Ten things…

Nov 10, 2007 | Uncategorized

After being in this for only a year, (though it seems so much longer) I have a list of things I know that I shouldn’t. My therapists and doctor’s have always loved that I educate myself…so it’s not a problem that I do know them…but I still shouldn’t…

1. Tongue lateralization – what it is and how good my daughter’s is.
2. Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) – again, what it is and how best to use it.
3. How to check my child’s muscle tone, determine if it’s improving.
4. Thirty-plus words in sign (granted, I knew them before because my cousin has Down’s…but I have no ‘practical’ need for them in every day life until Molly)
5. Oral Motor Exercises – Not just for toddlers (which is tricky)! I know it for an older child as well (because I needed it!!).
6. That the average toddler requires 1300 calories a day. Molly requires about 50% more to keep her at a steady growth (about 1900), and K needs twice that (about 2600).
7. The difference between receptive and expressive communication. How well each of my girls use both and where they are lacking.
8. How to do speech therapy with the girls. How to perform regular ‘fun’ exercises to increase vocabulary both receptively and expressively.
9. The amount of calories and fat in many foods I never knew before. How to properly read a nutrition label.
10. How to adjust some therapeutic toys and tools so they are cheaper and home made.



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