I suck at resolutions. I really do.
I’ve tried making them publicly, here on this blog, to have accountability and a place for public shaming if I fail.
Doesn’t matter.
I always drop them fast.
Supah fast.
So now when a new year comes along I don’t make big resolutions.
This year, though, as I’m laid up after foot surgery, I’ve had time to reflect.
2013 saw a great many humongous highs.
It also saw some dark and despairing lows.
It turned into an unexpected year of flux. The last half of the year, especially, was a struggle in many ways.
Now there’s a new year to face.
I’m thinking the idea of picking a word for the year is appropriate.
I’m going to call my word for this year at Growth.
In every aspect I hope to grow.
Professionally with my writing.
So here’s to growth.
With as few growing “pains” as possible.