Guest Author L.B. Shire – The Damned

Mar 28, 2013 | Author Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

L.B. Shire is here today with a look at herself, and a glimpse into her new Historical Western Romance,聽The Damned. So sit back, relax and get to know her a little…


1.聽 Can you tell us a little about yourself?

First off, I使d like to thank Sarah Cass for having me at her blog today! Thank You Sarah 馃檪 Ok, a little about me. My name is L.B. Shire and I使m a writer of western historical romance. I love to write stories set in the wild west that have feisty women, horses, and cowboys (or outlaws) to die for! To date, I have four western romances out: Devil Wears Lace, Game of Hearts, Stealing the Sheriff使s Heart, and my newest release, The Damned.

2.聽 Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I started out as a panster, but with experience I find it easier to plot. I keep a spiral notebook full of character backgrounds and story lines.

3.聽 Can you tell us about the challenges you faced getting your first book published?

Mine was self esteem. Is this manuscript good enough? Am I crazy to think someone would want to publish this? Finally, one day I closed my eyes and hit the send button. My first novelette, Devil Wears Lace was published by Breathless Press February of 2012!

4.聽 Were all of your characters easy to write, or did some of them give you trouble? Any particular character you didn鈥檛 like at all?

I loved all my characters when I wrote The Damned. There was an occasional moment when I使d want my hero to be a certain way, and he使d surprise me by doing something totally different. You使d think you could make them behave with the stroke of your keyboard…Not true 馃檪

5. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Write, write, and write lots more! It使s the best way to learn your craft. With each book you write, you使ll notice how far you使ve come!

6. 聽Narrow down your novel. Why must we read it?聽 (besides the obvious, it鈥檚 awesome answer鈥ecause of course it is!)

If you love a little adventure set in the old west, with outlaws, a sexy hero and a woman worth fighting for, then The Damned is for you!

7.聽 Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?

Well aside from writing, I love taking pictures of horses. My horses tend to be my victims quite often 馃檪

8.聽 Do you have another book coming out soon?

I submitted another western romance novelette this month, and I使m anxiously awaiting an answer from the publisher. (bites nails)


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Buy: [amazon_link id=”B00AZYTSIG” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link]聽| 聽Breathless Press


Sometimes, what a man needs is a little hope…

Travel worn, and weary, Shane Gregor rides into Hell’s Hollow for a drink and answers. On the run for a crime he didn’t commit his days are numbered unless he can find proof. What he discovers instead is a green eyed enchantress and a sheriff who’s out for blood. When the law catches up to him, can he put his hopes in a woman he’s only just met?

A widow who has fallen on hard times, Josie Talbert became a soiled dove for the sake of survival. Her life changes in the course of a night, when a dark and dangerous cowboy steps through the doors of the Dead Horse Saloon, a death sentence looming over his head. Can his words of innocence be trusted? Can a lone woman change the course of fate?


Tension gnawed at Shane’s soul. The door to the holding cell slammed shut behind him. This must be what a caged animal feels like. He glanced around the room. All ready the walls were moving in on him.

“I’ll talk with you later, Gregor,” the sheriff told him before leaving him alone with only his thoughts in the darkness. Shane didn’t respond, but listened in silence while the sheriff’s boots clicked across the wooden floor. With a heavy sigh he laid on the cot. He knew he was in a heap of trouble.

Shane needed to convince the sheriff of his innocence or he’d be a dead man by the end of the week, so they’d told him. He couldn’t let Mort win so easily. The man had managed to ruin his life in one fail swoop and at present it didn’t look like there was a damn thing he could do about it.

The night dragged on in insufferable silence. His thoughts flitted to earlier in the evening. When he had entered the saloon鈥攚hen he’d first laid eyes on Josie… His mind wandered as he recalled how her curls bounced about her shoulders when she moved, and those eyes鈥攕he was a brazen one. Her hands on his skin when she washed him鈥攕top, his mind screamed. The memories were pure torture.

Josie, he had to admit, intrigued him. He hadn’t given any woman a second thought for some time. He shook his head to clear it off the woman. It would do him no good to dream of her, he was a dead man.

Shane wondered if morning would ever come. The cell had no windows to let him know the time of day. But when the sheriff came through the front door, a hot cup of coffee in his pudgy hand, he knew he’d survived.

“I’ve sent word to the judge up in the next county. Said he should be here by the end of the week. Then there’ll be one less lousy gunfighter roaming the territory.”

“Will I have a chance to plead my case?” Shane asked. He gripped the bars of the cell until his fingers turned white. He gathered his answer by the unsympathetic smile on the sheriff’s lips.

“No trial is needed, son.” The man snorted, his chubby chin wiggling. “They start construction on the gallows today.” The sheriff took a sip of his coffee and stared at him with a look of contempt over the rim of his cup.

“The judge coming out here is to make it all official. He’ll sign the documents and so forth,” he said, matter of fact.

Shane stepped back from the bars. So it was over for him.

“So this is how it ends,” he murmured under his breath. He would need to send word to his brother and let him know what had happened to his sorry ass. Without another word he returned to the cot placed in the corner of the cell and sat down.

He rubbed his temples, wariness of the situation made his head throb.

“I’ll get you a bite to eat after a bit,” the sheriff called over his shoulder. “I’ve got stacks of paperwork to sift through on my desk first.” His voice echoed down the empty hall.

No longer hungry, Shane laid his head in his hands. A sense of despair that he couldn’t shake off overwhelmed him. Giving into his fatigue, he lay back on the cot and closed his eyes. It would be a long week.

Photo ops 7-2012 005Author Bio:

L.B. Shire has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. A lover of most all genres, her favorites include: Western Romance, YA, Paranormal and Shifter stories, to name a few!
When not writing or researching, L.B. enjoys spending time with family, riding one of her horses, and, of course, reading anything that is set before her! She currently resides on the West Coast in a sleepy little mountain town. There, in the midst of all that beauty, she plans her characters’ next adventures.
For more information on L.B. Shire, please visit her blog @ or visit her Facebook page at

I love visitors and comments, so please stop by and say hi!



  1. L.B.Shire

    Thanks again Sarah for having me here today!

  2. Arlisa

    I want a this sexy guy to step into my saloon. LOL i know nun are around.
    Have a great day.

    • L.B.Shire

      Lol! Thanks Arlisa 馃檪


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