Monthly Totem: Spirit Animal of the Month is a…Skunk

Mar 4, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Pagan Me Happy, Personal, Redefining Perfect

Once a month I’ll be posting a new Spirit Animal. This is both for me to study and learn, but also to help inspire each month.

This month, the first month, the animal is…of all things…a skunk.

Hey, I don’t pick ’em…these suckers show up to me. I know they’re weird – it’s fitting because so am I.

Anyhoozles…onto Mr. Skunk.

First reaction to this spirit animal might be to wrinkle your nose and back away.

When you look deeper though, there’s more to him than that scent – although it’s a big part of who he is.

A skunk doesn’t use his spray lightly, he only does so when it’s absolutely necessary because it’s actually draining for him to use it because it takes a week to refill.  It is a last ditch effort, which actually makes him the ultimate pacifist.

Skunks have few natural predators because their reputation precedes them.  Their distinctive color and scent make most back away.  There is a natural boundary to them. If you study them, though…they are actually adorable and playful animals.

The messages of the skunk all spoke deeply to where I am now in my growth and life.

  1. The skunk symbolizes the need to live our lives authentically (I’m working on being my true self these days, no matter what), and to build confidence in ourselves.
  2. He tells us to have my strength of will & independence (will power is always my biggest struggle)
  3. Develop trust in yourself, build your intuition. Go with your gut. I hear it often, but sometimes I forget to listen.
  4. The skunk offers a keen sense of balance – because they don’t attack lightly, every situation is weighed.
  5. Meet life’s challenges with a calm and peaceful heart – my biggest struggle to date. I enter panic mode (or anger mode) way too quickly.
  6. The last message he’s bringing for me is also one of the biggest messages I need to follow. Find the balance between being a people pleaser, and your self-respect. Create boundaries.

The lessons from skunk go deep into my current process of learning to love myself for who I am…and by extension heal myself by forgiving others and establishing boundaries for myself while simultaneously opening myself to new connections.

It’s life on a tightrope, but skunk’s lessons help me find that balance and stretch out in my space.

An unexpected companion for my February, but one I’m appreciating the more I study on him.



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