Sunday Snippets 43 – Masked Hearts

Aug 9, 2014 | Books, Masked Hearts, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


I’m back with my travelling wild west show story, Masked Hearts.

Last week I left you with Minnie set up to be on the receiving end of a long-shot by the boss, her guardian. Now she faces down the barrel of the gun:

Mister stood far down the street, the farthest distance he could shoot straight from what she could tell.

Though she’d seen him take this shot many times, she’d never been on the receiving end.

Back straight, she lifted the apple to her head. In her mind she imagined the fantastical yelling of the Mister as he did before every shot–in reality she heard nothing but her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

Slowly she dropped her hands to her sides, curling her skirt under her fingers. Despite her own internal promise she wouldn’t close her eyes, she did just that.

Through the rush of her heartbeat came the crack of the gun. Cool drops of apple and apple juices ran down her nose.

*Creative editing used this week to fit in the 8.


If you want more of these wonderfully damaged pair…pick up a copy!

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Minnie Woodward lives a lie. After barely surviving the Bear River Massacre she’s lived in the white world of her guardian Mister Rawlins, her life debt keeping her tied there. The last thing she needs is Roy’s attempts to gain her favor. Her fate’s sealed. She’s never believed in hope, and not even Roy can make her start.

Roy Ornum saves Minnie every night in the traveling Wild West show. The job he took to break his gambling habit brought him a new addiction – her. He knows she doesn’t want to be rescued, but maybe he does. She’s the key to a past he lost, one he wants to find again.

As the two grow closer old wounds are reopened and their burgeoning trust is shattered. When lives hang in the balance of their choices they’ll need to work together. Otherwise everything will be lost before hope can be found.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!



  1. Cara Bristol

    Love the last line. Great detail. Very nice touch.

  2. Steven Montano

    Wow! Fantastic description and tension. Nice work!

  3. Karen Michelle Nutt

    The imagery was perfect and the tension rang through. Wonderful 8.

  4. Lashell Collins

    This was awesome! Her anxiety was so real, and the descriptions so lush. Very nicely done!

  5. Charmaine Gordon

    Perfect eight. Sarah, you’re a wonder with unique stories. Thanks for this gorgeous scene.

  6. S.J. Maylee

    Bravo, Sarah! Tremendous writing here. Wow. My own heart rate picked up. 🙂

  7. Beth Matthews

    Wow. Super tense excerpt. And very intriguing. Nicely done. 🙂

  8. Victoria Davenport

    What a great scene! Can feel her anxiety, and love the detail about the apple bits. Great snippet 🙂

  9. Stephanie Scott

    Great scene! Love the tension – I can feel Minnie’s anxiety. Excellent snippet!

  10. Gem Sivad

    I was tense myself. Great scene!

  11. Veronica Scott

    Tense. I loved the vivid way the snippet ended, with the juice running down her face. Truly a riveting excerpt.

  12. Millie Burns

    Now, I’m kinda hungry for applesauce : ) This was an excellent tension filled snippet!

  13. Tamara Philip

    Whoa! I felt the tension and the fear. Brave Minnie! I think I would have peed my pants if I were in her shoes. Absolutely loved the imagery in this snippet!!

  14. Caitlin

    Wonderfully descriptive, you can really feel the tension.

    I’ve read that if you hear the shot, you’re probably not hit badly–since if it kills you, you don’t have time to hear it.

  15. Linda Hamonou

    As long as it’s apple juice and not blood. So scary.

  16. Tina Christopher

    Great tension! I am with her in the moment. Love how she wraps her fingers around a bit of skirt. Great 8!


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