S is for Smiles #AtoZChallenge

Apr 22, 2013 | A to Z Challenge, All of Us, Random

S is for Smiles…because, what else?
(The teen is noticeably absent b/c he mostly refuses me permission to take his picture)

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The A-Z Challenge has over 1900 participants, all blogging from A to Z this month. Check them out and see if you can’t find a few new favorites!!



  1. Anne Mackle

    Funny I should pick your blog from the a-z list on facebook as I too have CF . I have two children and I am a granddmother to a nearly two year old.
    I love the smiles and the bear really made me laugh. Your children are gorgeous I hope they manage CF into their lives.

    • Sarah

      Wow. Thank you for visiting, Anne. It’s always a pleasure to meet another CF family. So far we are very blessed to have two kids that are beating the odds by being such unusual cases…and I hope they continue to be strong like they have been.

      Thank you, I think they’re gorgeous, too 😉 Some say I’m biased, though. lol. And yes, the bear was a requirement, he is smiling. 😉

      And thanks. I hope they manage to incorporate it into very long lives. 🙂 My son wants to be a doctor so he can help kids like himself. He makes me very proud.

      • Anne Mackle

        As you will know treatment for CF has changed so much and at a fast place, I wasn’t diagnosed until my twenties and then I recieved proper care I had lacked. Your son can be anything he wants I’m sure a cure will be found in his lifetime.

  2. Misha

    Those are some seriously beautiful smiles. Just looking at the pictures of your kids made my day feel a bit brighter. 🙂

    • Sarah

      Thanks, Misha. Their smiles often make my day, too…I’m glad the could do the same for you!

  3. Jocelyn Rish

    I was scrolling down through all the lovely smile pictures, finding myself grinning back. Then I got to the bear picture which made me giggle-snort. 🙂

    Hope you’re having fun with the A to Z challenge,

    • Sarah

      Knowing I made someone giggle-snort has absolutely made my night! Thanks, Jocelyn! 😀


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