Murphy can just go to hell…

Jul 16, 2010 | All About Home, All About Kennedy, All About Me, Crap, Cystic Fibrosis, Photography, Random

acEver had one of those days? How about one of those weeks? Months? Years?

I’m in the middle of one of those weeks.  Coming about 4 weeks after one of those months…which is turning this into one of those years.

Let’s focus on this week.

My birthday is coming up (this Sunday).  For the past several years my bday has not been anything spectacular, and in some cases it’s flat out stunk. Not sure why, I just haven’t had the birthday Gods on my side or something.  This year is proving to be no exception.

In one week we’ve had a trifecta of appliance crap, been overcharged by WalMart Eye Center, and lost the ability to finish my deck for my bday (all I wanted for it), oh and the plants I purchased for it are pretty much dead (my fault, I shouldn’t have bought them until it was done.).

First, over the weekend the fridge died.  Freezer worked fine, fridge wouldn’t cool.  Appliance repair guy came on Wed.  Assured me w/ the statement, “It’s a $45 part.”  Then proceeded to charge me an hours labor for a 30 minute job (that’s $60, mind you), AND $40 to defrost my fridge with what sounded suspiciously like a hair dryer.

Thursday morning I went to give my two little stinky angels a bath. Oldest was washing dishes.  All of a sudden, there was no hot water. Well, crap.

I pull open the utility closet and the pilot’s out on the water heater.  At least, I think that’s the problem.  If it wasn’t, it sure became the problem when I turned the whole thing off.  Archie came home and re-lit the thing and we have hot water again.  We just aren’t sure how or why the pilot went out and hope it’s not going to crap out again all too soon.

Not four hours later I stepped outside and the Air Conditioner sounded really loud. Thinking it was odd I walked on over to find the fan not spinning.


On our side for that one is our neighbor is an AC guy and he came over to take a look.

But seriously?

Why does Murphy hate my birthday so much?  Or, for that matter, me?  I didn’t do anything to him.

Well, he can go to Hell.  I’m taking my birthday OFF.  I’m not going near an appliance, a vehicle, my computer, nothing that can break. I’m staying in bed and pretending it doesn’t exist.  I’m really tired of this crap storm.


P.S. For those who haven’t seen me on twitter or FB, here’s the Angel update –

SHE’S HOME!!  No hospital stay for us!  Just as suspected, we are now officially, 100% w/o a doubt a CF family. You do not get psuedomnas if you don’t have CF.  The culture results will NOT send us into the hospital, but if they are positive we will be starting a lifetime regimen of one month on/one month off on the TOBI (inhaled antibiotic through nebulizer – very expensive stuff)…but we won’t know that for a week.  I’ll keep you posted!

P.P.S. I’ve been trying to get back into 365 by getting a week in advance done.  I’m afraid I missed yesterday w/ all the stuff going on…so it’ll be another week or two before I get those started again – but I will be participating in Weekly Winners again this week. Have a few pictures to put in once they’re edited. I have a trial version of a new photo manager/editor that I LOVE and plan to buy once we have the money. I’ll tell you about it later.

P.P.P.S. I actually have a bit to post about…but have been trying to skip days until I got more to write.  I may just blow off that idea and do a random post of stuff. Who knows….



  1. Heather aka Bevan

    This sounds so much like most of my life. Can never seem to catch a break and when i do, i have now learned to start holding my breath and waiting for the bad section to kick in. Not a fun way to live. Would like to be easy free like some people i know. Keep asking myself and the world when will it be my turn to have a time without waiting for the negative, when will i have a bit of good luck. Seems like everyone i know has good luck after they meet me or have known me……ack

  2. Jen L.

    CRAPPY. I’m so sorry all the appliances in your life went berserk and such. Please do something happy on your birthday, even if it’s just sleeping in and eating a boat-load of chocolate.

    SO GLAD Angel is home!!!!!
    .-= Jen L.´s last blog ..HOTel =-.

  3. Sarah

    Thanks for commenting Heather! It’s nice to see you over here.

    LOL. I know the feeling. Many people I know seem to have better luck than me. I keep hoping it will turn around!

  4. Sarah

    Sleeping and eating a boat-load of chocolate sounds like a great idea for my birthday, Jen! *lol* You might just be on the right track with that one!

  5. V.R. Leavitt

    So glad to hear Angel is home!! That’s wonderful news! As for the rest of it, ugh…just ugh.

    I do agree though that chocolate sounds like a good idea. You should go for it.


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