Did you know…

~ That having truncal hypotonia and a daredevil are a VERY bad combination?

~ The the above mentioned combination can lead to a face plant from the height of the back of a couch resulting in an unexpected $60 trip to the dentist for X-rays?

~ That a fasting glucose level of 160 is BAD?

~ That such a fasting glucose level can cause grown men to be diagnosed with diabetes?

~ That being diagnosed with high cholesterol AND diabetes in the same week can lead to an ultra-restrictive and ultra SUCKY diet?

~ That mastering such a diet is TOUGH? 

~ And have I mentioned that it SUCKS?

~ That I have soooo many things that occurred during blog closing/deletion that I can’t seem to compose one REAL post out of the mess?

~ That this is a thinly disguised bullet list?

~ That Riley has become an abusive big sister that likes to hit her sister on regular occassions?

~ That Brandon has started going to Wednesday night bible school…with the neighbors…NOT us…and that I (as a non-christian) am not sure how to feel about that?

~ That I feel hypocritical for saying that because I believe that my children should be able to make their own choices in life and religion?

~ That sometimes not even the internet can help you locate an old friend?

~ That I am TOTALLY obsessed with True Blood (and the Sookie Stackhouse book series)?!

~ That I was SO obsessed with it, that I switched to DirecTV because it was the cheapest way to get HBO?

~ That I was SOOO obsessed with the books that I got Archie reading them?

~ That having a book discussion with a spouse of the opposite sex (which mine happens to be) brings about points (and viewpoints) that you seriously never considered, and might not understand?

~ That I could go on for another fifty points, but I don’t want to annoy you so soon back into re-posting?



  1. Momisodes

    Ugh. I am so sorry to hear Sarah. While pregnant they restricted my diet because of glucose, and it was torture. I can only imagine what it’s like to add cholesterol into the mix.
    So glad your finding an outlet with the series though! That is too funny you switched because of the HBO 🙂


  2. Annie

    Welcome back!! It sounds like you’re having a rough go of it…I hope things start looking up for you soon.

    I miss having HBO. I really do.

    Annie´s last blog post..Weekly Winners, 9/27/08

  3. tiff

    Sounds like there is alot going on and you could never scare me away.

    tiff´s last blog post..Was I spoiled?


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