The Newest Obsession…

Nov 28, 2007 | Autism

Molly has obsessions. They come and go, only return again and be greeted like a long lost lover (you’ll see I’m not kidding).

Her first notable obsession was the Backyardigans…but not JUST the show. We’re talking down and dirty love with the DVD case. She carried it EVERYWHERE. Took it to bed with her. It got to the point where we had to sneak the cases away because she’d played with them so much the actual title pages were ripped and worn – and in some cases the plastic of the case was half ripped off. We now have NO DVD cases of kids shows…all kids shows are on a spindle and locked away for their own safety.

From there we moved onto cars. She had toy cars and she would line them up in a perfect little line and carry them everywhere. This was a very short lived obsession…

Because she found her Dora doll. Oh, Dora was BIG. Dora was carried EVERYWHERE. Dora was chewed on as much as Molly’s fingers. Dora was LIFE.

Then she learned the word “STAR”. Dora still had a place…but STAR was the shiznit. STARS can be seen EVERYWHERE. On common commercials, on signs, and on fabrics that Mommy finds at the fabric stores.

For some reason stars faded…but so did Molly. She became very introverted again and we lost our little girl for a while (this happens from time to time…she gets vibrant and full of life…then disappears into her own little world).

Now it’s Christmas. And a whole new world has begun. We now have TWO simultaneous obsessions…

The first is STARS! They have returned! With Christmas in the air, stars can REALLY be seen everywhere. There’s one on top of our tree…ornaments have stars. She has picked an ornament with a star that she carried with her to daycare today. She KISSES the star on the ornament regularly! STars are once again the shiznit…

But the other obsession…well…

I bought ‘new’ shoes at the resale shop the other day. They are shoes I’ve wanted to buy from Target since last year, but never did due to cost, etc. So, when I saw them at resale in her size I grabbed them.

SHE WONT TAKE THEM OFF!! If I take them off she throws a MASSIVE fit. Even if I explain that it’s just to change clothes/diaper, whatever. If I take them off and leave them on the table…she PUTS THEM ON.

She goes to bed with them. Yes. I let her wear them to bed…you try putting her in bed without them!

Tomorrow we discuss Molly’s hidden intelligence…



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