Wordless Wednesday??

Dec 12, 2007 | CF, Crap

You know ladies and gents…I’ve thought about it…but I just cannot be silent for a full day most of the time. If I HAD to be silent on a day I know it jsut wouldn’t happen *giggle* So I doubt I will ever be participating in Wordless Wednesday.

But I DID get a fun picture for this weeks upcoming Picture Hunt. So I may start doing that in time for the new year. I keep meaning to better my picture taking (I’m hoping for a fancy schmancy digital next year, our current one sucks monkey butt)…so that gives me an excuse and a challenge 😀

CF Clinic was today. K was a total witch again. Throwing herself down on the floor (which, by the way, is 3 feet of concrete with a pretty layer of tile on it…how can that NOT hurt??)…throwing a huge fit pretty much 98% of the time we were there. Dr. was a doll…I just adore her…she called me insane for backing 5 different types of cookies (I didn’t tell her I was planning on making a second round of 4 of those types).

Umm…oh yes. Car worked like a dream. Like there was absolutely nothing wrong with it ever. We’re thinking the fuel got frozen in the line or something…I hadn’t run it in about 36 hours….and it gets COLD at night here!!



  1. Crooked Eyebrow

    Sucks monkey butt?


    I always preferred monkey balls…

  2. jennifer

    I guess I shouldn’t mention that it was 80 degrees and sunny here today!

    I feel like a loser, considering I haven’t baked even 1 measley cookie.

    Jennifer, Le Binky Bitch

  3. Sadie

    Yes…sucks Monkey butt…I was afraid balls would be too offensive (I know, considering my audience what do I care, right? *giggle*)


    And Jennifer…um, hush. *lol* You and my BFF Jess can take your 80 degree weather and get sunburned for all I care *giggle*

    Seriously…I wouldn’t want warm weather right now anyway. We need cold and snow for Christmas…THEN global warming can hit 😛


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