Meet Jesse Colter of Keeping Sarah by Author Julie Shelton

Jul 30, 2014 | Character Interview, Guest Authors, Writing

  1. What is your story?  I grew up dirt poor in a leaky trailer in the small town of Marshall’s Creek, Virginia.  I wish I could say that my parents loved me.  But I never knew my Native American mother and my father was a drunken bully who beat me nearly every day I can remember.  Until I turned 14 and got to be as big as he was.  I threatened to kill him if he ever touched me again.  He never did.
  2. Who are you?  I am a retired Navy SEAL, and am now the Chief of Police of Marshall’s Creek, Virginia.  I have a beautiful wife and a partner, both of whom I love unconditionally.
  3. Do you think the author portrayed you accurately?  My author knows me better than I know myself.  Her faith in me allowed me to be loved by two of the most amazin’ human bein’s on the face of the planet.
  4. Do you have any special strengths?  I believe I’m a pretty good judge of character and have a pretty strong BS detector.  Not much gets by me.
  5. Do you have any special weaknesses?  Not that I’m aware of, although, if you were to ask Sarah or Adam if I have any special weaknesses, you’d probably get a different answer.
  6. What makes you happy?  Sarah and Adam.
  7. What are you afraid of?  Losin’ either of them.
  8. What do you regret?  That I left town the day of Sarah’s eighteenth birthday and stayed away for eight years before tryin’ to put things right.
  9. What is your biggest disappointment?  I try not to dwell on negative things in my life.
  10. What in your past had the most profound effect on you?  Seein’ Sarah on the day of her eighteenth birthday about to be raped.  I still have nightmares about it.
  11. Who is your true love?  Well, in case you haven’t guessed by now, Sarah.
  12. What is the most important thing that ever happened to you?  Gettin’ a job when I was nineteen as a gardener’s assistant at Marshall’s Hill, the estate home of Sarah Marshall. Why?  Because that was the day I rescued her from a thirty-foot fall out of a tree.
  13. Was there a major turning point in your life?  I would say that becomin’ a SEAL was a pretty major turning point.  Up until that point, I’d never really challenged myself and discoverin’ what I was truly capable of was pretty satisfying.
  14. What is your most closely guarded secret?  Well, now, if I tell you that, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now, would it?
  15. Do you have any hobbies?  You know, I really don’t.  I’ve never thought about it before, and can’t think of a single thing I’d like to do as a hobby.  I don’t see me takin’ up golf, for instance.  Or goin’ fishin’.  I have no talent for anything of an artistic nature.  I do love to travel.  And read.
  16. Name five items in your purse, briefcase, or pockets.  My keys, some change, my Swiss Army knife (never leave home without it), my wallet, and my cell phone.
  17. If you had the power to change one thing in the world that didn’t affect you personally, what would it be?  I’d get rid of bullying.
  18. How do you envision your future?  I see Sarah, Adam, and me settlin’ down, maybe havin’ a couple of kids.  That’s gonna be kinda tricky, considerin’ the lifestyle we lead, but it can be done.  I would love to have some kids.  Damn sure I’ll be a better father than my own was.
  19. What is your most prized mundane possession?  My dog-eared copy of Watership Down.  Why do you value it so much?  It was the first book Sarah made me read.  When I saw that it was a 500-page book about rabbits, I nearly balked.  I mean, c’mon.  But I read it and wished it was 800 pages, it was so phenomenal.
  20. What was your family like?  Never met my Native American mother.  My father said she ran off with another man when I was just a toddler.  Frankly, I always suspected that he’d simply killed her and hid her body deep in the woods around our town.  He was a drunken bully and used to beat me every day.  Haven’t seen him since I was 17.
  21. When’s the last time you saw any member of your family?  I have two older cousins, Brian and Matt Wilson.  I saw Brian just yesterday when I went over to Marshall’s Hill to check on the BDSM Club he’s creatin’ for us at Marshall’s Hill, Sarah’s old home.  Saw Matt just a few days ago.  Where are they now?  Matt’s probably either in his garage or at his biker bar, Brian’s probably over at Marshall’s Hill.
  22. Did you ever meet any other family members?  Don’t have any other family.  Who were they? What did you think of them?
  23. What is your worst childhood memory?  The sound of my dad taking off his belt.
  24. What is something you had to learn that you hated?  Never learned to hate anything.  The things I hate I always knew I hated, bullies, abusers, liars.
  25. What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.)  Comin’ home and seein’ Sarah in her submissive posture, ready to please me.  When she hands me her power that calms me to my core.
  26. What is the perfect romantic date?  Flowers, a candlelit dinner, dancin’ in the moonlight, strawberries and champagne, a petal-strewn bed, and Sarah, bound and spread and beggin’ to be allowed to come.
  27. What is more important – sex or intimacy? Intimacy.  Why?  Because sex without intimacy does nothing to nurture a relationship.  There needs to be a deep emotional connection between the partners for the act of sex to soar to new heights.  That’s what I love about our D/s way of life.  With every power exchange, the emotional bond between Adam, Sarah, and I grows stronger.  With every sexual interaction, the trust grows deeper, the love more profound.  With true intimacy, the sex is so deeply intertwined, the two can no longer be separated.
  28. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved?  I left Sarah in the lurch the day of her eighteenth birthday.  After I pulled her would-be rapist off of her, I locked us in her father’s study to wait for the police.  She threw herself at me, begged me to make love to her, and I panicked.  I knew that if I stayed in Marshall’s Creek, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from takin’ her.  So I left town, like a coward, with no word of good-bye or explanation.  I wanted the break to be clean, so she’d forget all about me.
  29. What one act in your past are you most ashamed of?  Leavin’ Sarah without sayin’ good-bye.  What one act in your past are you most proud of?  Leavin’ Sarah without sayin’ good-bye.  If I had stayed, I would have destroyed her future.  I would have made her my woman, whether she was ready to be or not.  She never would have gone to college, never would have become the brilliant attorney she is today.  So, yeah, that eight-year separation was emotionally devastating to both of us, but in the end it made both of us much stronger people.
  30. What trait do you find most admirable, and how often do you find it?  Honesty.  I know my friends and my SEAL buddies are honest with me, but not many other people are.
  31. Is an ounce of prevention really worth a pound of cure? Which is more valuable? Why do you feel this way?  These are difficult questions.  If your ounce of prevention is to have ‘round the clock bodyguards for someone under the threat of kidnappin’ and that someone gets kidnapped anyway, the point is rather moot, don’t you think?
  32. What one word best describes you?  Bad-ass  [grins]
  33. How do your friends see you?  They see me as a man of honor and integrity, who will always speak the truth, and who can be relied upon in a tight spot.
  34. How do your enemies see you?  As their worst nightmare…to coin a phrase.
  35. What, if anything, haunts you?  I don’t let anything haunt me.  Life is too short.  Sarah and Adam have introduced me to so many joys that it would be foolish to allow shadows from the past to diminish the experience.
  36. How private of a person are you?   To my friends and family, I’m an open book.  To others, I’m guarded until I get to know them.  Why?  Because, frankly, it’s nobody’s business what I do, think, or feel, except for those close, intimate few with whom I’m sharing’ those thoughts or feelin’s.
  37. If you were to gain an obscenely large sum of money (via an inhertiance, a lawsuit, a lottery, or anything else) what would you do with it?  I already have an obscenely large sum of money, thanks to years of wise investments by Adam’s Uncle Joe.  I’m spending a walloping amount on turning Marshall’s Hill, Sarah’s ancestral home, into an exclusive BDSM Club.  I fund two psychiatric clinics, one in England and one here in the States, for women who’ve been trafficked as sex slaves.  Along with my cousin Brian Wilson, who owns a construction company, I’m turning an old, abandoned cotton mill on the outskirts of Marshall’s Creek into luxury apartments.  The money we collect in rents will fund a shelter for battered women.
  38. What would you wish for if you found a genie?  World peace.  No, truly.  This is not a cliché.  I would wish for world peace.



