An Interview with Tamara Monteau

May 2, 2013 | Author Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

I’m happy to welcome fellow SCP Author, Tamara Monteau by today. 

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I was born and raised in Washington State, joined the Air Force and met my husband of now 31+ years. We now live in Middle Georgia, have four adult children and one delightful granddaughter.

I became interested in the paranormal when I was a child. My sister and I rushed home from the bus every day to get our Dark Shadows fix before doing our homework. We spent hours play-acting our favorite scenes. In 1992, in the aftermath of the ill-fated Dark Shadows revival, I began imagining ways I could help my own vampire find peace. One night, while my husband and I sat in front of the boob tube, I picked up pen and paper, and started to write. I’ve been hooked ever since.

2. Can you tell us about the challenges you faced getting your first book published?

After I finished writing Dark Destiny in 2003, I registered it with the Library of Congress and began searching for a literary agency to handle the work. Most of the ones I contacted were predatory, asking for money up front for questionable services. I lost heart, and played with the text for the next five years, enhancing the story and defining secondary characters.

My best friend contacted Author House for me, and after speaking with a representative for almost an hour, I decided to give self-publishing a try. By then, my chosen title had been snapped up by another paranormal, vampire, author, so I decided on Twilight Destiny after a search for that title revealed no vampire genre conflicts.

I published two other novels through Author House, and was preparing to do the same with my fourth when I came upon Secret Cravings Publishing in April of 2011. I took a chance and emailed the publisher, and was shocked at her acceptance. I then asked her to consider my backlist, and two weeks later, Haven’s Realm was born!

My story is one of patience, I suppose. I never really pursued traditional publishing. It all seemed to just fall into place, with the admitted help of a few valued friends. It did seem strange to me that the very first publishing house I should ever contact accepted my work, when it took Stephen King forty attempts to find a home for Carrie (at least that’s what I’ve come to understand). I never suffered the trauma of a rejection letter, and although I’ve received criticism for my choice of title for book one, so far I’ve received some pretty awesome reviews on the entire series.

3. What was your favorite chapter to write and why?

I would have to say Chapter 15 of Haven’s King. In it, Jason introduces Mirissa to the Council of Elders for the first time. The way the scene unfolded established the ceremony by which all Council mates are greeted, and when it played out, I was so surprised and excited I did a happy dance on the back porch for half an hour. (I’m sure the neighbors thought I was crazy.)

4. Were all of your characters easy to write, or did some of them give you trouble? Any particular character you didn’t like at all?

All of my characters are endearing friends. Oh, I have my villains, but they don’t usually hang around too long.

I think the hardest character I’ve ever written was Devon, the older vampire from medieval England who was slain in the middle of my first book. In book four, I stepped back to the beginning of my timeline, and had to create Devon for my readership. I knew I needed a character who would be perceived as beloved, and it broke my heart when I wrote his last scene before a hunter’s arrow took him down. Readers learn more of his history as the events within Secrets & Promises unfolds and the Council makes Chari aware of the consequences of her actions against them.

5. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Never give up your dream. Work at it, read about it, tell your friends about it, and keep it active in your mind and spirit. Never write when writing feels forced. You’ll never be happy with the outcome. Instead, open your heart to the possible and let the voices within you flourish. When you have before you a finished product you couldn’t possibly improve upon, you’ll know you’re ready to take the next step and become an aspiring “published” writer.

6. In researching your book what did you learn that surprised you? Or, alternatively, what thing did you research that you never thought you would (and considered deleting from your browsing history)?

I spent a lot of time researching for Secrets & Promises. I need, for a start, a doctor of genetics, and the bulk of my knowledge stemmed from watching all the crime shows on TV. While I kept my explanations as simple as I could, I learned interesting aspects I was able to modify to cross science with magic. Because I promised readers the history and foundation of the Community and its members, I spent more than half my research time investigating the individual pasts and more fully developing members that have been in existence from the beginning. In addition, the past lives of my primary female character presented me with an even greater historical challenge as I followed Vincent’s tragic existence. I came away with a much greater appreciation for early history and how various events throughout time intertwined to bring us the world we now know.

7. Narrow down your novel. Why must we read it? (besides the obvious, it’s awesome answer…because of course it is!)

Well, sure it is. Secrets & Promises is my most in-depth work yet. Two different romances intertwine amidst suspense and mystery that weaves together at the end with surprising results. This is my most tragic tale, and should keep readers turning pages and hungering for more. In fact, one among the SCP staff left me a comment that, after reading this fifth story, she’ll be setting aside personal time to read my backlist. I can think of no greater praise for a book even my husband, who is my worst critic, declared “well written”.

