Sunday Snippets 36 – Masked Hearts

Jun 14, 2014 | Books, Masked Hearts, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


I’ve been sharing my contemporary romance for a while, I thought it might be nice to go back in time…to the old west and a travelling wild west show.

Masked Hearts is my oft-neglected stand-alone novel, but every time I bring it up I remember why I enjoyed it.

In this first 8, Minnie is onstage in their wild west show with another native. In life off-stage they take exception to each others behavior:

“You call us a joke?” The fierce warrior brave named Carl snarled in her ear under the speech, taunting her with their familiar argument. He knew onstage was the only time she’d let him close enough for such talk. His foot stomped on her skirt, crushing her bustle and pulling her backward. “At least we don’t act like one of them.”

“You do what you need for your whiskey. I do what I must to survive.” She fought the urge to hit him.

*No creative editing this week.


If you want more of these wonderful two…pick up a copy!

Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe | 

Minnie Woodward lives a lie. After barely surviving the Bear River Massacre she’s lived in the white world of her guardian Mister Rawlins, her life debt keeping her tied there. The last thing she needs is Roy’s attempts to gain her favor. Her fate’s sealed. She’s never believed in hope, and not even Roy can make her start.

Roy Ornum saves Minnie every night in the traveling Wild West show. The job he took to break his gambling habit brought him a new addiction – her. He knows she doesn’t want to be rescued, but maybe he does. She’s the key to a past he lost, one he wants to find again.

As the two grow closer old wounds are reopened and their burgeoning trust is shattered. When lives hang in the balance of their choices they’ll need to work together. Otherwise everything will be lost before hope can be found.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!



  1. Gem

    This sounds sooo good. I must read. On to TBR list it goes. Thanks for the great snippet.

    • Sarah Cass

      Thanks, Gem! It was my first standalone and I often neglect it for my series…but it holds a special place in my heart for certain. 🙂 The way the research fell into place really made my day. 😀

  2. Lorien Lyn

    She sounds fierce. Really enjoyed reading the tension. Great snippet!

  3. Lisa Medley

    It’s the ones who cause us so much consternation in the beginning who win our hearts in the end. What fun would it be if we all just got along, ha! Love their push/pull.

  4. Caitlin

    Carl sounds like a real winner, crowding her personal space when she can’t get away, and mauling her clothes. Maybe she can kick him without the audience noticing–or step on his foot. He deserves it.

  5. Veronica Scott

    What a fascinating setting and story premise! I enjoyed the excerpt, definitely makes me want to read on. Great 8!

  6. Tina Christopher

    Intriguing opening! Definitely would read on to find out why she is where she is. Great opening.

  7. Evelyn Jules

    What a fabulous premise, and I loved the excerpt too! Can’t wait for more, Sarah! 🙂

  8. Karen Michelle Nutt

    Tension filled. I’m intrigued to know more. Sounds like interesting. 🙂

  9. Chelle Cordero

    Great tension between these two. And he seems so fierce. Nice snippet.

  10. Keeley Saint James

    Hmm… Now this seems like it’s about to get interesting… Great post, definitely want to see more!

  11. Jenna Jaxon

    Oh, but I love a good historical! This needs to go on my TBR list. I love the chemistry between them!


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