The Butt of Doom…

Dec 7, 2007 | Uncategorized

It invaded our house. It’s actually not uncommon, but it almost always occurs with Molly. She has VERY sensitive skin and tops it off with acidic excrements (all kinds)…which leads to many open-sore-in-an-instant diaper rashes.

Soooo….last night I got very little good sleep. I went to bed late, too late (I’d been out Christmas shopping for DH so when I got home I had to get in some required puter time so I didn’t go into W/Ds). I crashed on the couch because the night before my snoring had kept me and DH both up (me because he elbows me to get me to stop…so I sleep little). Sooo, I crashed on the couch. Hard.

4AM screams rip through me like a shot. Wake me up little by little. Loud.Violent.Bloody-murder.screams. You’d think Kennedy was being attacked. Molly soon joined in.

I go into their room. K is immediately on her feet reaching for me. M is still laying down, but I check her…she’s soaking wet. I pick them both up and take them into the living room and give them bottles. Grab new sleepers for both and begin changing.

K has the butt of doom. In the dark, lit only by the TV infomercial (it’s a softer light) I can see how bad it is. Oy. Poor baby. I feel so bad for her…she can’t even eat when I’m cleaning it hurts so bad…and it illicits more screams. I finish her up as fast as I can, turn to Molly. She’s FINE. Just overly wet. I swear the kid pees more at night than she does ALL.DAY.LONG!!!

Sooo…my poor little one has the butt of doom and it afforded me NO sleep. By the time I got them cleaned up, dried up, and laid back down it was nearly 5AM. DH came out and woke me up at 6AM to ask me what the screaming had been about. DS got up and ready for school…DH got ready for work…all with me on the couch. DH tried to get me to go into the bedroom since he was up, but I hadn’t the energy to make the trek down the hall *lol*

They leave, and the girls are up, playing, screaming (not in pain now, in play)…giggling…

So I’m working on VERY LITTLE sleep….*thunk*



  1. Meg

    So I sit down to eat my lunch (chili-cheese potato) and go to read the feeds in my reader, and get met with poop and diaper sores. Tasty. Mmmm. LOL

    Hope Kennedy is on the mend quickly, poor thing 🙁

  2. Sadie

    *lol* Nothing better than diaper stories, is there?!?!? *giggle* Hope we didn’t ruin your lunch!!!

    She’s got a rash all the way down her thighs…and on top of that, her skin is super dry (it gets that way in the winter)…so she’s got dry skin everywhere that there is no diaper rash 🙁


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