The Queen is a B-….

Dec 6, 2007 | Therapy

Okay, so I’d never ACTUALLY call my daughter that…or maybe I would…but I’m digressing.

I’m so very not used to this. Denver was (forgive me for saying) the “perfect” child. He never had terrible twos, three’s, or any age. He acts up at the start of every school year…otherwise he’s a great kid. As a child temper tantrums were VERY rare…I never feared going out in public.

Molly is silent 90% of the time. When she was a baby the overstimulation would send her screaming if we went to a restaurant…but mostly I don’t have to worry about her freaking otu in public anymore. She acts incredibly shy. And now, since she’s started preschool a new social side is coming out around people she’s familiar with.

Kennedy. Well, she’s my little B-…snot-nosed brat. And yes, I DO mean snot-nosed.

Yesterday I tried to go shopping. Little One decided she didn’t want to go shopping…much less in Old Navy. Threw a SCREAMING fit. I had her in one of those carts they have…she kept THROWING herself back into the hard plastic seat. Joy.

We left Old Navy, went to The Children’s Place (I have a thing with Children’s place I’ll have to post later)…no carts there, so she threw herself on the floor. MARVELOUS.

Today was PT. She REFUSED to do anything PT…period. Threw huge big screaming hissy fits. Threw herself on the ground. On the couch. Threw toys. Screamed. Threw her head into me.

We finally got her to do some OT activities amid screaming fits. As the therapist was writing her notes, I gave K a little backrub…she had knots from head to toe. After that…guess what? The PT started cleaning up…and K started doing PT activities!!! She was climbing the steps the PT brought.

Yeah. The Little B-…er, Little One decided NOW was a good time…

Snot nosed little brat.

Figures…with three kids I had to expect ONE of them to be a punk.



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