Sunday Snippets 39 – Masked Hearts

Jul 12, 2014 | Books, Masked Hearts, Publishing Credits, Secret Cravings Publishing, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


I’m back with my travelling wild west show story, Masked Hearts.

Skipping ahead a little ways. After some hemming and hawing, Minnie agreed to speak with Roy if he woke early enough to avoid them being caught by Mister Rawlins. He did manage, and met her by the creek.

After a little struggle, Minnie revealed some of her past. In the course of conversation, Roy asked if there were sometimes white men and women were part of the tribe, as wife or husband, or the like. Minnie admitted there sometimes were, and when asked (by him) acknowledged that one of them was a fur trapper:

“Why do you ask such things? You said you’d tell me.”

“That fur trapper,” He had to force the words out; the cracking in his voice so unusual it drew Minnie’s intense gaze back to him. “Did he and the woman have a child? A son?”

Her brows drew together, a frown creasing her lips down, “Yes.”

“Was he taken away?”


*Creative editing used this week to fit in the 8.


If you want more of these wonderful two…pick up a copy!

Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe | 

Minnie Woodward lives a lie. After barely surviving the Bear River Massacre she’s lived in the white world of her guardian Mister Rawlins, her life debt keeping her tied there. The last thing she needs is Roy’s attempts to gain her favor. Her fate’s sealed. She’s never believed in hope, and not even Roy can make her start.

Roy Ornum saves Minnie every night in the traveling Wild West show. The job he took to break his gambling habit brought him a new addiction – her. He knows she doesn’t want to be rescued, but maybe he does. She’s the key to a past he lost, one he wants to find again.

As the two grow closer old wounds are reopened and their burgeoning trust is shattered. When lives hang in the balance of their choices they’ll need to work together. Otherwise everything will be lost before hope can be found.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!



  1. S.J. Maylee

    Oh, interesting what you can pick up from just the way a question is asked and how it makes me want to know more. 🙂 Well done.

  2. Charmaine Gordon

    Simply wonderful. A question asked and next week maybe you reveal the answer of a lost son. Thanks.

  3. Gem Sivad

    Ah-ha! So Roy knew her when they were younger. Intriguing snippet.

  4. Frank Fisher

    You’ve got my curiosity piqued. What a way to end such an interesting snippet!

  5. Gemma Parkes

    Oh now that’s intriguing! Good job!

  6. Millie Burns

    You’ve got us wondering…good job.

  7. Veronica Scott

    I love the way this is getting more and more intense, and the mystery being hinted at…great snippet!

  8. Linda Hamonou

    Roy seems to have insight on something, very mysterious.


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