Blue Horizon by J.L. Hammer – Character Interview

Apr 3, 2013 | Character Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

I’m happy to have J.L. Hammer back on the blog with her latest release, [amazon_link id=”B00BLPYO3M” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Blue Horizon[/amazon_link]. Today she introduced me to her hero Beckham Connors, and allowed me to interview him.  He wasn’t exactly thrilled with the prospect…he’s usually on the other end of the questions, but still he obliged and I thank him heartily for that.

1.  Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come to your author’s attention? Occupation?

My name is Beckham Connors. I’m a freelance mercenary. I take care of problems the government doesn’t want you to know about.

2.  What or who is the greatest love of your life? Why? What drew you to them?

(He shifts in his seat.) This is a girlie question. I’m a guy. Okay, Elena gets my blood pumping. She’s special—we understand each other. And yeah, I love her.

3.  What’s your greatest fear?

This interview. I’m usually the one asking the questions.

4.  What’s your motto in life?

Always have a plan A, plan B, plan C, and the Shit Happens Plan—which means when the shit hits the fan, run—and hope you’re quicker, smarter, and bulletproof.

5.  How do the other characters in your book view you?

At first, Elena stared at me like I was hell incarnate. After a while she let her guard down. And when I kissed her, she melted in my hands.

6.  What is it about you that is going to draw us readers in?

Blue Horizon is all about danger and secrets. It revolves around a government project that could cause mass destruction and terrorists who will do anything to get their hands on it. I have orders to rescue Elena from her captors, or if necessary—kill her. Whatever happens, she cannot be left alive on Iranian soil. This is the most difficult decision of my life.

8.  What was your happiest moment?

(He smirks.) Any moment I’m not riddled with bullets and I can inhale a breath.

10. The random question: If you were a color, what color would you be and why?

Black. I’ll be a shadow and you won’t know what hit you until it’s over.



[amazon_link id=”B00BLPYO3M” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link] | Barnes & Noble

Book Blurb

Part of a secret government project, Elena Davidson’s life is in serious jeopardy when she is kidnapped by terrorists. Safeguarding ‘Blue Horizon’ isn’t just a mission to Elena. She knows that if its purpose is revealed and if it falls into the wrong hands, it could be dangerous for the entire world.

Beckham Connors has a simple mission: the retrieval of Elena Davidson, no matter what the cost. He has orders to rescue Elena from her captors and to send her home to America, or if necessary—kill her. Whatever happens, she cannot be left alive on Iranian soil.

Forced into a whirlwind adventure, she can depend on no one. Elena must decide if she can trust the ruggedly handsome Beckham—or if he poses a greater danger than the terrorists.


She watched him as he secured the new bandage. Until that moment, Elena hadn’t realized how close he sat next to her on the bed. His thigh brushed against hers. Elena lifted her head, and their gazes locked. She found herself becoming lost in his brown eyes. This hard man fought to be unfeeling, but she knew he wasn’t. Beckham had needs, just like her—to be touched, loved, and wanted.

His hand reached out to her cheek, and the roughness of his fingers met the softness of her skin. Elena’s breathing quickened as his fingers lowered to the curve of her neck. Her flesh tingled. Shivers of warmth bolted through her body. The same desire she felt reflected in his heated gaze. His chest rose with the rapid intake of his breaths. It felt as if the pull of a magnet drew them together as time slipped away. Elena braced herself for the kiss that was sure to come. She should have been afraid; Beckham could overpower her and she wouldn’t stand a chance, but fear was the last thing on her mind.

His fingers encircled the back of her neck, and he tugged her lips to his. Sparks ignited, lighting the backs of her closed eyelids. Without hesitation, their tongues explored. Her body demanded more of the sensual, intoxicating kiss. Elena’s heart raced. Grasping his broad shoulders, she felt his solid weight above her, pressing her firmly against the bed. Her breasts molded against his muscular chest. Beckham smelled so good, like earth and man.

“You’re so beautiful…so damn soft and sweet.” The heat from his husky words sent a shiver of excitement across her skin. She willed him to devour her. Elena had been so lost and alone that being held securely in his arms felt good and right. She could tell Beckham needed her just as much as she needed him.

The whiskers from his strong jaw rubbed against her skin, sending a ripple of painful pleasure through her. She moaned. With one hand she tugged at his shirt so she could touch his bare skin. Beckham caressed her breast. Even through the cloth she could feel the heat from his touch. She bit her lower lip to stop the cry from escaping. Scattered thoughts raced through her mind. She should be stopping this. She should be outraged that he dare touch her. The voice of reason pleaded with her to remember who she was and what he was, but she told it to shut up. She threaded her fingers through the length of his brown hair, bringing him even closer, needing to feel his lips once again on hers.

The sudden pounding on the door echoed throughout the room. Before the noise even registered in her mind, Beckham had leaped to his feet and was standing beside the bed. He took a second to slow his breathing and then cracked open the door. Mumbled words were exchanged. Elena strained to make them out. Apparently Beckham understood, since he opened the door a bit farther.

“Okay, be right there.” He glanced back at her. His wrinkled shirt was half unbuttoned, his hair disheveled. Beckham looked as if he’d almost been devoured. Had she done that to him?

His heated gaze raked over Elena as she lay sprawled on the bed. “Damn—I’m going to kill him.” After uttering those words, he smashed the turban back on his head, went out, and shut the door behind him.

jlpic2About the Author

J.L. Hammer resides in California and enjoys the relaxed pace of small-town life with her husband and two children. She is a member of the International Thriller Writers and Romance Writers of America. Visit her website at



  1. Tabitha Shay

    Wonderful interview of your character and I loved the excerpt…Sounds like my kind of book….Tabs

    • J.L. Hammer

      Hi Tabitha,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. It was a lot of fun.

  2. Carol Malone

    That was some good stuff. Had my heart a pitter-patting. Can’t wait to read it all.

    • J.L. Hammer

      Blue Horizon is packed with action and romance. Enjoy!

  3. Sam Beck

    I so seriously have to read this book! It hits all the marks for me…woman in peril, dangerous hero, off the charts chemistry! Yes please to all of the above.

    • J.L. Hammer

      Hi Sam,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Beckham is definitely a dangerous hero and that’s what makes him so tempting.

  4. kathleen Gallagher

    Congrats, J.L.! Blue Horizons sound intriguing. Danger and secrets make for a great read. The cover is beautiful too!

    Your motto in life is right on!

    Wishing you many sales!

    Kathleen Gallagher

  5. KJ Montgomery

    Great glimpse into the mind of an alpha. Blue Horizon is a great read!

  6. J.L. Hammer


    I’m thrilled you enjoyed Blue Horizon. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Kady Winter

    Sounds like a great set-up, and he is one macho dude. Thanks for sharing Beckham with us! Blue Horizon sounds exciting!

  8. J.L. Hammer


    Thanks! I love Beckham and had a blast creating him.


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