6 Times the Fun (HEXBUGS!)

Sep 16, 2010 | Uncategorized

Two years ago for Christmas we got Brandon two Hexbugs.  The original (beetle-like) Hexbug and the crab. He loved them, and Archie & I thought they were pretty cool, too.

So when the email came from MomSelect offering up a Hexbug Nano party, I jumped at the chance to host.  When I got the email confirming I’d been selected, I was more excited than my kids (probably because the girls are so young, they had no idea what I meant).

Within two weeks I had a swarm of kids over at the house.  7 kids (ages 2-9) and two of us Mom’s.  Any concern I might have felt over whether we could handle it ws gone the second the kids saw the Nano’s.

I’d set up a handful of mini habitats, but apparently it wasn’t good enough.  Soon they were attaching all the little habitats together, making a large habitat and ripping into their test tubes so fast we nearly lost half of the online codes inside!

In the end, all I can say is that the party – and the Nano’s were a total success.  For every second of the party the kids did nothing but play with the Nano’s.  The food hardly interested them (even though they did eat) – all they cared about was the toys. The fact that they each got to pick several of their own, plus pieces of habitat to take home just made their day.

Once the party was wrapped up, my girls stayed glued to the kitchen table playing with the “ants” for the next 3 days straight until the batteries ran out on their Nano’s (which lasted a good 24 hours total of straight on-time play-time).  I do have spares, thankfully because I have a feeling this is going to be a popular toy for a while!!

By the way, for the party we had:

& Snails

For food…and the bugs, well…

They’re speedy little buggers:

But when they cause this look:

And cause such creative and excitable play as these did.

They are always welcome in my house.


**Disclaimer: I received the Nano’s and habitat pieces free from MomSelect & Hexbugs…but I couldn’t fake the kids reactions if I wanted to.  So the free-nessity did not influence my review in any way.



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