Pouting Randomness

Jul 20, 2011 | All of Us, Crap, Random

[flickr id=”5959711952″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”left”]My BFF Jess and her brood have left the building.  On Tuesday they started the long drive home to Virginia, and my house was quiet. I didn’t post while they were here much, and I’ve spent the past two days recovering from their presence. It was a marvelous time and we’re hoping to make it an annual thing.  Sooo….while my brain is recovering you get random plot points of my life.

* BEST.Birthday.in.YEARS. For the past I don’t know how many years my birthday has sucked. This year was a new experience and joy.

* I got my tattoo!!  Full story coming later. In short – I was terrified of the pain. I didn’t hardly flinch. Planning 2, 3, & 4.

* I have a renewed appreciation for Cocksucker TV (as Jess called it…i.e. DEADWOOD).  I will always love this show and will always hate HBO for cancelling it.  But watching it with my BFF (okay, we only got through half) was so much fun.  I knew I’d get her addicted – and I did.

* Her oldest boy (we’ll call him Jack for privacy purposes) and mine were like two peas in a pod.  Instant re-friendship and camaraderie.

* There is another #IndyGeekGirls meeting this week. I still haven’t RSVP’d. I guess I should decide if I’m going or not. Since it’s Friday and today is Wednesday. Yup, I’m slow.

* Oh, just remember that my tattoo means I can cross another item off of my 45X45 list. YAY!!

* P.S. In case you didn’t know…that birthday was number 35.  Some days I don’t feel anywhere near it…other days I feel sooo much older.

* My wonderful hubby Archie was a marvelous champ this weekend.  Crowds and changes in routine can really affect him physically and mentally with anxiety and other issues.  This weekend?  He was marvelous.  He was great with the kids, and he and Jess got along just fine (I was worried, last time he met a good online friend things did not go well).  Love him – thank you honey!!!

* My parents got me a gift card to Hobby Lobby. I don’t know how I will manage to choose what to use it on. That store is dangerous.

* Our neighbor across the street passed away. This is the second time this has happened since we’ve lived here (same house, different circumstances).  Unfortunately this time it was someone we knew a little better – at least Brandon did.  While the gentleman was a bit on the cranky side – he had a soft spot for Brandon and was always really nice. He even helped him stay in a Union tent at our towns Civil War Heritage days and fixed it so he could fire off a cannon. Just a month ago.  Brandon is understandably upset.

* I’m ready for school to start. Looking forward to a few hours of quiet a day to get things done.  Just a month to go until it’s back to school for the kids – ALL of them!!

* It is HOT. Insanely hot. A/C running ALL the time kind of hot. This does not make me happy. Too hot to do anything but stay inside…and the kids have been on each others nerves for weeks already. Riley & Angel are at each others throats.

And I will stop now…more posts coming ASAP…



  1. designhermomma

    I could say a lot in the comments, lots to comment on.

    1. love the tat.
    2. happy birthday.
    3. sorry about your neighbor.
    4.yes to school.
    5. hope to see you on friday.

    • Sarah


      1. Thanks. I’m so very happy with it 😀
      2. Thanks!! Was so much fun!!
      3. Me too. It was very sudden.
      4. You know it, lady.
      5. 🙂 Thanks. I have to talk to the hubby & it’s quite a trek for me so the debate continues. I’d REALLY like to but I have to think about gas prices & the fact that hubby really hasn’t gotten much time with me for a week *lol* Will know by tomorrow night.


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