Honeymooning in England, Jesse Colter, Adam Sinclair and their beloved wife, Sarah, are heading for their friend Thorne Cahill’s BDSM club for dinner when another car deliberately tries to run them off the road.  Thanks to their own driver’s skills, the other car is destroyed, the two unknown occupants killed.

Through Thorne, they discover that they’re the targets of a “blood feud”, instigated by Konstandin Sokolov, son of Viktor Sokolov, the Albanian mobster who had unwisely kidnapped Sarah a few months back, and paid for it with his life.  They also discover that Thorne’s guests, ruthless human traffickers, have gathered at the club for a slave auction being held the following night.  Konstandin Sokolov happens to be one of the buyers.

Fraught with treachery, betrayal, and deadly danger, Keeping Sarah keeps the reader on a knife’s edge of tension, while simultaneously exploring the deepening emotional and physical commitment between Jesse and Adam.  They already trust each other with their lives.  Now they must learn how to trust each other with their love.


As they raised their heads, both men noticed the headlights of the car behind them, approaching way too fast for such mountainous terrain.  Jesse knew that they were in a section of the Pennines where the road hugged the cliff face.  Beyond, to their left, only a slender guard rail stood between them and a sheer drop-off of hundreds of feet.  He also knew that the car rapidly approaching them was not going to swerve off and pass them by.

“Clay!” Jesse roared, pressing the button for the intercom.  “What the fuck?”

“Yeah, I see ’em,” was Clay’s laconic response.  “Brace yourselves.”

“Crap!  Hang on, Sarah!”  Grabbing Sarah’s seat belt, Jesse managed to buckle it around her just as the car behind them, what looked like a Honda CR-V, crashed into their rear bumper in an impact that would have been much worse if Clay hadn’t skillfully countered it by speeding up at the last second.  Crystal rattled and champagne went flying, drenching everything with the sticky liquid.  As the limo shot forward, the headlights of the other vehicle swung wildly to the right as the driver tried to avoid running over the pieces of his own front end that now littered the road.

