Meet Charlie {Guest Author Tamara Hoffa} #Giveaway

Feb 11, 2013 | Character Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

I’m very pleased to have Tamara Hoffa here today to interview one of her characters from Heart of a Soldier. The story and characters sound so wonderful I’ve set it up at the top of my TBR pile.  I hope you enjoy learning about her heroine Charlotte (Charlie) MacKenzie as much as I did. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a copy of this heartwarming story!! 

1.  Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come to your author’s attention? Occupation?

Wow, well you know an author’s mind is a complicated and crowded place, right? Tamara is (cough) a mature lady, and she wanted me to be closer to her age, so that was part one. She has two best friends, Bev and Alice. They have been friends since high school, both of these ladies have sons who entered the military. Tamara thought, hmm, how would that feel? Especially if you had already lost someone important in your life. Tamara lost her sister in a car wreck (my Phillips’s death is based on that accident). So she added all that up and came up with me. Charlie.

2.  What or who is the greatest love of your life? Why? What drew you to them?

That’s a hard question. I have been lucky enough to have more than one true love in my life. I adore my son, Evan, of course. He is the light of my life, and I don’t think there is any relationship more special than the one between a mother and a son.

But, I have also been blessed with two wonderful men in my life. Phillip was my first love. We met in high school, and married soon after. We were soul mates. When he died I truly didn’t think I would ever find that kind of love again. But, I did.

Jameson came into my life at a very intense time. Evan wanted to join the Army, and I really wasn’t comfortable with that decision. Jamison was his recruiting officer. So, you can imagine it wasn’t the most auspicious meeting. But, Jamie was such a good man. Strong and brave and honorable, he just wormed his way into my heart.

I’m one lucky lady.

3.  What’s your greatest fear?

I survived my greatest fear, losing my husband. But, that fear still haunts me, I worry about Evan and Jamie all the time. Life is a gift, that’s why they call it the “present” so I just try to live each day as if it could be my last.

4.  What’s your motto in life?

Live, Laugh, Love

5.  How do the other characters in your book view you?

Well, I don’t think we can ever truly know how others see us, but I hope when they look at me, they see; a survivor, a good mother, a good friend.

6. What do you prefer? To spread & hear gossip, or be the creator of gossip fodder?

I don’t like gossip of any kind. If I have something to say, I’ll say it to your face, not behind your back. So I hope I’m not involved in either spreading or creating gossip.

7.  What is it about you that is going to draw us readers in?

I hope a lot of readers can relate to me. I am just like them. A mother, a friend, a wife, a lover. I think I have a good sense of humor. I love kids and animals. I love to cook. I work hard and live life.

8.  What was your happiest moment?

I think every mother will agree, the birth of my son was the single “best” moment in my life.

9.  What trait in others do you find most deplorable?

Deceit. I can forgive almost anything, but I can’t abide a liar.

10. The random question: If you were a color, what color would you be and why?

Ha Ha, I hate these mind bender questions. I’d like to say green, because I am serene etc. But that would be a lie. I guess maybe purple. Bright, loud, crazy, yeah that’s more me.



Soldier Jameson Hunter faces the battle of his life, winning the heart of Charlotte Mackenzie, widowed mother of a young recruit.

Buy links:

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Boroughs Publishing Group
All Romance Ebooks



Charlie stared at his face, was he asking her on a date or was this business? Charlie really didn’t know what to think. While Jameson Hunter was an attractive man, Charlie hadn’t been on a date in…well, truthfully since she was dating Phillip in high school. Charlie surveyed Jameson’s face, trying to read his expression. He was smiling, causing the skin beside his eyes to crinkle, eyes that held a slightly wicked gleam. It had been a while, but Charlie was pretty sure she could still read the signals and the signals she was receiving from CWO Jameson Hunter were shouting, “Hey baby, I wanna see you naked,” or maybe that was her and she was reading her own desires in his eyes. Charlie hesitated. But, her concern for Evan was genuine and she really did want to discuss it, so she acquiesced.

“I would like that,” Charlie replied.

“What night are you free? I know a great little Italian place just downtown. Family owned, everything made from scratch, meatballs to die for.”

“Oh you really know how to hit a girl where she lives,” said Charlie. “I love Italian. That sounds marvelous. I have appointments most of the week, but I should finish up early on Thursday if that works for you?”

“Shall I pick you up at seven?” Jameson asked.

“I’ll probably come straight from work, so how about I meet you there?” Charlie may not have dated in a while, but one rule she knew from all her single friends, always have your own transportation, just in case.

Jameson scratched an address onto a slip of paper on his desk and handed it to her, along with his business card. “This has my office and cellphone numbers, in case you need to get in touch with me before Thursday.” Jamie pressed the card into her hand and a frisson of heat crept up her arm. Reaching into the outside pocket of her purse Charlie extracted a business card of her own. Clarksville Physical Therapy, Charlotte Mackenzie PT, Jameson raised his eyebrows.

“You’re a physical therapist?”

“Yes, why?”

Jameson laughed.

“What a coincidence. I’m stuck here, stateside, rehabbing a rotator cuff tear. I had surgery about six weeks ago. Just got out of my sling. I think physical therapy would be a lot more enjoyable with a beautiful lady like you for scenery rather than corporal Jennings at the base gym.” Jameson’s grimace made Charlie smile.


012Tamara Hoffa lives in central Tennessee, with her husband of 30 years, her three grown children, two grandchildren, 3 dogs and 2 cats. Tamara started reading when she was four years old and has rarely been seen without a book at hand since. At home you will usually find her in “nana’s chair” with her kindle, her laptop or one of her precious, precocious grandson’s in her lap. Tamara is a reviewer, a professional reader and can now add author to her repertoire. Tamara is proof positive that it’s never too late to reach for your dreams.


Enter the Giveaway!

Leave a comment telling us your favorite thing you learned about Charlie.  Winner will be drawn Friday, February 15th!



  1. Cheryl Malandrinos

    Looks like a great book. Love the cover. My brother was in Afghanistan for a while. It definitely made for some nervous moments.

    Wishing you the best,


  2. Beverly

    Love this book! I’m not just saying that because I’m one of her best friends either. Tamara captured the trepidation a mother has when her son is raring to go to war.


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