Chen Guanming – Rickshaw Around the World

Jul 13, 2015 | Random, Redefining Perfect

The other day I was running around on numerous errands.

Actually, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Going up to the next town I passed an unusual sight. One I didn’t quite comprehend as I passed. It appeared to be a bike with a canopy. I thought I saw Japanese or Chinese script on the canopy, but I just couldn’t tell. I was driving too fast to truly read anything.

I didn’t get a good look and I was busy, so busy I was stressed and couldn’t be bothered to really think about it.

Still, as I made it to my destination and got what I was after, my mind kept drifting back what what I had seen. While my original intention had been to head home a different, faster way – I realized I had to go back. I wanted to know what it was, and I actually had my camera with me for a change, and maybe it was something interesting enough to make use of my camera.

As I drove back the way I’d come, I finally spotted him in the distance. I slowed down and as I passed I saw him face on, and took note of three words “Olympic” and “World Travel”, along with a Chinese flag waving off the canopy.

I was at the perfect spot to stop, and so I did. I drew out my phone and did a search. There I came upon the story of Chen Guanming.

chuanChen Guanming was a farmer in Easter China when Beijing was awarded the Olympics in 2008. Inspired, he set off in his rickshaw to take the Olympic message of goodwill to every major Chinese city.

Keep in mind, this man had never left his home town.

From there, I suppose Chen got the nomadic bug because he didn’t stop. He traveled to London for the 20112 Olympics, going through 18 countries just to get there.

And now, this sweet man is making his way through the United States (from California to New York) before he makes his way to Rio for the next Olympics.

He travels, sleeps, and eats in his rickshaw. Sometimes even dragging it. He speaks no English, but is always nice and kind when you stop to talk to him.

I am so glad I made myself turn around once more I drove until I found him a 3rd and final time. Luckily he had stopped to grab a snack, and so I pulled up in front of him. He was kind enough to let me take his picture, and shook my hand before giving me his card.  He has a Facebook page that is updated regularly with his progress.

So keep an eye out for him in your neck of the woods.  It’s a unique experience that I’m so glad I happened upon him in this little town down the road. I don’t think I’ll forget it any time soon.



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