Roller Coaster Potty

Jul 14, 2009 | All About Kennedy, All About Molly, Crap

roller_coasterYou know those sneaky roller coaster rides where you climb and climb every so slowly to the top and just as you crest, ready for the exhileration of the drop – it’s just a little bump?  You have to wait another interminable second before the rush of the real drop? I’m stuck on a series of little bumps…waiting for the rush of the drop…

Every step forward with potty training is met with steps backward. 

I’ve tried defending their actions, explaining them away…but I’m down to the last hair on my head, pulling each one out in frustration.

I can’t call them ‘accidents’ I know that they know what they’re doing…but do they?  Despite the fact that they know where the potty is, how to go, they are no longer afraid of it…and have even used public toilets…they have yet to initiate a potty run. 

I take that back – Angel did it ONCE, on father’s day. 

I’m tired of washing sheets every day because they keep wetting the bed.  I’m tired of asking them if they have to go and gettig a flat out ‘no’ – only to have them peeing on the ground two minutes later. 

Is it a sensory issue?  Or just stubborness?  Or are they just not ready, despite being 3&4?!? 

I don’t want to return to diapers…I don’t want that cost…but I don’t know how much more I can handle.


My apologies for the potty-roller coaster analogy…and for a post about potty-training…I’m just super frustrated right now.



  1. Leslie

    ok, this may sound cruel, but it was what a friend of mine did:

    Her daughter was about to turn three, and didn’t care about using the potty. She knew where it was, how to go, etc., but didn’t care. She’d soil her pants and just keep playing.

    My friend tried all the positive reinforcment ideas, stickers, candy, etc. Child couldn’t have cared less. Eventually, they went with negative reinforcment.

    For two days the child was in underwear, everytime she had an accident, she got a cold bath. This was a specific punichment for potty accidents only, it was nver used before, it has never been used since. The third day the child was given a break and allowed in diapers (she was totally stressed), and the fourth day put back in underwear, and hasn’t had an accident since.

    It sounds mean, and it may not work for your situation. but it may give you a new idea for something else to try!!

  2. PurpleAllison

    I understand your frustrations, I’m right there with you.
    All i can say is good luck. It’ll happen eventually or they make adult sized diapers.

  3. Momisodes

    I’m so sorry. I have to agree with you, potty training has been one of the most difficult hurdles for us. At least for me it was.
    Even now, my daughter will still say “no” if ask her if she needs to go. She doesn’t fear the potty, she just has better things to do.

    So I just put her on the potty anyway if it’s been a few hours.


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