Books I Recommend – One, One, and One

Jan 23, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday

I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.

I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month.  The genres may change, but it lends some variety.

This week we’re going to look at One Poetry/YA, One Non-fiction, and One Graphic Novel.

All of these I read in my year of big reading, 2017, and they still stick out to me as books I’d recommend.


[easyazon_link identifier=”0062118765″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]One by Sarah Crossan[/easyazon_link]

This is a young adult book, but it’s so wonderfully unique. A story told through poetry that captures your heart with it’s lyrical words and deeply real characters even in their almost surreal existence.

Grace and Tippi are conjoined twins who have lived their whole lives as one. Now sixteen years old, they’ve defied odds and formed a bond like no other.

A health scare makes them make the most difficult choice of their lives…and it will change everything.

I was in tears at the end of this one.

I read it because I had a challenge to read a book of poetry – and I’m so glad I did. This was a beautiful story and I’d recommend it to anyone.


[easyazon_link identifier=”1594634726″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert[/easyazon_link]

Yes, this is written by the lady that wrote Eat, Pray, Love.

Once again, I started reading this because of those challenges I set for myself in 2017 to read things outside of my comfort zone…including Non-fiction, which I’d always tried, and failed, to read.

This had also been plastered all over my social media feed read with glowing reviews. Once I started reading, I found out why.

This book spoke to me deeply on many layers. I’d had a rough year in 2016 that left me not writing at all.  Years of being in the industry left me with big doubts and second-guessing myself with every word I wrote.

This frank exploration of the fears we face in any creative endeavor shook loose many of my cobwebs and helped get me writing again. I’m about to re-read it because I feel the need for another push.

I recommend it to anyone that wants to live creatively (and I don’t mean with the arts…I mean with LIFE)


[easyazon_link identifier=”1442465964″ locale=”US” tag=”redefiperfec-20″]Through the Woods by Emily Carroll[/easyazon_link]

This is a spine-tinglingly fun graphic novel that tells five different creepy fairy-tale sort of stories.

The artwork makes bold plays between stark black/white then great swaths of color to achieve emotional impact.

This was one of my first graphic novels, and the creepy tales were right up my alley, without being too horrifying.

It’s a fun little read that gives you some feel for the way fairy tales were before we softened them up.



Those are my recommendations for this month!  Hope you enjoyed.

What are some of your favorite books?  I love adding to my TBR.




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