Because Random is fun…

Sep 17, 2010 | All About Kennedy, All About Learning, All About Me, All About Molly, Crap, Random

On occasion the random bullet-filled post is fun. Guess what you get today?  The virtual grab-bag of crap…I mean, the bullet-list…so much less defined than a bucket-list 😀

* Riley got sick this week.  I called her school on Monday at 10:45AM. Told them her name, her teacher, that she was in PM kindergarten – and said she was sick & not coming in.  2 hours later the school called wondering where she was. SOOOO not working in their favor.

* On that note, I have a copy of a withdrawal letter for her drafted. It’s not set in stone, but we’re meeting w/ her teacher on Monday. Might be an ‘exit interview’ to get our ducks in a row. Informational “what is happening in class” and “this is what’s happening at home” type of meeting.  Not sure which way the pendulum will swing after that.

*Our town had it’s street fair this past weekend.  Somehow Angel managed to get a pingpong ball into a little fishbowl TWICE. So, “Pingu” and “Nemo” are the new pets around here (pictures to follow soon).  If they survive the week I’m going to need to get them a real fish bowl.  Right now they’re managing, but I don’t have any proper materials so the water is getting filthy fast.  Changing it out daily is not on my list of good times.

* The new season of GLEE is this coming week!  YAY.  Fall shows make me happy. GLEE, ANTM, Bones and Big Bang Theory I’m anxious to see again (okay, ANTM is already on, YAY).  I’ve started watching Hellcats (don’t judge)…and I’m really looking forward to No Ordinary Family, Sh*t my Dad Says, and Blue Bloods (hello Donnie Wahlberg *sigh* – and my NKOTB love goes on – again, don’t judge, you know you loved them too).

* Speaking of shows…oh, how disappointed I am in True Blood. Alan Ball really took the show WAY off course – and BORED THE CRAP out of me this season.  When you fast forward through 3/4 of the finale because you don’t give a sh*t about any of the characters – you know it’s bad.  Shame on you, Alan Ball. SHAME ON YOU.

* I’m knitting again.

* And (sort of) writing again…more like editing my book based on some feedback I got.  Once again I have confirmation from all that have read that my first chapter is great – but I’m still not getting my foot in that door.  Oh well, I have a partial out once again (slightly rewritten from what it was), and I’m waiting to send out more until another time.  At this time of year I stop pressuring myself to write so much, because it doesn’t flow as easy for me and there’s too much going on.

* Because of JENNIFER, I’ve started watching LOST. Yes, I’m WAY behind the ball, but so is she…and she mentioned it being on Netflix instant-play (which I’d noticed too) and commented that because she was late in watching she had no one to watch with.  So, now I’m just about through the first season (would be completely but illness sent me to bed EARLY)…and annoyed at how hooked I am.  Simple curiosity has me glued to my screen.

* I have more reviews coming. This will not turn into a review site, but some offers look interesting and I’m taking them when I can.  At least one will go on my other site because it’s for a book, but occasionally you’ll see them here too!

* Did you know that there is now LESS than 100 days until Christmas? At the time of this post there will be 98 days until Christmas. Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!  It’s a simple fact.  How much shopping do you have done?  I have probably 1/3-1/2 done already.

* I’ll shut up now. More random posts in the future.

It wasn’t intentional, but this fits into the theme, so I’m tying it to Friday Fragments:
Mommy's Idea



  1. Jen L.

    Isn’t LOST wonderful!!?!?!?? I didn’t start watching until after Season 2. I had to catch up on Netflix. I loved that show SO much. I need to break down and buy the whole series (with what money, I don’t know) and re-watch it from beginning to end.

    I’m happy to hear someone else was bored with True Blood. The only parts of the finale that even made me sit up and pay attention a little were Sookie pouring Talbot down the sink and Eric in concrete dust. (because he’s just hot)

  2. Gina

    Ooooo……good luck with the Monday meeting. The street fair sounds fun, but not the winning of two new pets! 😉
    Just dropping by from Friday Fragments! Have a great weekend!

  3. Kristin

    I didn’t watch LOST, but I saw plenty of people hooked on it. I want to watch GLEE but I kept missing it, so now I’m going to have to watch it all in a marathon session some time. I watch ANTM, but I’m not sure a 44 year old is supposed to admit to that lol

    Have a great week and good luck on Monday.

    Kristin – The Goat
    via FF


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