Buried Under

Aug 16, 2012 | Books, Changing Tracks, Critters, Writing, writing tips

While I’m blissed out at having an empty house during the days now (post on that soon)…it’s also leaving me to face everything I need to do all at once. That often leads to me getting overwhelmed when face with sheer numbers of responsibilities.

Key among all my ‘to-do’s these days, layered in with cleaning and sewing and shopping and blogging and fixing my social media outlets and more cleaning, is editing.

Editing Changing Tracks to make it shiney before it goes to my editor who will help make it bright as the sun.

Editing and Critiquing my crit-groups work.

Writing my short(er) novel.

Reading/using/doing-more-editing-based-on notes from those critting my stuff.

Did I mention I’m overwhelmed?

And a little buried under?

Thankfully I’ve found EditMinion that helps me do side by side with my chapters.  It’s in beta version, but if he adds some more areas to the editor it’ll be just about perfect.  The other online-editor I’d been using you had to click for each area and it didn’t let you do side by side, just pulled out the relevant sentences.  With the minion I can get on my hubby’s computer and split screen minion vs. manuscript and just hit everything that needs hit.

Talk about a time saver.  I have a wonderful critter helping me out with line edits – but this gives me one more layer to tackle before I send my baby off.

Now if I could just find those extra 10 hours in the day to get everything else I need to do.

Do you know where those hours can be found?





  1. The Uncomfortable Stretch | Redefining Perfect - [...] This all leads to a ton of editing. [...]

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