Goddess of the Month – Morrigan, Morrighan, Morrigu

Mar 25, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Oola, Pagan Me Happy, Redefining Perfect

Along with my monthly spirit animal, I’ve decided to start researching different Goddesses every month, and to be fair I may throw in a random God or two as the spirit moves me. Back in December when I was doing my 21 Day Ceremony challenge, the Goddess Morrighan made a very distinct visit to me during one of the ceremonies. Thus, I’ve decided that my first monthly study would be on this complicated Goddess.

Morrighan, sometimes called Morrigan, Morrigu, or Macha is a Celtic Goddess.

Often symbolized by a raven, and a shapeshifter, she has appeared in many forms.  As a woman with a bird head, a raven, or as a woman either with a raven, or a murder of crows. In some stories she’s also appeared as a cow and a wolf.

In my research I’ve found so many conflicting reports about her history, that I dare not dive too deep into it because I don’t want to get it wrong. So instead I’ll give my impressions of what I’ve learned.

First off, despite my husbands initial reactions when I mentioned her in December, Morrighan is not Morgan le Fay (some studies say she is, but it is not a fact and my instinct says no…so I’m leaning that way).

I was never off-put or disturbed by the call of Morrighan to study her and work her into my practice in some way.  Though I’ve read that people fear such a call, because she is so often linked to war and battle, I viewed her more as I’ve been urged to look at Kali.  For though she is representative of war and battle, she also symbolizes sovereignty and rightful kingship.

I’ve spent the past week studying on Morrighan’s messages and what they mean to me, specifically in the now. Here’s how I’m taking in her message this month:

  1. Step into your power. Do not be afraid of what battles you may face, whether internal or external.
  2. You are the rightful heir to your true self. Own it.
  3. Adaptability may be necessary to achieve your goals, and that’s okay. There can be power in shapeshifting when it’s for the right purpose.
  4. Sometimes things have to die in order for you to make it where you’re meant to be. Mourn the dead, but do not let them drag you down with them.
  5. Morrighan is clearly in command without being threatening. You can be in your power without being angry.

I am happy to honor Morrighan and her teachings. I feel like she’s going to be with me for a long time as I’m working out redefining myself.  I will learn from and honor others, but I think Morrighan is more than my goddess of the month. I think she’s here for the long haul, and I am happy to embrace and honor her as well as I’m able.




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