I freely admit to being a computer/internet addict.

My husband is addicted to movies (in his defense, he is equally addicted to books).

Denver is now addicted to his iPod & Netflix (i.e. Star Trek).

In the past several months we’ve started to make the conscious decision to unplug at least twice a month and reconnect by using actual words – a long forgotten art in this house it feels like sometimes.

So we unburied some board games, bought some new ones – and some new puzzles.  We’re slowly building our choices of games, including ones that the youngers can play (like [amazon_link id=”B004LZ2QZW” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Sorry[/amazon_link] and [amazon_link id=”B00000IWHG” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Perfection[/amazon_link]).  We have probably 5 different versions of [amazon_link id=”B0017S1Y4A” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Trivial Pursuit[/amazon_link] – including two very old ones like the [amazon_link id=”B0009RGXPK” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Classic Genus[/amazon_link] and the (vintage?) Junior edition.

We’re building a list of games we want to add, trying to find classic games we remember playing “way back when” – you know, in ancient times when 3 channels on TV forced to to be creative and play these board games.

I am plotting and trying to get Erik to agree to learn how to play Rummy.  The poor guy doesn’t know how to play – and I’ve always loved a good game of Rummy.

For now our go-to game that comes out just about every time we decide to play?  [amazon_link id=”B00000IWDB” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]SCRABBLE[/amazon_link].  Between the three of us over the age of 10 – it’s always a toss-up who’s going to win.

The best thing about bringing these out is it gives us a chance to sit around and actually talk.  Even though it’s often about the game or nothing – it’s reestablishing some levels of communication.  Letting us relax and just have fun together so that not all of our conversations revolve around a child getting in trouble for something or a movie we just saw.

What family couldn’t stand to just have fun together without technology?

I now regularly stare at my wishlist for games, and scope out the board game section at Goodwill. For Christmas I hope to add a few more options for family togetherness to my list.

With Christmas coming up, don’t you want to add some fun under your tree? What’s your favorite board game?



  1. Vanessa

    We try to do this as well. My daughter LOVES Uno Spin. She also likes Headbandz a lot. I’m a big fan of the Lego board games. They’re a lot of fun and they come with instructions on how you can mesh more than one of the games together to make a whole new game.

    • Sarah

      I’ve been so tempted to get headbandz. Just not sure Molly would have the vocal capability to play it…I want to make sure we can all play, so games like Sorry and Operation that are more skills than vocab are best for her…

      But really? The Lego board games? Interesting…I never have been tempted to buy them before but you might make me end up with one now 🙂


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