A – Alcohol (i.e. What better way to start A-Z?)

Apr 1, 2013 | All About Me

I’ve started this crazy thing called the April A-Z Challenge. As my writing blog has taken off and is keeping me very busy, this poor old blog has been neglected. I thought that the A-Z challenge would be a great way to get my mojo moving again, as it gives me a clear guideline for every day but Sunday. Maybe that will give me time for nice weather and me actually living again to have blog posts to write (a sick & cabin-fever filled house is not inspirational). And so…it begins.
IMG_8542I’m not much of a drinker.


Ask anyone I know and they may be hard-pressed to think of a time I was actually drunk, and if they can it was many moons ago and I wasn’tย really drunk.

I believe I can still, at 36, count the number of times I’ve been truly and deeply drunk on one hand.

I enjoy an occasional glass of super-sweet wine. A random margarita or sweet martini. (Are we sensing a trend?)

I’m the one at the party that sips her mixed drink (or, more likely, pop).

I have no great drunken tales to tell.

My best story is about the time I was walking with a guy that thought he might have a shot (he soooo didn’t) around the hotel at the Star Trek convention (yup, nerd-alert). ย I was pretty buzzed, and talking away happily. ย The sober voice in the back of my head was still active and made me stop mid-sentence and turn to face the guy. I looked him dead in the eye and said. “I know I sound like an idiot. I can’t seem to stop the words from tumbling out. I swear I’m not an idiot.” The turned and picked up the sentence I’d dropped and kept talking. Soon as we got back into the lobby and I saw my friend I abandoned him for her and we went around offering everyone in the hotel pretzel rods with a ridiculously pitiful attempt at a leer.

And I remember every minute.

And I never passed out.

And that is true of all the times I’ve been ‘drunk’.



    • Sarah

      My husband asked me yesterday why it was I thought I never became a drinker. With the family history, he’d expect it…but I just never liked the taste. I can handle sweet drinks that taste little-nothing like alcohol, but as a general rule, my addictions are saved for the non-drinking sort (like internet ~cough~)

  1. Laura Clipson

    I’m very similar, I’m not a big drinker. The drunkest I’ve ever gotten involved a game of Jenga, 4 sambuca shots in half an hour and spending the rest of the night throwing up.
    On the upside, I didn’t have a hangover the following morning and I met my boyfriend of three years the same night.

    • Sarah

      Jenga and alcohol? Oh dear…I can imagine that’s not a great mix. lol.

      And meeting your boyfriend is a good thing ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad it wasn’t all bad!!

  2. Cheryl J

    I’ve never been much of a drinker either. I had one fun night when I was more than a bit tipsy. I was with friends and was meeting the cousin of one of them. He was cute, I had fun and no harm was done. ๐Ÿ™‚ And somehow I didn’t even feel bad the next day. I think I”d be scared if I couldn’t remember things.

    • Sarah

      So long as no harm was done, it’s all good fun ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’d be terrified of things happened I couldn’t remember. I have friends with nights like that and I don’t know how they can handle it. lol.


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