#Reverb10 {D1-3} What was 2010?

Dec 4, 2010 | Random

In case you live under a rock and didn’t already know, there’s a great new challenge of sorts out there in the blogosphere.  It’s called #Reverb10.  It’s a chance to reflect on 2010 and set your destiny for 2011.  Through a series of (very inspiring) prompts.  You’re not required to post daily, but can do a few at a time if you want. Anyway, first I saw that Mishi was doing it, and then Lotus, and then on twitter I got a nudge from Mishi asking if I was taking the challenge.  Well, I can never turn down Mishi…even if I hadn’t already been seriously considering it, she tipped the scales, so here I am. Once again posting in December (at this rate I should have signed up for NaBlo for December!!).  This could be a long post, but I’ll try to keep it short.


December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)

My word for 2010 would have to be:


2010 brought a lot of change in my life. Archie and I changed the way we related, the way we communicated. After a rough year in 2009 (we had a very rough patch), we worked on repairing our relationship. It’s changed our relationship for the better.  We also experienced the sudden loss of my grandma, Riley starting Kindergarten, Brandon joining Scouts and Cross Country – not to mention his voice changing – which all helped turn him into a young man, an almost officially teen young man. Angel’s illness changed, becoming no longer a diagnosis and more a reality. The girls finally changed and became potty trained. And our status as a parent of 2 special needs children has changed into possibly 3 special needs kids.  The last change happened here on this blog.  For well over a year I neglected it, posting sparatically, insignificant posts that didn’t MEAN anything.  In just the past two months I’ve started a gradual change in myself, and am trying to reflect it in my blog. I’m writing more, and yes some of it is fluff, but it’s changing, becoming much more honest about who I am, and who we are.

In 2011, I want my word to be:


I want to take 2011 and see growth in all areas of my life.  I want to take charge of myself and really grow in the new year.  In all aspects of my life.

I want to stop leaving behind goals and dreams, and get the strength to follow them through.

To grow my blog. To grow in my photography. To grow in my family, in my spirit, in my home and every aspect of my life.

I want to see my family grow stronger, more capable, more joyous in our every day.

I want everything about my life to grow. Change will not scare me, because it will mean we are growing.

December 2 – Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? (Author: Leo Babauta)

I spend way too  much time surfing and watching the TV. It doesn’t contribute to anything in my life – certainly not my writing. I can eliminate it, I HAVE to eliminate it. I need to organize my life better so that I’m not wandering around aimlessly in the WWW when I could be doing something meaningful – whether it be writing, taking care of my home & family or taking pictures.

December 3 – Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards)

This is difficult. One moment that I felt most alive. There were a few. My first wine tasting with my husband.  Our  weekend getaway downtown where we just walked the city and dined out, spending the night in a nice hotel. The photo walks I went on with my son, where we shared a love of photography and a bit of one on one time.

But I think it was in this moment. I had broken the 2.75 mile barrier on a run when I was attempting the C25k and felt proud and so very alive despite my exhaustion.

I have since fallen out of the running habit, and now with snow on the ground and no gym membership affordable it’s not looking likely to get re-started in the next couple of months…but I have every intention of starting it up again. I loved the sense of accomplishment this horrible non-runner got from beating the previous pace, building up my stamina and getting healthy again.


Yes, it is December 4th and there’s already a prompt for today, but I’m out of time and I’ll be back on Monday with another three days of #Reverb10


1 Comment

  1. Mama Kelly aka Jia

    Ah I see Im not the only one who had to play catch up on prompts. May 2011 bring joy and much positive growth to you, your family, and your blog.


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