Clay increased speed, taking the next turn with a loud squeal of the tires, and the SUV’s headlights were lost around a bend.  But within seconds it had caught up, trying to pull alongside the black Mercedes.  Clay swerved abruptly, cutting them off.  Both vehicles zig-zagged wildly back and forth, each trying to gain the advantage as they hurtled down the road.  The SUV veered wide, turned back hard, and slammed into the right rear quarter panel of the limo with a resounding crash of metal.  Miraculously, Clay’s skillful driving kept the heavy limo firmly on the road.  The SUV veered wide again.  Clay waited until they were about to slam into the Mercedes again, before countering their move by slamming the heavier limo into the driver’s side of the SUV, doubling the force of the resulting impact and sending the SUV, tires screeching, skidding across the road toward the sheer cliff face.  Amid the crash and shriek of metal striking metal, Clay slammed into them again, keeping the pressure on as the limo’s superior weight slowly pushed the smaller, lighter-weight car sideways off the road and onto the narrow shoulder.  The driver’s side rear window of the SUV lowered and Jesse could see the passenger kneeling in his seat and aiming what looked like a Kalashnikov assault rifle in their direction.

“Clay!” Jesse yelled again.


“I heartily enjoyed this book. It’s truly an erotic BDSM ménage epic, and it’s extremely well written. The locations are sweeping and exotic, the food is lusciously described, the sex scenes are plentiful and romantic and delightfully perverse. Pacing is breezy throughout, even though this is a fairly long novel, and the suspense plot keeps the reader wanting more. It’s excellent that the menage relationship features a lot of hot M/M scenes between Jesse and Adam, not to mention the pegging by Sarah. I can’t compliment Keeping Sarah highly enough.

Special mention should be made of the Sybian competition and slave auction scenes. These were both highly unique, beautifully written, disturbing, and felt like Sadean ceremonies. The Sybian competition had an exuberance and weirdness about it that was both comical and surreal. It showed great imagination.   The slave auction was nightmarish—imagining this secret organization existing was very frightening. The poetic details were what really made it—the fact that the boy being auctioned was chubby and albino, the disturbing concept of “pony girls,” and the appearance of the sinister Mistress Diabolica. I loved it.”  J



Julie has always loved stories, both reading and writing them, ever since she was old enough to hold a book in her hands.  One of her favorite childhood activities was smuggling books under the covers to read by flashlight after she was supposed to be asleep.

A career as a children’s librarian eventually led to her dream career as a freelance storyteller and puppeteer, a business she operated successfully for twenty-five years.  During that time she created and wrote all the original material for a monthly language arts newsletter full of poems, songs, puppet and flannel-board stories, fingerplays, and other resource material for early childhood educators.  For that endeavor she won the prestigious EDPRESS Award for the best educational newsletter of 1982.  She has also written other resource materials for preschool and early elementary teachers.

Julie lives in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia.  Now widowed and retired, she once again has time to devote to her two favorite things—reading and writing—especially her new love, erotic romances.


Keeping Sarah is available now for pre-order at a discount at



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Eight years ago Jesse Colter fled his small town, leaving behind eighteen-year-old Sarah Marshall, broken-hearted and devastated.  Now a retired Navy SEAL, he’s back and he wants only one thing—Sarah Marshall—preferably bound, naked, and on her knees before him.

She has never forgotten Jesse.  He’s been the object of all her sexual fantasies since she was fifteen, as well as the star of nightly dreams that have become increasingly erotic over the years.  So when he suddenly reappears in her life, she is torn.  Can she trust him not to hurt her, or will he once again break her heart?  Warily, she agrees to let him introduce her to his world—the world of bondage, Domination, and erotic slavery.  When he also introduces her to his best friend, Adam Sinclair, Sarah faces a daunting future of sexual submission to two powerful alpha males.

But Sarah faces an even bigger challenge.  Someone is stalking her.  Is it the old enemy who’s just been released from prison?  Or is it someone else from her past who is determined to destroy any chance she has at happiness?  Can Adam’s and Jesse’s love protect her?  Or will her world explode in a cataclysm of betrayal and violence that will destroy them all?



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Owning Sarah, back cover blurb

It’s been a month since Sarah Marshall was kidnapped and held at knife-point by her ex-fiance.  But Jesse Colter and Adam Sinclair, her two loving Doms, know that there is an even deadlier threat still out there—Ryder Malone.

He blames both Sarah and Jesse for sending him to prison eight years ago for attempted rape, and he’s determined to make them pay.  So, he begins a systematic campaign of terror and intimidation against them.  But the danger he poses doesn’t end there.

Set against the deepening love and commitment between Sarah, Jesse, and Adam, Owning Sarah is more than just a sexy, sensual, BDSM love story.  It is a harrowing race against time for Jesse, Adam, and a team of former SEALs to stop one of the biggest arms-for-drugs deals in U.S. history.  And to rescue Sarah before Malone sells her to a human trafficker and she’s lost to her men forever.



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