Miscellany & Sundry {Scavenger Hunt Sunday}

Nov 18, 2012 | Photography, Scavenger Hunt Sunday

A few planned photos & a trip to the zoo rounded out my week.
All taken w/ Canon Rebel XS.

1. Vision
The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake. ~Leonardo da Vinci
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The crow wished everything was black, the owl, that everything was white. ~William Blake
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2. Strong
The grizzly bear is huge and wild. ~A.E. Housman
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Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from indomitable will. ~Mahatma Gandhi
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3. Buttons
I call him buttons. Buttons the fish.
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If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger. ~Frank Lloyd Wright
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4. Map
Home is not where you live but where they understand you. ~Christian Morganstern
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The cheetahs pace a mapwork of paths through the tall grass
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5. Favorite Fruit
One that would have the fruit must climb the tree. ~Thomas Fuller
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Goodness comes out of people that bask in the sun, as it does out of a sweet apple roasted before the fire. ~Charles Dudley Warner
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You can find more pictures over at my flickr account.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday is run by the beautiful Ashley. Head on over to see more Hunters.



  1. Kathy

    Wow, awesome photo of the paw!

    • Sarah

      Thanks! The bear is usually hiding on my trips to the zoo but today he was really moving – so were a lot of the animals that usually hide (or sleep) all day. It was a wonderful day for pictures – come back on Tuesday if you want to see the slew of zoo pics I got 🙂

  2. Kristen

    I love how you incorporated the animals in all your pics! Yu and I have the same buttons shot lol! I didn’t have cable for a year to help save for my adoption and now I have it back again and spend WAY too much time with it! Plus your fish is pretty darn cute! and I LOVE cheetahs, their markings are so amazing.

  3. Ida P. Krause

    Such an interesting set. I love that you add quotes with your photos.
    My favorites: The Bear for Strong,
    Your Fruit shots and the Cheetah.

  4. Patti G

    What a beautiful series of shots — love all the thought provoking quotes you put along with them.

  5. emily

    Great photos for the hunt! I love the claws!

  6. JennyD

    love the bear shots!! love animals. wild. tame. etc.etc.
    anyway… great animal shots!!


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