His Favorite Restaurant

Aug 25, 2011 | Challenge, Writing

Indie Ink is a great community based challenge that I found thanks to Tara.  It’s not a competition, just a challenge and encouragement to get people writing. When you enter, you have to give a challenge prompt, and answer a challenge prompt.

This week my prompt came from Amanda. My prompt was “Stop it. It makes me sick when you do that.”


I have never been a person to make a scene.

I like order.

Everything belongs in its place.

Normally I am very tolerant of Chris. After all, I loved him. Love can overlook a good number of flaws.

But I swear I never noticed this before.

The moist slopping and smacking of his mouth. The way his teeth clicked with every bite. The sheen of grease on his lips from the oddly poetic baby back ribs.  There was barbecue sauce on his fingers.

Logically I knew he couldn’t help it. Ribs weren’t best eaten with a fork and knife – not that it would have mattered.

Inwardly my body didn’t care. My mind kept screaming Stop it! Stop! You’re making me sick!

I wouldn’t get sick. We were in public for heaven’s sake.

My body would not listen to my sensible mind. A churning had settled low in my stomach as I wrinkled my nose at the smell of barbecue all around us. Stale beer and barbecue.

This restaurant was Chris’ favorite guilty pleasure. I’d always found it fun to watch him light up when we came in, even if I wasn’t much for ribs.

I’d thought it would be so perfect to break the news.

Turns out it was, but not in the way I’d hoped.

As he picked up another rib I felt the bile rising.  I had to stop him, I had to stop what I felt was happening beyond my control.

“Stop.” The word caught in my throat, every churning wave starting to come stronger.  Before I could stop or move to get to the bathroom it was already too late.

I swear I had an out of body experience, watching from above in horror as I threw up all over the sticky restaurant booth. I could see the way my hands trembled and the red hot flush of my own cheeks.

My horror grew when Chris laughed, asking me why I didn’t tell him I wasn’t feeling well.

I snapped back into my body, instantly wishing I hadn’t as my stomach roiled again. I wiped at my mouth, “I’m pregnant…you idiot…oh God, I’m going to be sick again.”

“You’re what?”


And that’s my selection, albeit a short one.  It’s just how I wanted it 😀

In turn, I had to hand over my challenge.  So go visit Angela to see how she answered my prompt “And I thought my family was messed up…”



  1. Diane

    That was AWESOME! Oh man I love it! As a mom of three, I can totally relate to this woman’s experience. And this is pretty much how I felt about my hub’s eating during my third pregnancy. Amazing!

  2. Sarah

    LOL. Thanks Diane! I’m a mom of three myself. While this never (thankfully) happened during my pregnancies…my husband did manage to do things that made me come close 😀

  3. Amanda

    Good job! That would totally make me sick even if I wasn’t pregnant!

  4. Sarah

    Thanks Amanda!! It would make me sick too…sort of helped me along in writing it 😉

  5. Major Bedhead

    Oh boy, can I relate. Not many things make me feel ill but sometimes chewing can send me right over the edge. Especially when I was pregnant. Excellent post. 😀

  6. You can call me, 'Sir'

    I can’t imagine how many horrible dates of women you’ll never meet that you just described. You paint a very effective picture. Great job with a pretty open-ended challenge.

  7. Head Ant

    I like that he laughed and didn’t freak out.



  1. The Week In Review: August 22-28 - [...] Amanda challenges Sarah: His Favorite Restaurant [...]

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