Want a rod? {Indie Ink Challenge}

Aug 31, 2011 | Challenge

 This week my prompt came from Cedar. My prompt was “Hey y’all, watch this!”

I admit, I feel guilty…this isn’t so much a story as a little truth telling…


Tales are told every day.

From around campfires. Sitting on porches. Over games of cards. Over shared drinks. In restaurants and over water coolers.

Tales that bring laughter. Tales that brings groans of sympathy and regret. Tales of daring feats. And tales of excess stupidity.

There’s the story of the two girls that got toasted and started wandering around the sci-fi convention asking everyone “Hey, do you want a rod?” (To this day neither of them go drinking without pretzel rods on hand).

There’s the light hearted tale of the man that cheered on the next year of his life with a ceremonial dropping of his pants. (And of course his lingering embarrassment as he remembered it the next day.)

Who will ever forget  the man that thought he would become a fire thrower with nothing but a lighter and a bottle of vodka. (And his ensuing tale of a hospital stay and lingering scars marring his flesh).

We probably all want to forget the night you-know-who got wasted and got exceptionally friendly with her boyfriend in front of the house full of party goers. (To this day have any of us ever seen another person look literally gray the next morning like she did?)

The stories go on and on…bringing laughter and tears (some of regret)…

And there isn’t a one of them that doesn’t start without a few drinks and someone eventually saying “Hey y’all, watch this!”




  1. Tara R.

    I am so glad I outgrew that need to be the center of attention. I prefer now to be on the sidelines, where a quick escape is easy.

  2. Sarah

    LOL. I am only the center of one of these stories (& I will not say which because other people I know are the center of others…I plead the fifth)…

    But I was never a huge drinker so I’m very very often on the sidelines either laughing or running far far away. I always seemed to have more fun laughing at others…and not waking up with the headaches the next day.

    (I can count the times I have ever been what I can truly call drunk on one hand.)

  3. Cedar

    Fun! I wanted to offer up a lighthearted challenge and you met it!

    • Sarah

      So glad you approve! As soon as I saw the prompt this popped into my head!

  4. Karla

    These were perfect bits for the prompt and your last line is right on the mark. The things we do and say when we want the world to see us and then how those eyes burn after we realize what we’ve done! 😉


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