Books I Recommend – One, One, and One

Apr 17, 2019 | All About Me, All of Us, Blogging Life, Book Reviews, I'm A Reader, Redefining Perfect, Wordy Wednesday

I thought about doing one book per recommendation post – but then changed my mind.

I’m going to recommend One, one, and one every month.  The genres may change, but it lends some variety.

This week we’re going to look at Series that I recommend. One YA, One Graphic Novel, One Romance.


Harry Potter

Oh, don’t look so surprised…or are you looking annoyed?

Either way – stop.

Call it the gateway drug, call it what you want, but I’ve read it like 7 times, which is still not as many as the Little House books, but it’s a lot for someone that never re-reads books. Like, ever.

I was late to this party. Seriously.  I’d heard plenty about it, even given book one to my son in a desperate attempt to get him interested in reading (it didn’t work, FWIW).  However, I never picked them up.  That long-mentioned tendency toward not liking things that are immensely popular.

Then, we got free tickets for a pre-screening of The Goblet of Fire in the theaters.  Arguably, not the best book or movie, BUT it was my introduction into the series and it excited hubby and I both enough to leave the theater saying “We have GOT to read these books…”

And so we did.

Unfortunately, only 5 books were out at the time. While I breezed through and loved the first four books, I hit a road block.  It took me almost a year to read that super-depressing Order of the Phoenix, and then book 6 was out, but then I had to wait a year for book 7…and by then I’d forgotten many of the characters and it lost all magic.

Several years later, though…that’s when I had some time to sit down and read them all in order without stopping. It took 2 weeks but I finally “got” it.

That’s a long way of saying I can’t recommend them enough.  It’s a magical world you never want to end.  While people scrambling for more has led to some intriguing theories, and stories, it’s also led to some questionable ones.

But the initial 7. They are classic.  The time and effort spent building the world, the magic, everything.  I will forever read and re-read these books in both print and audio form.  They hold all my love and the love of so many others.  If you haven’t read them, give them a shot. They may not be your cup of tea, and that’s okay…but at least you tried.




Okay, there are 8 books in this series currently, despite only having 4 pictured.

This is a series that both my girls and I devoured like it was water and we were stranded in the desert.

There are many things to enjoy about the series. The story itself is riddled with magic, technology, mystery and some fun characters along for the ride with out heroine, Emily.

It’s definitely a fun series both kids and adults can enjoy. I highly recommend it for your kids – and for you.


The Beauty Series

Okay, to be honest I personally only REALLY enjoyed half of these. However, that was personal preference based on the story type more than anything.

The series as a whole is great. Each book is written by a different author for a different season.  Each book takes the Beauty and the Beast story and revises it in a modern take using various paranormal tropes from shifters to monsters to plain old magic.

I really enjoyed the modern, paranormal take on the classic story.  The series really brought to light how four different authors can take the same base story and put their own, unique spin on it.

side note: These are labeled erotic, and they each definitely have some racy scenes in them. It’s well worth it for the fun ride, though. Trust me. 😉



Those are my recommendations for this month!  Hope you enjoyed.

What are some of your favorite books?  I love adding to my TBR.




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