Who is that? Oh…it’s me!!

Feb 4, 2011 | All About Me, Crap

I’ve been fighting the funk.

For a long time.

A really long time.


Today I’m feeling a crackle of fire.

The spark started a couple weeks ago.

I was setting a daily schedule (that went by the wayside during the storm – restarting on Monday). Despite my inherent hatred of mornings – I was getting used to the 6AM pattern. Waking up, making breakfast & lunch for Archie and Riley. Sending them both off, doing a little of my personal morning routine. Sending off Brandon to school. Finishing my morning and getting started on my day with Angel. Getting chores actually completed.

This week has been off due to the inches of ice (we estimate there is 3 inches on the top of our truck).

But today there is a definite flaring of the fire that’s been smoldering.  This isn’t forced. This is real.  I’ve been writing (a LOT), I got good news on my manuscript, I’m getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow, and I have a few other things to look forward to in the near future.

It feels good to be in a good place again.

I’m not out of the woods, but the sun is shining through the trees. That is definitely good.


P.S. I signed up for NaBloPoMo again in February.  They have a theme “character”, but I probably won’t follow it too close.  I am severely disappointed in the lack of posts (period, not to mention their quality) in December and January and wanted to challenge myself right back into the game.  Wish me luck 😀



  1. Mrs4444

    What a beautiful little post. I’m happy for you.

    There’s nothing like a cut/color to bring anyone out of the dumps!

  2. Rachael

    Yay for sunshine! I’m glad you’re seeing that glimmer again.


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