401K
Positive: We’ll be able to catch up ALL of the bills.
NEgative: DH can’t make ANY 401K contributions for 6 months after the withdrawal.
Positive: We’ll be able to fix our one remaining car (it needs breaks, has a bad oil leak, etc.)
Negative: Uh…
Positive: Christmas will be covered for sure.
Positive: HUGE weight off my shoulders, and our finances with the car out of our hair…which means we can, in fact, go through with the SSI appeal.
I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.