Monthly Totem: Spirit Animal of the Month is the Giraffe

Apr 8, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Pagan Me Happy, Personal, Redefining Perfect

Once a month I’ll be posting a new Spirit Animal. This is both for me to study and learn, but also to help inspire each month.

This month the animal made itself known to me in many ways.  Not just because of April the giraffe having another baby popping up in my feed everywhere, but in many other ways. A tag clip at work with a baby giraffe on it, a random screensaver on the computer facing me that featured a giraffe, an internet search for something unrelated popped up an image of a giraffe.

I didn’t balk, I took the message and began to search.

The giraffe had so many messages that spoke to me this month.  I hardly know where to begin.

The giraffe is a stately animal, but powerful. With one swift kick it can kill a predator. That’s how it protects its calves. The giraffe is also seen as very spiritual, for the way she kneels to sleep it appears as though she’s meditating or in prayer. The time they are most vulnerable is when they lower their head to drink water. Because of this, they can last for up to a month without water. Though her tongue spans over 20″, she rarely makes a noise we can hear — rather the giraffe communicates with body language.

Her messages were many, and so clear and strong.  The ones that speak most to me are:

  1. The power of silence. Quieting our spirit and centering.
  2. Seeing the “big picture”.
  3. Remain grounded without losing that higher perspective. (oh, this one is tough right now)
  4. When your life is chaotic, keep your head up and avoid getting entangled in needless argument.
  5. Fully appreciate what you have, and give freely without expectation.

Some of these messages mean even more than I can divulge at the moment…but I’m holding all the lessons close to my heart and spirit.

What animal is speaking to you this month?  Do they have lessons for you?  



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