Sunday Snippets 46 – Masked Hearts

Aug 30, 2014 | Books, Masked Hearts, WeWriWa, Writing

Welcome back to the Weekend Writing Warriors!


I’m back with my travelling wild west show story, Masked Hearts.

John & Carl continue to try to help Minnie…but old hurts stand in the way for most of them:

“Stick with your own kind, Minnie. Roy may not be a bastard like Rawlins, but he won’t take care of you, either.” Carl moved closer. “Got it?”

“My own kind? I have none of my own kind,” She wrinkled her nose and got in his face. “You’re Cheyenne; I’m nothing like you.”

“We’re all you have.”

*Creative editing used this week to fit in the 8.


If you want more of these wonderfully damaged pair…pick up a copy!

Amazon | SCP | BN | ARe | 

Minnie Woodward lives a lie. After barely surviving the Bear River Massacre she’s lived in the white world of her guardian Mister Rawlins, her life debt keeping her tied there. The last thing she needs is Roy’s attempts to gain her favor. Her fate’s sealed. She’s never believed in hope, and not even Roy can make her start.

Roy Ornum saves Minnie every night in the traveling Wild West show. The job he took to break his gambling habit brought him a new addiction – her. He knows she doesn’t want to be rescued, but maybe he does. She’s the key to a past he lost, one he wants to find again.

As the two grow closer old wounds are reopened and their burgeoning trust is shattered. When lives hang in the balance of their choices they’ll need to work together. Otherwise everything will be lost before hope can be found.


Head back on over to the Weekend Writing Warriors to read many more wonderful offerings!



  1. Frank Fisher

    I like how Minnie stands up to them. They obviously don’t know her the way they think they do. Great snippet! 😀

  2. Elyzabeth M. VaLey

    I have the impression that his words are only going to make her more determined to fight for what she wants. Great snippet!

  3. Charmaine Gordon

    Only wonderful. The dialogue tells the story. Short and sweet. Your writing style is powerful.

  4. Jenna Jaxon

    I’m glad Minnie is standing her ground. I just hope she still gives Roy a chance despite what the other men say. Great 8!

  5. Tina Christopher

    Great emotions flying high. I feel for Minnie. Well done.

  6. Gem Sivad

    She is very strong. I hope Minnie defies the restrictions of both cultures to find happiness.

  7. Veronica Scott

    A conversation full of much old pain…excellent excerpt from this terrific story!

  8. S.J. Maylee

    What a powerful conversation. Fabulously done.

  9. Evelyn Jules

    “We’re all you have.” – Harsh but true. Your dialogue is fantastic, Sarah! Another great snippet! 🙂

  10. Linda Hamonou

    All she has? Maybe, maybe not. She sounds like she can take care of herself.


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