8. Do you have any unique talents or hobbies? Talents? Uninque?

I am extremely creative, and dabble in many kinds of art, from painting and ceramics to writing and graphic arts. I can also sing and play (modestly) the guitar and piano. My greatest talent is in my imagination, and my greatest work and satisfaction found in the pages of Haven’s Realm.

9. Which character speaks the loudest to you?

I fell most deeply in love with Ronan (Dragon Lord), but I’ve always had sympathy for Vincent. Jason (Haven’s King) was patterned after my own husband’s quirky humor and cockeyed optimism. Joshua and Catherine (Twilight Destiny) reflect the quieter, more thoughtful aspects of myself. I guess they’re all special to me in one way or another. How does one choose a favorite from amongst one’s children?

10. Do you have another book coming out soon?

I have no idea where Haven’s Realm will take me. Book six is now half written, and I have seeds of ideas sprouting now that I’ve succeeded in expanding the scope of the Community (won’t tell you how – read the book). I can only promise it will not end soon.


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When her best friend is taken by a vampire, Dr. Charlotte Vinetti shifts her genetic research focus in hopes of finding a cure. Five years later, she’s no closer to her goal, and long-troubled by the one vampire she’d killed who was different from the rest. Her worst nightmares become terrifying reality when she’s captured and realizes her captors are intelligent, sentient beings rather than the mindless creatures who continued to invade her home.

Vincent was nearing the end of his strength. Haven’s trials over the past five years had overtaxed his resources, but he knew with dread his problems were only beginning when the hunter the Community had long sought was the reincarnation of his deepest love. Forced by ancient promises to stand against the Bargain, his only hope lies in ending their gypsy curse and winning her love, for only then can he earn the Council’s forgiveness.



“This will further relax you.” He motioned her to one of the chairs, and she sat obediently before taking a sip. Apricot brandy–her favorite. She took careful sips of the warming liquid while watching him with nervous apprehension. A thousand questions crowded her mind, none of them coherent enough to vocalize, so she waited for him to break the silence. When he did, his words surprised her.

“This situation is, in a way, my doing, and for that I offer you my most remorseful apology. If I’d had the courage to seek you out the moment I sensed you near, none of this would’ve occurred. Devon might still be alive. For my reluctance, I am to blame.”

She stared at him in open shock. He’d sensed her? Before she killed their friend? But that was almost five years ago! “I don’t understand.”

“I don’t expect you to. Not yet.” He took a sip from his crystal tumbler, the contents thick and red. She closed her eyes for a moment to quell the bile rising in her throat.

“There is much to be said between us, and much to resolve, both with you and me, and between us and the Council. Right now we don’t have time to address even a tenth of the questions I hear in your mind. We meet with them soon. You must help me devise a defense.”

Her thoughts raced to catch up. There was, indeed, much to resolve, but how can she answer for the crimes she committed against them? The reality that he’d cast his lot in with hers struck home. She swallowed dryly and asked, “We meet with the Council?”

He took another swallow from his glass and sat in the other chair. She nervously sipped at her own. “All right. I’ll attempt to explain. Be silent and listen closely.” She nodded her understanding. “The information I’m about to share would not come to you for at least a month or two. I’m afraid I’ll need to break a few rules if I mean to keep us both alive.”

He took a long pull from the tumbler, draining its contents, set it on the table and leveled his gaze at her without expression. “I’m a member of the Council of Elders, a group of seven advisors who serve our king. By standing in your defense, I’ve turned my back on my brethren. I stand to lose not only my position in a Community I helped create, but also my right to the Bargain. You will come to know of these matters in time, but for now understand that such a loss would destroy me.”

He paused to allow her silent nod. “In a few minutes, we’ll stand together before my friends, for in siding with you and accepting the Reckoning, I share your guilt. When Mirissa, my queen, suggested it and the Council agreed, our fates became one. Without it, you’d have stood judgment alone. Now it stands as our only means of survival. I must understand your motives if I’m to justify your actions. If I can’t make them hear us, our lives will end tonight.”


DSC_0001Where to find Tamara:







  1. Flossie Benton Rogers

    Interesting post! I enjoyed hearing more about you and your writing process.


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