Needed Inspiration…

Jul 14, 2010 | All About Kennedy, Crap, Cystic Fibrosis

Today is the day.

Angel goes in for her checkup after her rounds of antibiotics.  It’s time to pay the piper.  There are three possible scenarios after today.

1. Her lung functions have not gone up – hospital admittance, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
2. Her lung functions are up – go home. Get a call in a week that her sputum culture results are bad and we need to check into the hospital.
3. Her lung functions are up – go home. No further issues.

Now, obviously I want #3 to happen.  I want her lung functions up and I don’t want a call in a week ordering us back in. I want her to be clear.

I fear the worst.

Stress for Archie and I is high today.

So I turn to a show I never watch, to find a pair of beautiful young women to inspire me and give me hope.  Two sisters, Ali and Christina, both with CF (in a family of 4 children, all of whom have CF) – SINGING on America’s Got Talent. They give me joy, they give me hope, and they put me in tears every time.



  1. Jen L.

    Sarah, you’ll be in my thoughts today. Praying for a good report.

  2. designHer Momma

    she went home right? #3 happened right?
    .-= designHer Momma´s last blog ..Still sharper than a Sharpie =-.

    • Sarah

      Yes! She came home! She won’t be going in next week, even if her culture comes back positive…we’ll be starting a regular treatment plan then.

      So yes, she’s home and for now she’s staying here 🙂 We are very happy.


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