Friday Focus with Alexandra Anthony

Sep 12, 2013 | Author Interview, Friday Dialogues, Guest Authors, Writing


Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m a stay at home Mom from the Midwest.  I enjoy all things vampire and paranormal and love to read (when I get the chance in between writing books)!

Do you have a day job?

As a stay at home mom that also home schools my daughter, I consider that my full-time job!

Do you laugh at your own jokes?

Occasionally.  Sometimes when I’m writing and I come up with a good line…I can’t help but chuckle.

Where can people find you on the web? Where can they read more about your books?

You can find me at and all of my books are listed there.

Your Novel

What is your book about?

This book is a Companion to The Vampire Destiny Series.  The book is written from my heroes POV…his take on Fated (Book 1) and Illusion (Book 2).  It also features his backstory…his human death, his struggles with immortality up until he meets my heroine, Josephine.

What about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Many of my fans love Stefan and wanted to hear his story…especially since my books are written in 1st Person POV.  It was a fun journey to write as my dashing vampire hero.

You got the call – your novel is being made into a TV series or movie – who’s in your dream cast?

Stefan-Alexander Skarsgard

Josephine- Olivia Wilde

Lukas- Rupert Everett

Anna-Evangeline Lilly

Nikolaus-Adam Levine

Georgia-Catherine Bell


These are my core characters…I could go on and on!



How many people (i.e. characters) have you done away with in the course of your career?


 Have you ever regretted killing one of them off?

No.  Each character’s death was important to the story line…and had to be done!

What’s your writing schedule like? Do you strive for a certain amount of words each day?

My writing schedule is crazy.  With school back in session, I now get up early to write or brainstorm…and then it’s school time.  I also try to sit down in the evening and write for an hour or two.  It’s hectic, but it works!

What is the most difficult part of the writing process? The easiest?

Editing is the worst.  The easiest part is coming up with the story!

Have you written any other books?

Yes, I’ve written 4 books in The Vampire Destiny Series and 1 in The Dark Hart Chronicles.  I’m working on Book 2 right now.

Fun (Crazy, odd questions just for fun)

Are you a neat freak? Or clutter-bound?

I’m a total neat freak…which does not work well with a writing schedule!

You were just given a yacht. What would you name it?

Mitt hjärtas önskan (My Heart’s Desire in Swedish)

If you could have a super power, what would it be?


Quick Questions

Sing in the rain or dance in the streets?

Dance in the street.  My voice might scare innocent people!

Pen or pencil?


Summer or Winter?


Movies or TV?



OdysseyOdyssey (The Vampire Destiny Series Companion Book 1)

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Book Blurb

In this first Companion Piece to The Vampire Destiny Series, we follow our hero, Stefan Lifsten, from the time of his human death, through his early years as a vampire until he meets Josephine Anderson, his fated mate.

We’ll travel along with him during his initial struggles to accept his immortality, his betrayals by friends and foes, and experience his joy of meeting the woman from his vision…experiencing Fated and Illusion through his eyes.

This book is a Companion to The Vampire Destiny Series and will feature missing scenes and character information. While this book can be read as a stand-alone, it is highly recommended that you read Fated and Illusion to fully experience this book.

*This book contains sexy vampires, graphic language and highly erotic scenes that are not for those 18 and under or are of the faint of heart. Consider yourself warned.*


“Lukas? What happened?” I demanded harshly.  I needed to know who had done this to her.

“I don’t know.  She hasn’t had the chance to tell me anything.”

“Kian,” she sputtered.  “Stefan, let me show you.”

Giving me access to her memories, she replayed her confrontation with her father at the art gallery for me.  I stiffened against her and was ready to find Kian and rip him apart piece by piece.

“What?!? Will someone tell me what’s going on?” Lukas asked, tapping his foot impatiently.

“Josephine had an argument with her father.  He apparently has been following her and confronted her today,” I said, placing a kiss against the top of her head.

Lukas was on the floor beside of us before I even realized he had moved.  His fangs had dropped and he looked terrifying, so unlike the sweet Lukas we knew.  “If that bastard even thinks he’s going to mess with her, I’ll end him, Stefan.”

Letting out a resigned sigh, I reached to place a hand on my child’s shoulder.  “No one is ending anyone, Lukas.  Only the game has changed.  We knew it would happen eventually.”  I focused my attention back on Josephine, smoothing her hair back from her tear-stained face.  “Vackra, did he harm you at all?”

As I comforted her, I knew in that moment that I would kill Kian Ahearne and rejoice at his blood on my hands.  His demise meant freedom for not only Josephine, but also for me.  Her fear, her agony gave me the justification I had been waiting for.

“No.  But he’s a monster.”

“You are safe now.”  I nodded towards Lukas, who stroked Josephine’s arm gently before rising gracefully to his feet and leaving the apartment.

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her into the bedroom, sitting her down carefully on the edge of the bed.  I motioned for her to lie down and I sat next to her.  I removed her ankle boots, placing them on the floor beside the bed.  The bed shifted under my weight and I collected her in the strong embrace of my arms, whispering against my temple.  “Han kommer aldrig att röra dig.  Om det är det sista jag gör på denna jord, kommer jag att dö skydda dig.  Du är mitt liv, min kärlek.”

She let out a shaky sigh as she breathed in the smell of my skin.  “When you speak in your native tongue, it sounds so beautiful.  What did you just say?”

I snorted and closed my eyes.  “You will not be happy with what I said.”

She pushed against my chest.  “I’m already unhappy.  Unless you just told me we’re over, I think I can deal with whatever you said.”

I let out a weary sigh.  “I used to be a much stronger vampire.  I give in to every whim, every request you have.”  Smiling sheepishly, I rested my face against her hair.  “I told you that he would never touch you.  If it is the last thing I do on this earth, I will die protecting you.  You are my life, my love.”


About Alexandra Anthony

Alexandra Anthony is the independent author of two romantic, erotic book series: The Vampire Destiny Series and The Dark Hart Chronicles.  Both feature sexy vampires to die for, steamy love scenes and follow the twists and turns of her character’s many adventures.  Her books are not for the faint of heart.

She was most recently featured in USA Today in an article by Joyce Lamb titled, “It’s time to put some Paranormal Activity into your Reading” and was featured under Self-Published/Indie Authors for the release of Ascend (The Vampire Destiny Series Book 4).  Her paranormal, erotic romance Tempted (The Dark Hart Chronicles Book 1) was nominated for Best Erotica in the 2013 Orangeberry Hall of Fame Contest.




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