Blessings found amidst darkness…

Dec 31, 2010 | All of Us, Community, Cystic Fibrosis, Hospital

In ll of my years online Archie has been frustrated.  He  wanted me to get “real” friends.  People that I could see face to face, call on the phone (even though I have issues using the phone). That were flesh and blood before me, not who-knows-where across the internet.

Archie hates when I tell this, because he says he does know that the people are “real”…they just aren’t close physically. He knows how deep my friendship with Jess is, after all she’s the first one he called after my surgery, and on other occasions.  He would just prefer that my ‘best’ friend live across the street (face it, wouldn’t we all like that).

ANYWAY. I’m getting off track on the point of this post.  We were admitted, I tweeted about it and left it at that.

Within an hour, I had a message from the beautiful Emily. It said simply, “What do you need? Tell me what you need and I’ll make it happen.”

I have often talked about the Indianapolis Blogging Community and how wonderful it is. The parties in recent months have enhanced that fact.

But I had no idea what the sense of community in both the bloggers and in my own neighborhood would mean.

Casey came to the hospital loaded down with goodies that Emily had organized.  A pillow pet was in there for Angel, as well as snacks from Casey & Emily, and Katy (her delectable goodies are pictured above) and Sarah and MrsBlonde.

So much that Archie and I just stared in awe & wonder at the gifts we’d been given.  The support offered. Snacks, full meal dishes that only needed to be popped into the oven, among other things for which we’ll be eternally grateful.

To add to the amazing things these women pulled together for us, I came home to find our driveway cleared of snow thanks to neighbors, a small package in the mail from Michelle (another Indy Blogger), and neighbors that gathered mail and also put together small presents for our little one.

Archie and I have been so touched by the support and caring in our established (and newly established) communities, we are still moved to tears by it.  I don’t think we could have made it through these past couple of weeks without these wonderful people that have touched our lives and our hearts.

IT had been many years since I have been established in such wonderful communities.

My heart is full with our blessings, even through the darkness that we’ve been moving through.


~Tomorrow comes the post about another lifesaver we had, rather by coincidence.  It’s a post I’d been planning on writing with far more humor and tongue in cheek – but now it will be much more.



  1. Tara R.

    Some of the best people I know live in my computer. My husband is the same way about my bloggy friends. I’ve been very lucky in that I had the chance to meet so many of these great friends in person.

    I’m glad you had so many people near who could come to your side and offer help.

    • Sarah

      @Tara R.,

      I’m of the same mind, Tara. Some of the best people I know live in my computer too. I haven’t been able to meet nearly as many as I’d hoped…but I have been able to meet a few. It is my sincere goal & hope to meet even more in the coming year.


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