Therapy, therapy…oh, and did I mention – therapy?

Nov 11, 2009 | All About Kennedy, Cystic Fibrosis, Failure to Thrive (FTT), Hypotonia, SID, Speech, Therapy

blessing6Angel had her go-round with the Developmental Pediatrician on Monday. Avoiding discussion of the horror of a day surrounding said appointment, I’ll get right into the actual facts and (lack of) diagnosis!

The short of it – we may never know what causes our little one to struggle.  It may be that she was born so early, or just a quirk in her brain that makes her crooked physically and mentally. 

However, that won’t stop us from a) looking for a cause and b) getting her all the help she needs.

To that end, the Ped did see her unevenness in her gait (we walked and/or ran down a long hall to display), and tone.  She again listened and heard all I had to say on everything we’ve been through the past couple of years with her.  She gave advice and took a good look over her, just as she had with Riley.

Her solutions here were a little more complex, but not by much.

1. We are doing an MRI on her brain.  Taking a good hard look to be sure that there is nothing specific or noteworthy that could have caused this.

2. We are doing a full-run genetic test. AFter a pre-approval by her dual insurance plans, of course. 

Why are we doing these?  Because the ped recognized that almost as much as we want to learn the HOW’s of Angel’s issues…we also would like to know WHY’s.  She said that while it is likely just her early birth date, we should exhaust the remaining bit of question.

And onto the HOW’s…

1. Restarting Speech Therapy
2. Restarting Occupational Therapy
3. Having a psychological exam done to determine need for Behavioral Therapy
4. Returning to the Feeding specialist for  monthly visits
5. Restarting Physical Therapy

All of this will be done at Riley Hospital, and all should be covered by insurance (if not primary, then secondary) as part of her diagnosed issues.  Thank goodness for Indiana’s wonderful Special Needs insurance (now if only we could get Riley qualified for it *sigh*)…it has saved us more than I can ever say.

And that is where we stand now.  Therapy, therapy…and more therapy.  I’ll be doing a bit more traveling once it all gets started…but if it helps, it’s all worth it.



  1. Momisodes

    I’m glad to hear that your pediatrician is looking at Angel from all angles. Although you may not have the answers for Why, I hope the How’s make a huge difference for Angel.
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..You spin me right round =-.

  2. Accidental Expert

    You are doing all the right things! I know how frustrating it is to know something is up, but not able to identify exactly what it is.

    But you’ve some great interventions in place and that’s what counts.
    .-= Accidental Expert´s last blog ..The Most Important Thanks of All =-.

  3. Rachael

    I think it’s great that you’re getting so many ideas from the doctor, that they’re listening and your little beauty is getting the help she needs. I’m sure the scheduling will be busy, and hard, but hopefully it will all be worth it!


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